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Lesley Wyman Public Health Consultant West Berkshire District Council.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesley Wyman Public Health Consultant West Berkshire District Council."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesley Wyman Public Health Consultant West Berkshire District Council

2 Patterns and trends in adult obesity 2 Adult (aged 16+) overweight and obesity: BMI ≥ 25kg/m 2 More than 6 out of 10 men are overweight or obese (66.5%) More than 5 out of 10 women are overweight or obese (57.8%)

3 Patterns and trends in adult obesity 3 Adult (aged 16+) obesity: BMI ≥ 30kg/m 2 One out of four men is obese (24.7%) One out of four women is obese (25.7%)

4 Patterns and trends in adult obesity 4 Adult (aged 16+) obesity: BMI ≥ 30kg/m 2

5 Patterns and trends in adult obesity 5 The chart shows 95% confidence intervals Adult (aged 16+) obesity: BMI ≥ 30kg/m 2 Obesity prevalence is age standardised

6 Patterns and trends in adult obesity 6 The chart shows 95% confidence intervals Adult (aged 16+) obesity: BMI ≥ 30kg/m 2 Education measure is highest qualification attained

7 Patterns and trends in adult obesity 7 The chart shows 95% confidence intervals Adult (aged 16+) obesity: BMI ≥ 30kg/m 2 Income measure is equivalised household income

8 Patterns and trends in adult obesity 8 The chart shows 95% confidence intervals Adult (aged 16+) obesity: BMI ≥ 30kg/m 2 Deprivation measure is Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) 2007

9 Patterns and trends in adult obesity 9 Adult (aged 16+) severe obesity: BMI ≥ 40kg/m 2

10 Patterns and trends in adult obesity 10 Adults aged 18+ years (population weighted)







17  An integrated approach, to meet local needs to prevent and manage obesity with a comprehensive pathway - clear to professionals and public, including all tiers of wm services  Causing no harm – be aware of stigma, be respectful and non-judgemental  Raise awareness of Health and Social Care Professionals of obesity pathway and services, website information and training opportunities

18  Raise awareness within the local population of health benefits of losing weight, local services available and how to access local and national information(e.g. NHS choices)  HCPs to refer overweight/obese patients into right intervention – what tier, co-morbidities, pt choice, re-referral if necessary  Discuss the expectations and needs of the individual before they embark

19  Improve patient uptake, adherence and outcomes, by discussing issues beforehand  Services should be based on all aspects of weight management including nutritional and activity components and a life long behaviour change approach. Include elements of weight loss and weight gain  Commission for outcomes: 60% completion, av weight loss - 3%, 30% have a 5% weight loss

20  Provide training for referrers and service providers  Collect and share evaluation data on all programmes – build the research base on what works. Follow up patients at 12 months.  Collect and assess other outcomes e.g BP, depression, pa levels


22  Obesity which is preventable is responsible for 5% of all deaths globally  The toll of obesity on health-care systems alone is between 2 and 7 percent of all health-care spending in developed economies. That does not include the large cost of treating associated diseases, which takes the health-care cost toll up to 20 percent by some estimates




26  History!! East and West PCTs commissioned weight management separately. So tier 2 and 3 services are different.  Tier 3 service in Berkshire West set up in the days of the PCT – small but perfectly formed!  Services have now been commissioned out by LAs since PH has moved out of the NHS  Dietitians tier 2 service set up within Berkshire West PCT has now been rolled to Berkshire East, commissioned by CCGs.

27  Hear from the providers  4 minutes each – talk to the bell then on to the next one.  9 presenters.  Questionnaire - as the providers are changing please rate the interventions by answering the questions: successful, vfm, offered across Berks, know how to refer  Short comfort break.  Mapping exercise on tables – facilitators will explain

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