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PGCE PCE Wednesday 18 th September 2013 Induction Day Two 1.

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Presentation on theme: "PGCE PCE Wednesday 18 th September 2013 Induction Day Two 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 PGCE PCE Wednesday 18 th September 2013 Induction Day Two 1

2 Aims for this session: Review day one Discuss teaching:  STE booklets Think about reflection Introduce the ‘Learning Autobiography’ task. 2

3 Find someone new and introduce yourself. 3

4 What have you learnt about the course so far? Name one key thing… Share! 4

5 Teaching – what it is all about! Here are some questions you might want to consider: How many of you have taught before? What was the last thing you learnt? What do we mean by ‘teaching’? Have you been into a college to see how it is done? What might the differences be between school and college? What about university and college? 5

6 Group Activity In small groups, consider the following question:  What do we need to consider when preparing for teaching and learning?

7 7

8 Preparing for teaching and learning Factors to consider Individual student factors Group factors Interpersonal relationships Subject matter Environment Teacher role

9 STE booklet All your assessed teaching practice will be recorded in this STE booklet – often known as the Yellow Booklet! Please make sure you have this at every observed session Failure to have this with you could lead to a failed observation Have a look at it now. Share your thoughts with your neighbour. Any questions? 9

10 Learning autobiography Task : Spend a few minutes considering this task. Talk to your neighbour if this helps. Could you jot down a couple of key points you want to make? 10

11 Reflection and the Learning Autobiography Reflection and your development as a reflective practitioner will form an important component of the programme:  Introductory task for the Learning Autobiography. Bring a hard copy to Thursday’s classes (26 th ) and have an electronic copy available, which you will upload to your webfolio in due course. What is reflective about this task?  ‘Further education teachers’ accounts of their professional identities’ by Jephcote and Salisbury (2009). Please ensure that you read this and are prepared to discuss it in next Thursday’s (26 th ) session. Jephcote and Salisbury (2009)

12 Reflection Reflection can be associated with the concept of time.  PAST – retrospective reflection – learning from experience.  PRESENT – contemporaneous reflection – learning through experience.  FUTURE – prospective reflection – learning for the future.

13 Kolb’s Four Stage Model of Learning Concrete Experience Abstract Conceptualisation Reflective observation Active Experimentation

14 Reflection and Action Planning Does reflection have natural links to action planning?  What is action planning?  What might you expect to see in an action plan?  What are your (current) strengths and priorities for development?

15 15 1. Try to list some of your own strengths and weaknesses as you start your journey to qualified teacher status 2. Think about the following: How can I build on my strengths? How can I reduce my weaknesses? What resources e.g. people, time, equipment, do I need to help me? What time schedules would be feasible to work to? How can I best manage my time? Task

16 Prepare for Friday 20 th September You will not be required on campus tomorrow (Thursday). So, please use the time to find the following: The ulr and description of a useful website for the PGCE to share with the group on Friday Also, check out the following websites: o TES TES o Teachers’ TV Teachers’ TV o FE news FE news o IfL IfL Finally, start/carry on reading! 16

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