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Membership Accomplishments relative to the Ops Plan Erin McGinnis FY10 June 11, 2010.

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1 Membership Accomplishments relative to the Ops Plan Erin McGinnis FY10 June 11, 2010



4 Strategic Plan Priority - Results 4. Women in Engineering and Technology and SWE stakeholders will find value in SWE as a diverse, inclusive community. 1. Improve the SWE membership and leadership profile to reflect the demographics of women in engineering and technology. 1. Ensure - 2 “non curriculum" topics -- work/life balance, diversity, career development, etc 2. Include targeted member markets in membership committee 3. Increase forums for our targeted member market segments 4. Create member satisfaction surveys – follow up for results driven improvements.  Number of Webinar topics on work/life balance, diversity, career development.  Number of forums for targeted member markets  Member satisfaction via survey Ensure - 2 “non curriculum" topics -- work/life balance, diversity, career development, etc An Engineer's Perspective on Developing a Work/Life Strategy, March 11, 2010 Building Membership, April 6, 2010 Managing Global Teams, April 29, 2010 Include targeted member markets in membership committee Membership Committee composition has changed over the past year include WIG, CIC liaison, etc.

5 Increase forums for our targeted member market segments Creation of the Membership Initiatives Advisory Board would increase the number of forums for targeted member markets. Planning to handoff this draft motion and plan to Alyse Create member satisfaction surveys – follow up for results driven improvements. Will HQ be surveying the membership again soon? Strategic Plan Priority - Results

6 Brainstorming ideas and discussing ways to increase membership growth and retention: Work with Mattel to incorporate SWE material in the new Computer Engineer Barbie – HQ already working with Mattel and material will be up to Mattel. Use the new Barbie for Membership Drive prizes. Plan to put together a list of ideas on how to hold a Membership Drive and distribute to Sections. Update the membership toolkit or at least putting together a How to on where to find everything easily. Try and target Women in Government and Academia more as they were not hit as hard as industry on lay-off, etc. Committee needs to identify a working group within the committee to working on this. Requested RGs to send Chair best practices from their Regions. Plan is to publish these best practices to all the Regions/Sections. Working on C2C Membership material for Section Presidents and compiling Best Practices: Develop slides and information to send to Collegiate Section Presidents to promote C2C membership

7 Strategic Plan Priority - Results WE10 Conference: International Members will have a booth at the Career Fair. They will be looking for someone to lead overall coordination of booth activities. Germany: The PD Conference sponsored by John Deere was held in Germany in March. There were approximately 30 participants, both German and foreign. Good feedback from participants thus far. Team will plan an additional event in the fall to include Karen Horting and investigate connecting with new local VW employees transplanted from GM. Anca is continuing to investigate partnerships with other Women's organizations. India: HQ is starting to see membership from Cummins employees. 5 members from Cummins at the CRTI facility to date. They were excited to receive their first digital issue of SWE Magazine (Summer 2010) and to begin watching the webinar replays. A multi-day professional development conference is being planned for Spring 2011. A first draft of a proposal for funding from the Indo-American Science and Technology Forum has been prepared. A formal proposal will be submitted in June. The team is beginning to meet with other businesses in the Pune area to open up more opportunities/activities. Japan: JWIN MOU was signed and several members of JWIN attended WE10. JWIN is planning to send members to WE10 Conference. They are interested in having a booth at the conference.. CIG Pilot Group: Documentation ready for posting Letters were sent out to prior contacts and awaiting response

8 Strategic Plan Priority - Results Team meeting to assess the future Determined that the we still have work to do to support the leadership pipeline and RGs/Regions want the support New Chair and Chair elect They will have their first telecom under the leadership of the new chair and chair elect this month.

9 Problem Structural Challenge: Answer the question, “What does SWE Membership Directorate look like in 3-5 years?” Enabling the Vision: Improve the SWE membership and leadership profile to reflect the demographics of women in engineering and technology.

10 Operational Views Used to Decompose the SWE Membership Directorate OV-2 Operational Node Connectivity Description Operational nodes, activities performed at each node. Connectivity and information flow between nodes OV-3 Operational Information Exchange Matrix Information exchanged between nodes Relevant attributes of that exchange OV-1 High Level Operational Concept Graphic High level graphical and textual description of operational concept High level organizations, missions, geographic configuration, connectivity, etc.

11 “As Is” State Collegiate Member Interests Internationa l Member Interests Multicultural Member Interests Professiona l Member Interests

12 Spaghetti

13 “To-be” Architecture

14 Matrix of Committees

15 “Should-Be” State – The Vision - OV-1 Advisory Board Collegiate Inclusion & Initiatives Professional Inclusion & Initiatives International Inclusion & Initiatives International Inclusion & Initiatives

16 OV-2 Profes- sional Interests Member Service Coordinat or Interna- tional Grad Student Interests Comm. College Interests Collegiate Interests Academia Interests Member Interests Advisory Board Govern- ment Interests Board of Directors Voice of Member Concerns Program Recommendations Voice of Member Concerns Program Recommendations Reports Approved Programs Prioritized Short Term & Long Term Program Recommendations Measurement Trends Voice of Member Concerns Program Recommendations Growth Goal: Collegiate Collegiate Membership Trends Voice of Member Concerns Short Term Program Recommendations Voice of Member Concerns Program Recommendations Voice of Member Concerns Program Recommendations Multi- cultural Interests Short Term Program Recommendations Growth Goal: International International Membership Trends Partner Org Interests Growth Goal: Domestic Diversity Diversity Membership Trends Voice of Member Concerns Program Recommendations Voice of Member Concerns Program Recommendations Growth Goal: Professional Professional Membership Trends

17 OV-3 SourceDestinationExchange TypeTimeline MIABBoard of DirectorsProgram RecommendationsAnnual MIABBoard of DirectorsMeasurement TrendsSemi Annual MIABInternational Member TeamGrowth Goal (International)Annual MIABMulticultural CommitteeGrowth Goal (Diversity)Annual MIABCICGrowth Goal (Collegiate)Annual MIABProf. Membership CommitteeGrowth Goal (Professionals)Annual Member Service CoordinatorMIABReportsMonthly Member Service CoordinatorBoard of DirectorsReportsMonthly Board of DirectorsMember Service CoordinatorApproved ProgramsQuarterly Prof. Membership CommitteeMIABVoice of the member concernsMonthly Prof. Membership CommitteeMIABProgram RecommendationsMonthly International Member TeamMIABVoice of the member concernsMonthly International Member TeamMIABProgram RecommendationsMonthly Multicultural CommitteeMIABVoice of the member concernsMonthly Multicultural CommitteeMIABProgram RecommendationsMonthly Women in AcademiaMIABVoice of the member concernsMonthly Women in AcademiaMIABProgram RecommendationsMonthly Women in GovernmentProf. Membership CommitteeVoice of the member concernsMonthly Women in Government Prof. Membership Committee Program RecommendationsMonthly Grad Student InterestsWomen in AcademiaVoice of the member concernsMonthly Grad Student InterestsWomen in AcademiaProgram RecommendationsMonthly Grad Student InterestsCICVoice of the member concernsMonthly Grad Student InterestsCICProgram RecommendationsMonthly CICMIABVoice of the member concernsMonthly CICMIABProgram RecommendationsMonthly Community College InterestsCICVoice of the member concernsMonthly Community College InterestsCICProgram RecommendationsMonthly Architecture enables processing of: Voice of the member concerns Program Recommendations

18 Solution Three heuristics were used to evaluate “Success is defined by the beholder not the architect” along with “No complex system can be optimum to all parties concerned, nor all functions optimized” “Sometimes, but not always, the best way to solve a difficult problem is to expand it”. “Be prepared for reality to add a few interfaces of its own.”

19 Execution Roadmap ActionTiming Discuss open actions and path forward for new Director of Membership Initiatives June 11 Appoint a Chair elect (MCC and Membership) June 11 Motion to create and charter the Membership Initiatives Advisory Board BOD 1 Cleanup and Clarify the Charter for MCC BOD 1 Cleanup and Clarify the Charter for Membership BOD 1 Continue to form the first International CIG and support the three pilot groups Ongoing Continue to offload the CIC strategies that go beyond membership Ongoing

20 Results: Society Infrastructure Preparing to transition the action items for strategic objectives for the membership development to the new Director of Membership Initiatives. Those near term actions include Motion to create and charter the Membership Initiatives Advisory Board Board Approval of the Membership Initiatives Advisory Board strategies and objectives Continue to form the first International CIG and support the three pilot groups Continue to offload the CIC strategies that go beyond membership Cleanup and Clarify the Charter for MCC Cleanup and Clarify the Charter for Membership

21 FY 080910111213 Women in Academia Women in Government Work Life Balance Membership Committee Multi Cultural Committee Collegiate Interests Committee International Pilot Advisory Board Advisory Board + Fully integrated Membership Initiatives Charter Membership Community White Paper Charter I-Pilots I-CIGs Charter WE09 Mtg Evaluate Integration Charter WE10 Mtg 5 Year Roadmap Today

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