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Published byAndra Manning Modified over 8 years ago
Submission doc.: IEEE 802.11-16-0247r3 PAR Review - Agenda and Meeting slides - March 2016 Date: 2016-03-18 March 2016 Jon Rosdahl (Qualcomm) Authors: Slide 1
Submission doc.: IEEE 802.11-16-0247r3 Abstract-Snapshot Mar 13-18, 2016, Macao, China – PARs to be Considered 802.1Qcr - Amendment: Asynchronous Traffic Shaping, PAR and CSDPARCSD 802.3bs - Amendment: 200 Gb/s Ethernet and 400 Gb/s Ethernet, PAR Modification and CSD ModificationPAR ModificationCSD Modification 802.3bt - Amendment: DTE Power via MDI over 4-Pair, PAR Modification and CSDPAR ModificationCSD 802.3cc - Amendment: 25 Gb/s over Single-Mode Fiber: PAR and CSDPARCSD 802.3cd - Amendment: 50 Gb/s Ethernet, 100 Gb/s Ethernet and 200 Gb/s Ethernet Physical Layers; PAR and CSDPARCSD 802.15.12 - Amendment: Upper Layer Interface (ULI), PAR and CSDPARCSD 802.15.4v - Amendment: Usage of Regional Sub-GHz bands, PAR and CSDPAR CSD 802.16s - Amendment: Air Interface for Broadband Wireless Access Systems, PAR and CSD.PARCSD Meeting times: Monday PM2, Tuesday AM2, Thursday AM 2 March 2016 Jon Rosdahl (Qualcomm)Slide 2
Submission doc.: IEEE 802.11-16-0247r3 PAR Review SC – March 2016 Chair: Jon Rosdahl Monday Agenda: 1.Welcome 2.Determine order of review 3.Review PARs/CSD posted for review this week. 4.Recess Tuesday Agenda: 1.Complete review of PARs/CSD and post comments to 802 WGs 2.Recess Thursday Agenda: 1.Review Response to Comments 2.Prepare Report for 802.11 WG closing plenary 3.Adjourn March 2016 Jon Rosdahl (Qualcomm) Draft Agenda: Slide 3
Submission doc.: IEEE 802.11-16-0247r3 PAR Review Comments March 2016 Jon Rosdahl (Qualcomm)Slide 4
Submission doc.: IEEE 802.11-16-0247r3 802.1Qcr - Amendment: Asynchronous Traffic Shaping, PAR and CSDPARCSD 8.1 requires “(Item Number and Explanation)” Either add the PAR “Item Number” that is missing or delete the sentence” The core operation of the intended mechanism on the data plane is described in /1/files/public/docs2015/new-tsn- specht-ubs-queues-0521-v0.pdf.” 2.1 Title does not seem correct for an Amendment. Expected to see “Amendment:” after the base standard title followed by the amendment title. March 2016 Jon Rosdahl (Qualcomm)Slide 5
Submission doc.: IEEE 802.11-16-0247r3 802.1Qcr - Amendment: Asynchronous Traffic Shaping, PAR and CSDPARCSD CSD 1.2 5c: Need to expand TSN for first use. March 2016 Jon Rosdahl (Qualcomm)Slide 6
Submission doc.: IEEE 802.11-16-0247r3 802.3bs - Amendment: 200 Gb/s Ethernet and 400 Gb/s Ethernet, PAR Modification and CSD ModificationPAR ModificationCSD Modification PAR – No comment/concern CSD – No comments or concerns. March 2016 Jon Rosdahl (Qualcomm)Slide 7
Submission doc.: IEEE 802.11-16-0247r3 802.3bt - Amendment: DTE Power via MDI over 4-Pair, PAR Modification and CSDPAR ModificationCSD PAR – No Comment/Concern CSD – New CSD Format approved by 802, would prefer update to this nominal slide deck to readily validate the correct set of CSD criteria. Note that the order of the CSD does not match this format. Economic Feasibility: Who’s Experience” the experience” March 2016 Jon Rosdahl (Qualcomm)Slide 8
Submission doc.: IEEE 802.11-16-0247r3 802.3cc - Amendment: 25 Gb/s over Single- Mode Fiber: PAR and CSDPARCSD PAR: in section 8.1, it is missing the standards cited in 5.2 Note From NesCom Conventions #5. “…For references to other standards within the Scope and Purpose fields, the number, title, date (if appropriate), and source of the referenced standards shall be listed in the Additional Explanatory Notes field. “ Add full titles for “IEEE Std 802.3-2015 as amended by the IEEE P802.3by” CSD: The Technical Feasibility mentions a standard for 25 Gbps and yet the Distinct Identity mentions there is no other standard. Please clarify. March 2016 Jon Rosdahl (Qualcomm)Slide 9
Submission doc.: IEEE 802.11-16-0247r3 802.3cd - Amendment: 50 Gb/s Ethernet, 100 Gb/s Ethernet and 200 Gb/s Ethernet Physical Layers; PAR and CSDPARCSD PAR – No Comment or Concern CSD – No comments or concern March 2016 Jon Rosdahl (Qualcomm)Slide 10
Submission doc.: IEEE 802.11-16-0247r3 802.15.12 - Amendment: Upper Layer Interface (ULI), PAR and CSDPARCSD 5.2 Scope: A consistent reference to “IEEE 802.15.4 MAC” should be made. The third instance of IEEE 802.15.4 should be IEEE 802.15.4 MAC. Expand 6TiSCH in first use. 5.4 Purpose: The purpose is not clear -it seams to refer to changes required for itself Suggested replacement: “This standard defines an upper layer interface to support and harmonize the IEEE 802.15.4 ancillary functionality, e.g. fragmentation, protocol differentiation and configuration.” March 2016 Jon Rosdahl (Qualcomm)Slide 11
Submission doc.: IEEE 802.11-16-0247r3 802.15.12 - Amendment: Upper Layer Interface (ULI), PAR and CSDPARCSD 5.4 Need: The need statement is overstated. Suggest replace with “As IEEE 802.15.4 devices have become widely deployed, deficiencies in IEEE Std 802.15.4 became apparent as an expanding set of applications were addressed. To address these deficiencies numerous L2+ protocols were independently developed to interface to the IEEE 802.15.4 MAC sublayer. These L2+ protocols, such as KMP, L2R, 6TOP, and network layer abstraction, often replicate ancillary functionality, e.g. fragmentation and protocol differentiation, in an inconsistent and often incompatible manner.” March 2016 Jon Rosdahl (Qualcomm)Slide 12
Submission doc.: IEEE 802.11-16-0247r3 802.15.12 - Amendment: Upper Layer Interface (ULI), PAR and CSDPARCSD 8.1 This section is for explanatory text, not expanded text from the PAR sections. Suggest that 8.1 be deleted, and that the titles of the cited standards be listed: i.e. “IEEE 802.15.4” Note: From NesCom Conventions #5. “…For references to other standards within the Scope and Purpose fields, the number, title, date (if appropriate), and source of the referenced standards shall be listed in the Additional Explanatory Notes field. “ Add full titles for IEEE 802.15.4 5.2 Scope: “KMP” should be “KMPs” CSD: No comments or concerns. March 2016 Jon Rosdahl (Qualcomm)Slide 13
Submission doc.: IEEE 802.11-16-0247r3 802.15.4v - Amendment: Usage of Regional Sub- GHz bands, PAR and CSDPARCSD 2.1 Title: delete “Approved Draft” Suggested title replacement: “Standard for Low-Rate Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Amendment: Enabling/updating the use of Regional Sub-GHz bands” 5.2.b Scope of the project: delete “PHY clauses” CSD – No comments or concerns March 2016 Jon Rosdahl (Qualcomm)Slide 14
Submission doc.: IEEE 802.11-16-0247r3 802.16s - Amendment: Air Interface for Broadband Wireless Access Systems, PAR and CSD.PARCSD 2.1 Title: Replace “ for” with “:” Suggested Title: “Standard for Air Interface for Broadband Wireless Access Systems – Amendment: Fixed and Mobile Wireless Access in Channel Bandwidth up to 1.25 MHz” 4.2/4.3: The Date for 4.2 seems aggressive, and the minimum time between these two dates should be at least 6 months. 3.3 indicates Joint Sponsorship – 7.2 says that no joint development will be done. Then why the Joint Sponsorship? March 2016 Jon Rosdahl (Qualcomm)Slide 15
Submission doc.: IEEE 802.11-16-0247r3 802.16s - Amendment: Air Interface for Broadband Wireless Access Systems, PAR and CSD.PARCSD 5.3 – 802.16-2016 does not exist. Is this trying to suggest a new revision project? CSD – No comment March 2016 Jon Rosdahl (Qualcomm)Slide 16
Submission doc.: IEEE 802.11-16-0247r3 Responses From 802 WGs March 2016 Jon Rosdahl (Qualcomm)Slide 17
Submission doc.: IEEE 802.11-16-0247r3 802.1 Email Response March 2016 Jon Rosdahl (Qualcomm) Thanks to all who reviewed the IEEE P802.1Qcr PAR and CSD. The updated 802.1Qcr PAR is as follows: The CSD has been updated as follows: The consolidated comments received from 802.3, 802.11 and James Gilb, along with resolutions are here: http:// Cheers, Glenn. Slide 18
Submission doc.: IEEE 802.11-16-0247r3 802.1Qcr response text 802.11 requested TSN be expanded: Response Replaced: "TSN" with "Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN)…" at first use 802.11 requested Title corrections: Response: This is a bug in myProject, we cannot fix it. (The box is labelled "Amendment title" in the PAR edit page.) 802.11 Comment: 6 of the 8 PARS were able to get the correct title. March 2016 Jon Rosdahl (Qualcomm)Slide 19
Submission doc.: IEEE 802.11-16-0247r3 802.1Qcr response text 802.11 requested 8.1 to be updated to include item#: Response: Item # added. Replaced "The core operation of the intended mechanism on the data plane is described in tsn-specht-ubs-queues-0521-v0.pdf." with "5.2b: The core operation of the intended mechanism on the data plane is described in ubs-queues-0521-v0.pdf." March 2016 Jon Rosdahl (Qualcomm)Slide 20
Submission doc.: IEEE 802.11-16-0247r3 802.3bt Email Response March 2016 Jon Rosdahl (Qualcomm) Dear EC members, Please see below the comments and responses in respect to the IEEE P802.3bt draft PAR modification request. Thanks to James and IEEE 802.11 for these comments. The updated PAR can be accessed as follows. PAR: Best regards, David Slide 21
Submission doc.: IEEE 802.11-16-0247r3 802.3bt response text [IEEE 802.11 comment 1] CSD Technical Feasibility: CSD - New CSD Format approved by 802, would prefer update to this nominal slide deck to readily validate the correct set of CSD criteria. Note that the order of the CSD does not match this format. Response: REJECT. This is a PAR modification request. Updating of 5C to new CSD format is not required. March 2016 Jon Rosdahl (Qualcomm)Slide 22
Submission doc.: IEEE 802.11-16-0247r3 802.3cc Email response March 2016 Jon Rosdahl (Qualcomm) Dear EC members, Please see below the comments and responses in respect to the IEEE P802.3cc draft PAR. Thanks to James and IEEE 802.11 for these comments. The updated PAR and CSD can be accessed as follows. PAR: CSD: Best regards, David Slide 23
Submission doc.: IEEE 802.11-16-0247r3 802.3cc response text [IEEE P802.11 comment 1] section 8.1: Section 8.1, it is missing the standards cited in 5.2. Note From NesCom Conventions #5. "... For references to other standards within the Scope and Purpose fields, the number, title, date (if appropriate), and source of the referenced standards shall be listed in the Additional Explanatory Notes field. " Add full titles for "IEEE Std 802.3-2015 as amended by the IEEE P802.3by". ACCEPTED. The full titles for the standards cited in 5.2 and 5.3 are now included in 8.1. March 2016 Jon Rosdahl (Qualcomm)Slide 24
Submission doc.: IEEE 802.11-16-0247r3 802.3cd No response required. March 2016 Jon Rosdahl (Qualcomm)Slide 25
Submission doc.: IEEE 802.11-16-0247r3 802.15 Email Response March 2016 Jon Rosdahl (Qualcomm) Hi all- Attached are two ppt presentations detailing the responses to the comments received. For the most part we were able to accept everything. In a couple of cases we needed to balance comments received from two different sources and in one case MyProject does not give us access to do what was requested. We appreciate your comments and feel they have helped us improve these documents. Please let me know if you have any questions or further comments. Updated PARs and CSDs below 15.4v pending projects 15.12 pending projects Regards Bob Slide 26
doc.: IEEE 802.15-16-0263-01 Submission March 2016 Jon Rosdahl (Qualcomm) 15.12 Comments from 802.11 (1) 5.2 Scope: A consistent reference to “IEEE 802.15.4 MAC” should be made. The third instance of IEEE 802.15.4 should be IEEE 802.15.4 MAC. Expand 6TiSCH in first use. Accept: 3 rd instance changed, 6TiSCH expression was expanded at first use to “IPv6 over the TSCH mode of IEEE Std 802.15.4” 5.4 Purpose: The purpose is not clear -it seams to refer to changes required for itself. Suggested replacement: “This standard defines an upper layer interface to support and harmonize the IEEE 802.15.4 ancillary functionality, e.g. fragmentation, protocol differentiation and configuration.” Accept; text replaced with above Slide 27
doc.: IEEE 802.15-16-0263-01 Submission March 2016 Jon Rosdahl (Qualcomm) 15.12 Comments from 802.11 (2) 5.4 Need: The need statement is overstated. Suggest replace with: “As IEEE 802.15.4 devices have become widely deployed, deficiencies in IEEE Std 802.15.4 became apparent as an expanding set of applications were addressed. To address these deficiencies numerous L2+ protocols were independently developed to interface to the IEEE 802.15.4 MAC sublayer. These L2+ protocols, such as KMP, L2R, 6TOP, and network layer abstraction, often replicate ancillary functionality, e.g. fragmentation and protocol differentiation, in an inconsistent and often incompatible manner.” Accept: text replaced with above except L2+ was replaced with L2 Slide 28
doc.: IEEE 802.15-16-0263-01 Submission March 2016 Jon Rosdahl (Qualcomm) 15.12 Comments from 802.11 (3) 8.1 This section is for explanatory text, not expanded text from the PAR sections. Suggest that 8.1 be deleted, and that the titles of the cited standards be listed: i.e. “IEEE 802.15.4” Note: From NesCom Conventions #5. “…For references to other standards within the Scope and Purpose fields, the number, title, date (if appropriate), and source of the referenced standards shall be listed in the Additional Explanatory Notes field. “ Add full titles for IEEE 802.15.4 Accept; full titles added 5.2 Scope: “KMP” should be “KMPs” Accept; changed to “KMPs” Slide 29
doc.: IEEE 802.15-16-0265-00 Submission 802.11 comments on the 802.15.4v on PAR and CSD 2.1 Title: delete “Approved Draft” Suggested title replacement: “Standard for Low-Rate Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Amendment: Enabling/updating the use of Regional Sub-GHz bands” This MyProject field is not under our control. 5.2.b Scope of the project: delete “PHY clauses” We were able to delete the word “clauses” but needed to clearly specify which PHYs to satisfy Dr. Gilb’s comment CSD – No comments or concerns Jon Rosdahl (Qualcomm) March 2016 Slide 30
doc.: IEEE 802.15-16-0265-00 Submission 802.16 Email Response March 2016 Dear EC members, Comments and responses on the IEEE P802.16s draft PAR are available in a table of comments. The revised PAR is at: Thanks to the participants for their contributions to the improvement of the proposal. Regards, Roger table of comments Jon Rosdahl (Qualcomm) Slide 31
doc.: IEEE 802.15-16-0265-00 Submission 802.16s - Responses 2.1 Title: Replace “ for” with “:” –Suggested Title: “Standard for Air Interface for Broadband Wireless Access Systems – Amendment: Fixed and Mobile Wireless Access in Channel Bandwidth up to 1.25 MHz” Response: Agreed March 2016 Jon Rosdahl (Qualcomm) Slide 32
doc.: IEEE 802.15-16-0265-00 Submission 802.16s - Responses 4.2/4.3: The Date for 4.2 seems aggressive, and the minimum time between these two dates should be at least 6 months. Response: –The schedule anticipates quick action because the Scope of the project is directed at an update to the Profiles of the standard, not to the development of a new air interface. However, upon further review, we agree that 4.3 date is overly optimistic. Proposed change: –Change 4.3 to October 2017. March 2016 Jon Rosdahl (Qualcomm) Slide 33
doc.: IEEE 802.15-16-0265-00 Submission 802.16s - Responses 3.3 indicates Joint Sponsorship – 7.2 says that no joint development will be done. Then why the Joint Sponsorship? Response: In our understanding, 7.2 Joint Development is separate from 3.3 Joint Sponsor. Our understanding of 3.3 Joint Sponsor is that it reflects project co-sponsorships, as detailed in the IEEE-SA Standards Board Operations Manual, ("Co-sponsored projects"). That subclause says: "For projects that are co-sponsored, a primary Sponsor and other co-sponsors shall be indicated on the PAR; project oversight will be performed using the P & P of the primary Sponsor." We are not entirely sure about "Joint Development", but we believe it would involve a more intensive engagement than that of a co-sponsorship. For example, with co-sponsorship, "project oversight will be performed using the P & P of the primary Sponsor." That is the case here. For additional information, see the comment response on Row 10 below. In order to avoid confusion, we propose adding a note. March 2016 Jon Rosdahl (Qualcomm) Slide 34
doc.: IEEE 802.15-16-0265-00 Submission 802.16 proposed change Add to 8.1: 7.2 The co-sponsorship specified under "3.3 Joint Sponsor" is not a Joint Development activity. Instead, it reflects the ongoing co-sponsorship of IEEE Std 802.16 per the IEEE-SA Standards Board Operations Manual, ("Co-sponsored projects"). March 2016 Jon Rosdahl (Qualcomm) Slide 35
Submission doc.: IEEE 802.11-16-0247r3 Motion to accept PAR feedback Motion to accept 11-16/0247r3 as the feedback for the March 2016 Plenary. Moved: Mike Montemurro 2 nd : Tim Godfrey Result: 6-0-0 March 2016 Jon Rosdahl (Qualcomm)Slide 36
Submission doc.: IEEE 802.11-16-0247r3 Motion to Approve Minutes Move to approve 11-15/1214r0 as the minutes for the 2015 November Plenary Moved: Stuart Kerry 2 nd : Mike Montemurro Results: 6-0-0 March 2016 Jon Rosdahl (Qualcomm)Slide 37
Submission doc.: IEEE 802.11-16-0247r3 References IEEE 802 PARs Under consideration Webpage: March 2016 Jon Rosdahl (Qualcomm)Slide 38
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