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Relational vs. Object Oriented Database Management System Syazwani Nur Dayana Nur Fatin Syafiqa M3cs2305B.

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1 Relational vs. Object Oriented Database Management System Syazwani Nur Dayana Nur Fatin Syafiqa M3cs2305B

2 What is DBMS? A database management system (DBMS) is the software that allows a computer to perform database functions of storing, retrieving, adding, deleting and modifying data. RDBMS and OODBMS

3 What is RDBMS? Relational database management systems (RDBMS) implement the relational model of tables and relationships. RDBMS is the most common DBMSs in the market RDBMS widely used by the enterprises for storing complex and large amount of data. Some RDBMS support Object Relational Model (ORM), allow developers to map their object models into relational model. But, you can only use ORM if DBMS support it. MySql, oracle, SQL server

4 Advantages of RDBMS

5 What is OODBMS? Object-Oriented DBMS (OODBMS) are DBMS which are based on an Object-Oriented Data Model. Such data models are often inspired by OO programming languages, such as SmallTalk or C++. OODBMS are capable of storing complex objects, I.e., objects that are composed of other objects, and/or multi-valuedattributes.

6 OODBMS (cont…) ObjectStore PSE: An OODBMS ObjectStore PSE (Persistent Storage Engine): – provides persistence for Java programs; – builds navigational structure into the database; – requires all persistent objects to be instances of subclasses of COM.odi.Persistent; ObjectStore provides full OODBMS functionality.

7 OODBMS (cont…) The great advantage of OODBMS is that it is not necessary to transform the UML classes into a logical schema (e.g.,relational). Their main disadvantage is that their technology is immature and they are only used in niche applications, such as CAD.

8 OODBMS vs RDBMS RDBMS have been around for more than 20 years, while OODBMS are relatively new. RDBMS can handle >1010 records, OODBMS up to 107. OODBM good for storing complex descriptions (e.g., a plant schematic), RDBMSs appropriate for simple, “flat” data. RDBMS control the DB market (>90%), OODBMS own <5% of the market. Most commercial RDBMS come with an “Object- Relational ”extension which implements an object database on top of a RDBMS.

9 So, which one is preferable? If you are about to do an ordinary application and you do not have previous background on OODBMS, and your methodology is not object-oriented, don’t use OODBMS Unless you have a strong reason and desire to use OODBMS, from one side, and it can more facility and robustness to your system that not achievable using RDBMSs.

10 Thank you

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