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6th High Power Targetry Workshop 11th -15th April 2016 Merton College, Oxford Chris Densham.

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Presentation on theme: "6th High Power Targetry Workshop 11th -15th April 2016 Merton College, Oxford Chris Densham."— Presentation transcript:

1 6th High Power Targetry Workshop 11th -15th April 2016 Merton College, Oxford
Chris Densham

2 HPTW2016 Committee Marco Calviani Shunsuke Makimura Sarah Clements (l)
(l) = local organising committee Marco Calviani Shunsuke Makimura Sarah Clements (l) Nikolai Mokhov Yong Dai Frederique Pellemoine Tristan Davenne Eric Pitcher Chris Densham (l) Bernie Riemer Mike Fitton (l) Nick Simos Ste Gallimore (l) Thierry Stora Patrick Hurh Nakadaira Takeshi Jim Hylen Helmut Weick David Jenkins Michael Wohlmuther Harold Kirk

3 Merton College

4 Targets for particle accelerators ‘particle decelerators’?
Protons Electrons Heavy or light ions Photons Neutrons Muons Neutrinos Radioactive beams Positrons Pbars Solid metals, graphite Contained liquid metals Open liquid metal curtains/jets Granules, powders

5 Why focus on targets? ‘Niche’ between physics and engineering
An ‘Achilles’ heel’ technology – “they always go wrong” Many synergies across various applications and facilities Maximum physics needs optimum engineering

6 Limitations of target technologies (T. Davenne)
Flowing or rotating targets Segmented Peripherally cooled monolith

7 Workshop Structure & Conveners
Target technology ‘from cradle to grave’ (& back again) R&D – physics design, materials choices, validation of concepts Patrick Hurh (FNAL) & Tristan Davenne (RAL/STFC) Target design, analysis & simulations Nikolai Mokhov (FNAL) & Frederique Pellemoine (FRIB/MSU) Target facility & safety issues Eric Pitcher (ESS) & Marco Calviani (CERN) Construction, fabrication, inspection, QA Bernie Riemer (SNS/ORNL) & David Jenkins (RAL/STFC Operational experience, monitoring & instrumentation Shunsuke Makimura (KEK) & Jim Hylen (FNAL) Post Irradiation Examination (PIE)/autopsy – feedback to R&D & design Yong Dai (PSI) & Nick Simos (BNL)

8 Outline Timetable (Details in workshop booklet)
Monday 11th: Plenaries & Posters Tuesday 12th 08:50 – 13:00 Session 1: R&D – physics design, materials choices, validation of concepts 13:50 – 18:00 Session 2: Target design, analysis & simulations Wednesday 13th 09:00 – 13:00 Session 3: Target facility & safety issues 14:00 – 17:00 Session 4: Construction, fabrication, inspection, QA Thursday 14th 08:50 – 13:00 Session 5: Operational experience, Monitoring & instrumentation 14:00 – 18:00 Tour of ISIS, RAL (c/o Ste Gallimore) Friday 15th 09:00 – 13:00 Session 6: Post Irradiation Examination (PIE)/autopsy – feedback to R&D & design 14:00 – 17:00 Discussions & Hot Topics

9 Social & Domestic Timetable (check your dots)
Monday 11th 13:00 – 14:00 Lunch in Merton Dining Hall 16:00 – 18:00 Poster Session 18:00 – 19:30 Welcome Reception in Merton Chapel Tuesday 12th 13:00 – 13:50 Buffet Lunch in TS Eliot Theatre Wednesday 13th 17:00 – 20:30 Boat Trip with buffet dinner (silver dots) Thursday 14th 13:00 – 14:00 Buffet lunch in TS Eliot Theatre 14:00 – 18:00 Tour of ISIS, RAL (coach from lodge – red dots) 19:30 – 22:00 Banquet Dinner (Merton Dining Hall – gold dots) Friday 15th


11 Workshop Proceedings c/o L
Workshop Proceedings c/o L. Yang, CAS Special Issue on High-power Targets: Design, Engineering and Applications Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations Call for Peer-reviewed papers We invite overview and original articles describing current and expected challenges in design, engineering and application of high-power targets. All theoretical, simulation and experiment papers are welcomed. Papers submitted to 6th High Power Targetry Workshop will be published by Science Press in China and Springer as a book of meeting collections. The papers come from the contributions of submitting the abstract in HPTW2016, suggestion: < 3 pages in each paper. The cost of publication is ~ £15/per book, each book printed in black and white, the pages < 400, print run: 500, some funding available to cover part of costs.

12 6th High Power Targetry Workshop
How to Upload your talk 11-15 April 2016 Merton College Oxford Mike Fitton RAL

13 To upload your talk please go to the workshop website Log in to your account at the top of the page

14 Scroll down to the agenda: https://eventbooking. stfc. ac
Scroll down to the agenda: You should see a green button “ADD SPEAKER NOTES”

15 Browse to your file and then click “UPLOAD”
NOTE: Only files with the following extensions can be uploaded. .pdf, .ppt, .pps, .pptx, .doc, .docx Other files (mpg, avi, etc) should be uploaded to the laptop prior to the session using a memory stick

16 Today’s Agenda : Introduction to Workshop - Chris Densham (RAL/STFC) : Welcome talk - Robert McGreevy (ISIS/RAL/STFC) : Neutron and Muon Sources - Eric Pitcher – (ESS) 1130 – 1215: Neutrino Sources - Robert Zwaska (Fermilab) 1215 – 1300: Radioactive Ion Beams - Frederique Pellemoine (MSU/FRIB) 1300 – 1400: Lunch (Merton dining hall) 1400 – 1445: Precision experiments - Robert Tschirhart (Fermilab) 1445 – 1530: Accelerator Driven Systems (ASD) Lei Yang - IMP of CAS 1530 – 1600: Refreshment break + Group photo (weather permitting) 1600 – 1800: Poster session 1800 – 1930: Welcome Reception (Merton Chapel)

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