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UK Foundation Programme Office Prof Derek Gallen National Director.

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1 UK Foundation Programme Office Prof Derek Gallen National Director

2 UKFPO Governance UK Foundation Programme Office (National Director: Professor Derek Gallen) UK Scrutiny Group 4 UK Health Depts via HEE UK Foundation Programme Board Chair: Derek Gallen Recruitment Rules Group Chair: Derek Gallen Curriculum Delivery Group Chair: Clare Van Hamel Medical Students Board Lead: Lucy Geen Foundation Doc Advisory Board Lead: Stacey Forde FSM Forum Chair: Philippa Shallard FSD Committee Chair: Derek Gallen Working Groups Advisory Groups Other groups attended by UKFPO: -Medical Programme Board (England) -MDRS Project Board (England) -GMC Undergraduate Board (Observer) -GMC Postgraduate Board (Observer) -GMC Surveys Working Group -Academy Foundation Programme Committee -COPMeD -COPMeD Overarching Data Mgt Group -Academy of Medical Educators -MSC Executive (by invitation) Reporting / accountability Advising / sharing information

3 UKFPO work plan Promoting Excellence Curriculum Delivery Training Quality Best Practice Outcomes (surveys) Academic FP FP Reference Guide FP e-Portfolios Curriculum (AoMRC) Workforce Policy Implementation Recruitment Tier4 Sponsorship New selection methods Workstreams New FPAS

4 UKFPO team  Central office in Cardiff  1.3 FTE special advisors  6.0 FTE office team  Provide national guidance and support to:  25 foundation schools across UK  >15,000 foundation doctors  Circa 8,000 applicants each year

5 Foundation Programme aims  To instil professionalism & primacy of patient welfare  Develop safe, effective care of acute & long term conditions  To provide opportunity in making independent clinical decisions with appropriate support  Provide variety of workplace experience to inform career choices

6 Outcomes of foundation training  Successful F1 = apply for full registration F1 satisfies the GMC requirements, making the doctor eligible to apply for full registration.  Successful F2 = awarded the FACD ‘Foundation Achievement of Competence Document’ indicates that the doctor is ready to enter core, specialty or GP training. FP ending July 2012: F1 success rate = 97.1%. F2 success rate = 97%

7 A structured and responsive FP  Structured:  FP Curriculum 2012 (second edition) - AoMRC  FP Reference Guide 2012 (third edition)  FP e-portfolio core content  Responsive:  Foundation for Excellence (Collins)  GMC publications  Stakeholder feedback

8 Trainee satisfaction (2012) Overall satisfaction  Quality of teaching  Clinical supervision  Experience  Recommend  Future career National GMC Trainee Survey

9 Enhance the trainee/trainer experience  Mandatory shadowing  Aligning sign-off processes to specialty training: ARCP  Introduction of Supervised Learning Events (SLEs)  Piloting patient feedback to inform foundation doctors’ progress  An improved transfer of information process for 2013  Community placements for every F2 doctor  HEE’s Better Training, Better Care

10 UKFPO is source of key data  FP Annual Report  F2 Career Destinations Survey  Recruitment to FP stats & facts

11 Recruitment to FP  National process & timeline  Alignment of recruitment to Academic FP  National eligibility checking for applicants graduating from non-UK medical schools  Clinical assessment for those qualifying >2 years before start of FP  On-line application form  National scoring & selection

12 New selection methods  Situational Judgement Test (SJT)  Replaces white-space questions  Maximum score = 50  Educational Performance Measure (EPM)  Nationally agreed framework  Deciles replace quartiles  Educational achievements remain  Maximum score = 50  Weighting = 50:50

13 Recruitment challenges  New selection methods and new system in same year  Continued and increasing over-subscription

14 The Future?  UKFPO function transfers to HEE  MDRS and UK Recruitment Office  Collins review  Ensuring all UK medical graduates get to full registration

15 Please visit the UKFPO website which offers a wealth of information and resources:

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