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Layout and conventional facility N.Terunuma KEK. Conventional facility 1 Layout of beam line should be fixed until end of June 2006. We have to start.

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Presentation on theme: "Layout and conventional facility N.Terunuma KEK. Conventional facility 1 Layout of beam line should be fixed until end of June 2006. We have to start."— Presentation transcript:

1 Layout and conventional facility N.Terunuma KEK

2 Conventional facility 1 Layout of beam line should be fixed until end of June 2006. We have to start the preparation for the Contract of floor and shielding construction with KEK facility officers. No big modification is acceptable after it. Minor modification, such as adjustments of magnet positions will be acceptable but we can not change for shielding, dump(position,direction).

3 Conventional facility 2 Beam dump will be near the non-radiation control area. Compare to the present ATF, It have to be smaller than a factor 1/100. We will put the thick concrete shields and Fe/Pb walls to satisfy the safety but we may have beam-termination interlocks by dose monitors. Beam direction to dump have to be North-west, not point to west. We will not use the carrying yard/entrance at this area. CLOSED! Extends the radiation control area. Reduce the radiation dose by 1/L 2.

4 Concrete 1m or 2m Concrete 1m or 2m Concrete 1m Cables/ Water 1.5 m2.0 m Power Supplies

5 Shielding layout is not fixed.

6 Radiation Control Area 20 uSv/h Extend in Dec. 2007? ATF Control Room Non Radiation Control Area < 0.2 uSv/h For KEKB Radiation monitor We have to reduce the radiation doze ~ 1/100 behind the dump shield.

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