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By: Stephany Chavez.  Anything that has mass & takes up space.  Solid-definite volume; definite shape. Ex: paper  Liquid-Definite volume; Indefinite.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Stephany Chavez.  Anything that has mass & takes up space.  Solid-definite volume; definite shape. Ex: paper  Liquid-Definite volume; Indefinite."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Stephany Chavez

2  Anything that has mass & takes up space.  Solid-definite volume; definite shape. Ex: paper  Liquid-Definite volume; Indefinite shape. Ex: orange juice  Gas-Spread far apart-indefinite volume; indefinite shape. Ex: Steam

3  Melting Point-Solid to liquid. Ex: Ice to water  Boiling Point-Liquid to gas. Ex: Water to steam  Freezing Point-Liquid to solid. Ex: Water to ice  Condensation-Gas to liquid. Ex: Vapor to water  Sublimation-Solid to gas. Ex: Dry ice to CO²

4  Physical-Anything that changes the appearance of a physical thing. Ex: Desk-Scratch on it  Chemical-When a new substance is formed. Ex: Rust on a nail

5  Homogenous- Where you can’t see the particles. Ex: Hot chocolate  Heterogeneous- Where you can see the particles. Ex: salad

6  Substances that can be chemically combined together. Ex: Eraser

7  Solute-The substance that is getting dissolved.  Solubility-The ability for one substance to dissolve in another.  Solvent-The one that’s dissolving it.

8  Unsaturated-Can dissolve more solute.  Saturated-Can’t dissolve anymore solute.  Super saturated- Has too much.

9  Thickness of a liquid.

10  Observation: Something you notice.

11  A question that is testable

12  IV is what you change. The DV is what changes because of what you did. The CV is what stays the same.

13  The steps you take for the experiment.

14  Where you graph your work.

15  Tells what you learned and summarizes your results.

16  Newton’s 1 st law (Inertia)-An object will stay at rest if it’s at rest, and will continue moving if it’s moving.

17  The more mass an object has, the more force is needed to move it.

18  For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction

19  The force that pulls you down to earth.

20  Increases in speed.

21  Slows something down

22  Anything that changes the motion of an object.

23  Potential energy is stored energy; Energy about to happen. Kinetic energy is energy of movement; Anytime something’s moving.

24  Chemical changes are when a new substance is formed. Physical changes are when anything that changes the appearance of a physical thing.

25  An Element is a substance only made up of only one atom.  An atom is a tiny little particle that makes up matter.

26  Electromagnetic waves are waves that don’t need a medium to pass through an object and can travel through a vacuum.  There are seven different types of magnetic waves

27  The slowest and oldest waves out there. The same energy that radio stations use for your radio to tune any of your favorite songs. But radio waves are also used by other things like stars or gases in space.  Ex: Radio; Cell phone

28  The type of waves used to help astronomers learn about nearby galaxies. They also are the types of waves that your cell phone uses. A satellite shoots waves to your cell phone to make it work for calling or other uses.  Ex: Microwave ; TV

29  Our skin uses infrared light, which is why we can be seen in the dark by someone wearing night vision glasses. Infrared senses body heat.  Ex: Our skin; Night vision goggles

30  Visible is used by practically everything such as stars to fireflies to light bulbs. Also by fast-moving particles hitting other particles.  Ex: Desk; Shoes

31  UV are rays that cause skin to burn. A source of UV radiation is the sun or stars.  Ex: Sun; Stars

32  X-rays are used to see your bones, doctors always use them in an injury to check if you have fractured, broken a bone in your body.  Dentists as well use X-rays. They use them to look at your teeth.  Ex: Bone x-rays; Teeth x-rays

33  Gamma rays can help identify abnormality organs. Radioactive materials can use gamma rays. The biggest gamma ray is the universe. It makes gamma radiation in many various ways.  Ex: Radiation waves; X-rays.

34  A mechanical wave is a wave that needs a medium to travel.  Ex: The ocean; Sound

35  Anytime you move something

36  Conduction-Movement of heat by touch. Ex:Touching a light bulb  Convection-Heat passes through a liquid. Ex:Boiling milk  Radiation-Heat is passed through air. Ex:Oven

37  Insulator-Doesn’t allow heat to pass through. Ex:Paper;wood  Conductor-object that allows heat to pass through. Ex: Gatorade

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