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THE CRITICAL ROLE OF GENERAL EDUCATION An Inside Higher Ed webinar Wednesday, May 11 at 2 p.m. Eastern 1.

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Presentation on theme: "THE CRITICAL ROLE OF GENERAL EDUCATION An Inside Higher Ed webinar Wednesday, May 11 at 2 p.m. Eastern 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE CRITICAL ROLE OF GENERAL EDUCATION An Inside Higher Ed webinar Wednesday, May 11 at 2 p.m. Eastern 1

2 Scott Jaschik, editor, Inside Higher Ed Doug Lederman, editor, Inside Higher Ed Presenters 2

3 What General Education Isn’t (or How It Shouldn’t Be Defined) Everything that’s not in the major. Intro survey courses. What freshmen do. Requirements to get out of the way. A checklist. Humanities. Education not related to careers. Why these false definitions matter. 3

4 What General Education Can Be (or Should Be) A guided pathway. Broad. Focused on core skills and competencies (not just disciplines). Based on “high impact” teaching and learning techniques. The American model. 4

5 Distribution Plus 5

6 What Students Are Expected to Learn 6

7 Current Gen Ed Reforms Harvard University. Southern Utah. Duke University. 7

8 Diversity and General Education 8

9 Computer Science and General Education 9

10 The Faculty Role Teaching. Advising. Moving beyond the course at hand. Connections with students. 10

11 Liberal Arts and General Education Not identical but related. Disciplinary roles vs. service to students and the curriculum. Disappearing disciplines. 11

12 Competency-Based Education and General Education Why many faculty members worry. The early data from Southern New Hampshire. 12

13 Potential Threats Vocational emphasis. Value on speed to degree. Belief that major is all that matters. Outsourcing. Cuts to liberal arts disciplines. Faculty rewards that favor departmental work. 13

14 The Great Lakes Study Link between general education and career success (as well as happiness). Potential evidence for a skeptical public. 14

15 Your Questions Q&A. Suggestions for future coverage. 15

16 With Thanks 16

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