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Funding, Grants and Money from Within Bristol, September 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Funding, Grants and Money from Within Bristol, September 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Funding, Grants and Money from Within Bristol, September 2015

2 Agenda Your Club Funding and Grants Money from within Writing application forms – Top Tips! Wesport funding services

3 Your Club What and why do you need funding? –Clear project and outcomes, and how it will be delivered Does it fit with your clubs aims? –Vision, Mission and Values For Example; Wesports are; –The West of England: The best experience in sport and physical activity. –Inspiring people, empowering organisations and creating opportunities through sport and physical activity –Passion, Respect, Integrity, Diversity and Excellance

4 Funding and Grants Large Grants –Sport England – Inspired Facilities Small Grants –Sport England Small Grants –Awards for All Local funding opportunities –Quartet Community Foundation –Wesport –Unitary Authorities

5 Inspired Facilities To improve or refurbish local sports facilities, up to £75,000 To sustain and attract more people into sport Inspired Facilities catalogue Round 9, Deadline for applications - 5pm 11 th January 2016 Decision Date – April 2016

6 Sport England Small Grants £300 - £10,000 Spent in 12 months Fund outcomes; –More people playing sport once a week –An increase in the number of 14-25s playing sport once a week –A reduction in drop off at ages 16, 18, 21 & 24 –Growth in the number of disabled people playing sport Does not fund fixed items of equipment, running costs, salaries, existing or repeat activity

7 Awards for All £300 - £10,000 Fund Outcomes; –People have better chances in life – with better access to training and development to improve life skills. –Stronger communities – with more active citizens working together to tackle issues within the community. –Improved rural and urban environments – which communities are able to better access and enjoy. –Healthier and more active people and communities Does not fund fixed items of equipment, running costs, salaries, existing or repeat activity

8 Quartet Community Foundation Local funder within the West of England Support small, community based charities and voluntary groups Support a range of causes Own grants programme ‘Express Programme’ – Awards up to £2,000 Manage a range of other grants programmes Many with aims including; disability, deprivation, social cohesion, skills, health and mental wellbeing

9 Wesport - Sportivate Sportivate is a nationwide campaign that provides opportunities for teenagers and young adults who are not particularly active to access 6 to 8 weeks of coaching in a range of sports and guide them into regular participation within their community Supports 14 – 25 year olds Themed rounds Applications are currently on hold 2015-2016 Further funding will be available for 2016-2017 delivery

10 Wesport – Coach Bursaries Coach Bursary Scheme Via Application Process Funding is available for both coaching qualifications as well as CPD courses Up to 75% of courses fees You must not have started the course already

11 Wesport – Funding Portal Local – National Funding pots Many trusts and commercial organisations Provides basic information about each grant, including who can apply and what for

12 Money from within Members are your biggest asset – aim to retain and attract the best members. Need to build loyalty in the membership. Vision, Mission, Values Value for Money –Be clear on what fees are spent on / create a members package - businesses providing discounts etc/ consider a members prize draw each month Membership Fees –Subs vs monthly/annual fees –Menu of fees –Expand playing opportunities – vets and youth teams –Non-playing membership

13 Money from within cont. In-Kind contributions - Ask members on their membership forms to offer up services or skills that might help the club, including parents of juniors, or accountancy, marketing etc Member services – create a member service directory promoting services to rest of membership – charge £20 per year Club Shop / Sale of goods – to include organising bulk buying Sponsorship and advertising at the club site – be clear as to what each business gets

14 Money from within cont. Saving Money (for those with buildings) -Switch to low energy light bulbs -Control temperatures -Install double glazing windows and doors -Rainwater harvesting/water butts -Energy efficient boilers -Improve insulation -Solar panels – short term investment for long term savings -Utility bills assessment -Consider working with other clubs to share admin costs -Set up of club – i.e. CASC

15 Fundraising Avoid generic fundraising – businesses like to know what they have given money to Create a strong social side to the club – auctions / trivia nights / sports breakfasts/dinners / Easter egg hunt / race nights Other ideas include; fantasy leagues / community games / bonus ball draw / store bag packing / 100 club

16 Top Tips Read through guidance notes and applications before starting Check you are eligible Put a project team together if needed Ensure you understand the funders priorities and your project hits these Complete a project plan and draft budget before starting the application form Draft the application from and check against the plan

17 Top Tips Cont. Stick to the word limit Answer the question Ensure sentences and paragraphs are not too long Ensure each sentence is to the point Leave plenty of time to complete the application before the deadline and to ensure you have all the data and support documents Get someone to read through before submitting and ensure they understand what you are wanting Keep a copy for your records!

18 Wesport Services Sourcing and writing funding applications can be a very daunting and time-consuming process, which is why Wesport have created the Grant Funding support service We can help your organisation access up to £10,000 or more Sarah Casselden, Project Manager Tel: 0117 328 6250

19 Maudesport As Wesport's preferred supplier for Sport's Kit and Equipment you can receive 20% off all of your Maudesport orders* when you use the discount code Wesport20 *This promotion excludes products starting with a 7 and CX, and excludes any current agreements and offers already in place

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