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Session 8: Day Two’s objectives. TimeTuesday 09.00-09.30Qualities of an excellent trainer 09.00-10.30 Day Two’s Objectives The trainer as a facilitator!

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Presentation on theme: "Session 8: Day Two’s objectives. TimeTuesday 09.00-09.30Qualities of an excellent trainer 09.00-10.30 Day Two’s Objectives The trainer as a facilitator!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Session 8: Day Two’s objectives

2 TimeTuesday 09.00-09.30Qualities of an excellent trainer 09.00-10.30 Day Two’s Objectives The trainer as a facilitator! 10.30-11.00 TEA BREAK 11.00-11.30The trainer as a facilitator! (cont.) 11.30-12.30 12.30-13.30 LUNCH 13.30-14.15The behaviour of a facilitator 14.15-15.00 15.00-15.30 TEA BREAK 15.30-17.00The trainer as facilitator (cont)

3 Session 8: the trainer as a facilitator

4 “Tell me and I forget, show me and I remember, involve me and I understand” Chinese Proverb The Morgan Library, Wikimedia

5 Learning Objectives By the end of this session, you will: Know what constructivism is Understand why it is important to trainers Understand how to apply constructivist principles in your training delivery Begin to understand the theory behind the learner-centred approach

6 Activity: Experiential Learning Sergeant Tracee L. Jackson, WikimediaFcb981, Wikimedia

7 Purpose: Experiential Activity? Placing you in the unique role of being a facilitator and learner Highlighting the importance of teamwork Excellent listening & communication skills Importance of clear instructions

8 Constructivism Nationaal Archief, Flickr

9 US National Archives, Flickr Theory: Experiential Learning Kolb – Learning cycle –Experiences play a central role in learning Life, work education or play –Ideas are formed and re-formed through learning experiences –Bring our own ideas and preconceptions to learning process –Learning is an iterative process Kolb, Rubin and Osland (1991) Organizational Behaviour: an experiential approach, 5 th edn. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall

10 Engage Explore Explain Elaborate Evaluate Bruner’s Five E’s Training Event, Siobhan Duvigneau

11 Engage State Library, NSW, Flickr

12 Explore David Hiser, Flickr

13 Explain Spencer P. Lane, Wikimedia

14 Elaborate Jurgen Rosskamp, Wikimedia

15 Evaluate US Navy, Wikimedia

16 Constructivism is... Active learning Learner-centred & enquiry-based Trainer as a facilitator, not a record player Learning through exploration Learning is interesting! 5 E’s put learners at centre of learning Past experiences (reflective) Learning cyclical or incremental

17 Task

18 Task: Constructivism Group Work “ Plan a 30 minute training session for a group of Ministry of Health civil servants on either: How to write a policy briefing The use of web 2.0 tool” Develop a 5 minute PowerPoint presentation outlining how you plan to deliver this training You have: 30 minutes preparation time The training session should demonstrate how the trainer will incorporate Bruner’s 5 Es: Engage, explain, explore, elaborate and evaluate

19 Summary: Learning Outcomes By the end of this session, you will: Recognise that a learner-centred approach is a more effective training strategy and will improve training impact Begin to feel more confident about applying learner-centred approaches in a variety of learning environments / situations

20 Session 8: Behaviour of a facilitator

21 Learning Objectives By the end of this session, you will: Understand and critique behaviourist approaches Understand how your behaviour can affect the learning environment Have some new ideas for dealing with difficult participant behaviour

22 How do we know if it works?

23 Reflection: Did the session use constructivism? Did it use cognitivism? What about behaviourism?

24 Pavlov’s dogs

25 “Behavioural psychology states that behaviour can change as a result of extrinsic motivators such as incentives, rewards, and punishments.” Conner, 2002

26 Behaviourist pedagogy for adult learners Positive reinforcement Negative reinforcement Extinction Leading questions/prompting Modelling Humour Contracts Others

27 Managing participant behaviour

28 Group work Think of a topic you would like to teach It could be –how to evaluate the quality of a website –the steps to writing a policy briefing –the off-side rule –anything else! Note down the topic AND the major points you want to cover Now teach it- but don’t tell them the points- instead use your behaviour to draw them out!

29 Learning Objectives By the end of this session, you will: Understand how your behaviour can affect the learning environment Have some new ideas for dealing with difficult participant behaviour

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