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Published byAntony Day Modified over 8 years ago
National Incident Management System and National Response Plan NRT & RRT Co-Chairs Meeting March 2, 2004
Purpose Introduce the National Incident Management System (NIMS) Discuss the development and concepts of the National Response Plan (NRP)
Discussion Outline Objectives & Implementation of HSPD 5 NIMS and NRP Relationship Development Process Initial NRP NIMS NRP Timeline
HSPD-5: Management of Domestic Incidents HSPD-5 Objectives: Single comprehensive national approach Prevention, Preparedness, Response and Recovery Ensure all levels of government and private sector work together Horizontal and vertical integration Effective communications Integrate crisis and consequence management DHS Secretary as the principal Federal official for domestic incident management
HSPD-5 Implementation Develop and administer: National Incident Management System (NIMS) Core set of concepts, principles and terminology for incident command and multi-agency coordination National Response Plan (NRP) All-discipline, all-hazards plan Initial National Response Plan (INRP) created as an interim plan until the publication of the full NRP
NIMS & NRP Relationship Local Support or Response National Incident Management System (NIMS) Standardized process and procedures for incident management State Support or Response Federal Support or Response NIMS aligns command & control, organization structure, terminology, communication protocols, resources and resource typing to enable synchronization of efforts in response to an incident at all echelons of government National Response Plan (NRP) Activation and proactive application of integrated Federal resources Incident NRP is activated for Incidents of National Significance Resources, knowledge, and abilities from independent Federal Depts & Agencies DHS integrates and applies Federal resources both pre and post incident
Development of INRP, NIMS & NRP Interagency process Stakeholder involvement Homeland Security Council Policy Coordination Committee Emergency Support Function Leaders Group National Response Team State and Local Review Private Sector Review Outreach National and Regional venues Incorporation of Lessons Learned WTC & Pentagon Attacks (Sept 2001) Anthrax attacks (Oct 2001) Eastern U.S. Power Blackout (Aug 2003) Hurricane Isabel (Sept 2003) TOPOFF 2 (May 2003)
Initial NRP Issued September 30, 2003 Interim Plan - Bridging document to full NRP Uses existing plans (FRP, NCP, CONPLAN, etc.) Harmonizes existing operational processes, procedures and protocols Defines DHS elements Principal Federal Official (PFO) Interagency Incident Management Group (IIMG) Homeland Security Operations Center (HSOC) Joint Field Office (JFO) Requires specific modifications to existing plans INITIAL NATIONAL RESPONSE PLAN September 30, 2003 U.S. Department of Homeland Security
INRP Components Homeland Security Operations Center Primary national-level hub for communications and info pertaining to domestic incident management Interagency Incident Management Group Facilitates national-level operational coordination, course of action determination and policy recommendations Principal Federal Official Represents the DHS Secretary locally in an overall coordination role Other agency officials retain authorities Joint Field Office Integrates Federal, state and local incident management entities whenever possible Coordination point for Joint Operations Center (law enforcement) and Disaster Field Office (response and recovery) activities INRP
National Incident Management System Provides the national standard for incident management Based on the National Interagency Incident Management System (NIIMS) Incident Command System (ICS) Scheduled to be published in March 2004 Major components: Incident Command and Management Preparedness Resource Management Communications and Information Management Supporting Technologies Ongoing Management and Maintenance NIMS
Command & Management Incident Command System (ICS): Management system designed to integrate resources from numerous organizations into a single response structure using common terminology and processes Incident management activities organized under five functions: Unified Command incorporates Federal, State, Tribal, Local and non-governmental entities with overlapping jurisdiction and incident management responsibilities NIMS Operations Command FinanceLogisticsPlanning
Other Components Preparedness Continuous cycle of planning, training, equipping, exercising, evaluating and taking corrective action Preparedness Planning Training & Exercises Personnel Qualification and Certification Equipment Certification Mutual Aid Agreements Publication Management Resource Management Uniform method of identifying, acquiring, allocating and tracking resources Standardized classification of types of resources Mutual aid and donor assistance NIMS
Other Components Communications & Information Management Common operating picture Common communications and data standards Supporting Technologies Provide capabilities essential to incident management Operational scientific support Technical standards R&D to solve operational problems NIMS
NIMS Integration Center Development and maintenance of: National-level training standards and course curricula Materials supporting NIMS implementation (training modules, job aids, etc.) Documentation and database system for qualification, certification and credentialing of incident management personnel and responders System related to standards for performance, compatibility and interoperability of equipment Repository for lessons learned NIMS
Construction of the NRP Supercedes FRP CONPLAN INRP Integrates NCP FRERP National Response Plan Incorporates key concepts NIMS HSOC IIMG PFO JFO ESFs Guiding Policy: Homeland Security Act & HSPD-5
Applicability/Scope Provides the national framework for domestic incident management Broadly applies to all incident categories Establishes incident/potential incident monitoring and reporting protocols DHS becomes involved in Incidents of National Significance for: Operational coordination; and/or Resource coordination NRP
Capabilities and Resources Federal Response Regional / Mutual Response Systems State Response Increasing magnitude and severity Local Response, Municipal and County Layered Response Strategy MinimalLowMediumHighCatastrophic
Incidents of National Significance Incidents which require DHS operational coordination and/or resource coordination. Includes: Credible threats, indications or acts of terrorism within the United States Major disasters or emergencies (as defined by the Stafford Act) Catastrophic incidents Unique situations that may require DHS to aid in coordination of incident management… NRP
Incidents of National Significance Unique situations that may require DHS to aid in coordination may include: When a Federal department of agency acting under its own authority has requested the assistance of the Secretary When the Secretary has been directed to assume responsibility for managing the domestic incident by the President Events that exceed the purview of other established Federal plans Events of regional or national importance involving one or more Federal agencies (at the discretion of the Secretary of DHS) National Special Security Events NRP
Cyber Response Food Safety and Agriculture Response Terrorism Response Biological Response Nuclear/Radiological Response JFO SOP PFO SOP Donations Management Logistics ESF #10 – Hazardous Materials ESF # 9 – Urban Search and Rescue ESF #8 – Public Health & Medical Services HSOC SOP Mitigation Legal IIMG SOP NRP Changes and Updates ESF #7 –Resource Support & Logistics Management ESF #15 – Emergency Public Info & Ext Comms* ESF #6 – Mass Care, Housing & Human Srvcs ESF #5 – Information and Planning ESF #4 - Firefighting ESF #3 – Infrastructure ESF #2 – IT and Telecommunications ESF #1 - Transportation ESF #14 – Economic Stabilization* ESF #13 – Law Enforcement* ESF #12 - Energy ESF #11 –Agriculture Private Sector Coordination Financial Management Worker Safety and Health Support Annexes Emergency Support Function Annexes Acronyms and Abbreviations Terms and Definitions Appendices Basic Plan Natural Resources Community Relations Congressional Affairs Public Affairs Organization of the NRP Hazardous Materials Response Catastrophic Incident Response Incident Annexes NRP Note: This illustrates structure and proposed content. ESF, Support and Incident Annexes are not finalized. *Proposed
Concept of Operations Single national framework for various Federal roles: Direct implementation of Federal authorities Federal to State support Federal to Federal support Pro-active response to catastrophic incidents Incidents handled at lowest possible organizational level DHS receives notification of incidents and potential incidents, assesses regional or national implications and determines need for DHS coordination DHS operational and/or resource coordination for Incidents of National Significance NRP
NRP Components Operational Coordination Resource Coordination Policy Coordination National Level Homeland Security Operations Center (HSOC) National Resource Coordination Center (NRCC) [formerly NEOC EST] Interagency Incident Management Group (IIMG) Regional Level Regional Homeland Security Operations Center (RHSOC) Regional Resource Coordination Center (RRCC ) [formerly ROC] Regional Interagency Incident Management Group (RIIMG) Field Level Joint Field Office* and EOCs [*formerly DFO] JFO and EOCs NRP
Concept of Operations Pre-Incident: Emphasis on Prevention, Preparedness and Mitigation HSOC receives reports of terrorist threats and potential incidents Conducts assessment and coordinates with Departments and Agencies to deter, prevent, mitigate and respond Potential Incident of National Significance: Activates NRP components to provide Federal operational/resource assistance to prevent/minimize impact NRP
Concept of Operations Post-Incident: Emphasis on Response and Recovery On-scene operations managed by ICS/Unified Command IIMG, NRCC and HSOC provide national level policy, information, resource and operational coordination State, Tribal, local and other Federal agencies may request assistance, and may result in Presidential Disaster Declaration Joint Field Office (JFO) established Integrates Federal operational and resource coordination with State and locals JFO Coordination Group: Principal Federal Official (PFO), Senior Federal Law Enforcement Official (SFLEO), Senior Federal Officials (SFOs), and State, Tribal & Local Reps NRP
Pro-active Response to Catastrophic Events Catastrophic Event: Any natural or manmade incident, including terrorism, which leaves extraordinary levels of mass casualties, damage and disruption severely affecting the population, infrastructure, environment, and economy. Results in sustained national impacts over a prolonged period of time, exceed resources normally available in the local, State, Federal, and private sectors, and significantly interrupt governmental operations and emergency services to such an extent that national security could be threatened. Pro-active Federal Response: Essential and Extensively Federal assets are pre-identified and strategically located for rapid deployment. Catastrophic Incident Response Annex (Initial Catastrophic Incident Response Plan) NRP
Timeline February 2004Draft #1, NRP (with outlines for each annex); staff for comment March 2004 Publish NIMS April 2004Draft #2, NRP (with drafts of each annex); staff for comment May 2004Final Draft NRP; submit for formal interagency review/concurrence June 2004 NRP to HSC for approval July 2004 Publish NRP
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Initial Feedback State and Local/Functional Discipline Feedback Keep simple; Keep very simple Use what works organizational structures consider investments made by States (or else be prepared to pay for changes) Build on good state and local systems Minimize proliferation of communication “channels” Private Sector Feedback Need to recognize that each critical industry segment is different, with different regulatory environments and different forms of homeland security connection and maturity Outside critical infrastructure, private sector has less linkages to government and is more diverse Concern on potential liability for individuals or corporations who volunteer aid Development Process
National-level interagency incident management coordination National Level Coordination NRP Homeland Security Operations Center (HSOC) Secretary, Department of Homeland Security Operational Info & Intel Information Analysis and Infrastructure Protection (IAIP) Resource Management National Resource Coordination Center (NRCC) Information flow in Reports from: FBI SIOC Other Dept/Agencies State/Tribal Resources flow out Federal resources to support field efforts Interagency Incident Management Group (IIMG)
Emergency Support Functions #1 – Transportation#9 – Urban Search and Rescue #2 – Information Technology & Telecommunications #10 – Hazardous Materials Response #3 – Infrastructure#11 – Agriculture #4 – Firefighting#12 – Energy #5 – Information and Planning#13 – Law Enforcement #6 – Mass Care, Housing & Human Services #14 – Economic Stabilization, Mitigation and Community Recovery #7 – Resource Support and Logistics Management #15 – Emergency Public Information and External Communications #8 – Public Health and Medical Services NRP Federal support coordinated through ESFs (which group agency capabilities into functions most likely to be needed during an incident) Provide resources and program implementation Proposed ESFs:
Joint Field Office JFO Coordination Group Integrates traditional JOC and DFO functions Executive Committee/Liaison State, Local and Private Senior Officials Operations Section Logistics Section Planning Section Finance and Admin Principal Federal Official (PFO) Senior Federal Law Enforcement Official (SFLEO) State & Local Representative(s) Joint Information Center (JIC) Safety Other Senior Federal Officials Federal Coordinating Officer (FCO) JFO Coordination Staff JFO Sections NRP
Phases of Incident Management Activities Preparedness Pre-deployment of response assets Pre-establishment of ICPs, JFO, staging areas and other facilities Evacuation and protective sheltering Implementation of structural and non- structural mitigation measures Preparedness Recovery Response Prevention Notification Prevention Implement countermeasures such as security and infrastructure protection Conduct tactical ops to interdict or disrupt illegal activity Conduct public health surveillance, testing immunizations and quarantine for biological threats Response Emergency shelter, housing, food & water Search and rescue Evacuation Emergency medical services Decontamination following a WMD attack Removal of threats to the environment Emergency restoration of critical services Recovery Repair/replacement of damaged public facilities (bridges, schools, hospitals) Debris cleanup & removal Temporary housing Restoration of public services Crisis counseling Programs for long-term economic stabilization and community recovery Examples NRP
Preparedness & Plan Maintenance National Policy Homeland Security Council Policy Coordination Committee Emergency Support Functions Leaders Group (ESFLG) Regional Interagency Steering Committee (RISC) National Level: Regional Level: Plan oversight & operational coordination Regional Policy Regional Interagency Incident Management Group (RIIMG) Regional operational coordination NRP
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