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 Containment  Brinkmanship: using large threats to prevent war  like building more nuclear bombs than the Soviets.

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3  Containment  Brinkmanship: using large threats to prevent war  like building more nuclear bombs than the Soviets

4  Massive retaliation: use all force necessary to win  using army, chemical warfare, and nuclear bombs to defeat the Soviets

5  Eisenhower Doctrine: (1957) promise that the U.S. would help any Middle Eastern country against Communism

6  CIA is created (1947) Central Intelligence Agency

7  Information Agency: (1953) ◦ Eisenhower created ◦ Spread U.S. culture w/art, music and movies to stop the spread of Communism (Containment!) ◦ Exchange programs for teachers & students, scholarships for international students, cultural programs abroad

8  China became Communist in 1949  U.S. refused to acknowledge China as a country  Finally, U.S. recognized China in the 1970’s

9  Iran = democracy, BUT ◦ Wanted more control over their oil & economy ◦ US and England wanted to keep control of oil…SO ◦ CIA led a coup  got rid of Iran’s president ◦ Iran = pro-American dictatorship & ◦ US/England kept control of oil

10  Guatemala = Communist  CIA convinced Guatemalan military to overthrow the Communist leader (Arbenz)  Guatemala =Dictatorship, BUT: US success, b/c no more Communism

11  Baghdad Pact! ◦ Agreement between Turkey, Iraq, Great Britain, Pakistan, Iran (US agreed, but did not sign) ◦ Purposes: promote economic growth & defense / promote peace / stop Communism ◦ US supported their economies, politics & military ◦ Iraq quit in 1959

12  Russia took over Hungary and made the gov’t Communist BUT  Hungary didn’t want to be Communist  students protested & some were shot  turned into a national protest all over Hungary Hungary won! Democracy for Hungary! BUT…

13  Soviet/Russian Military came   Hungary asked the U.S. for help ◦ US supported their fight, “Go Hungary!” but did NOTHING ◦ Soviets defeated Hungarian uprising  10,000 Hungarians died Hungary = Communist

14  For each conflict the US was involved in, you need to decide: Agree or Disagree  Move to a side of the room and decide with your group, WHY you agree or disagree.  Share your reasons.

15  US & China ◦ After China became Communist, the US refused to acknowledge them as a country.

16  US & Iran ◦ Because Iran wanted more control over its oil, the US/CIA got rid of Iran’s Democratic President and set up a pro-America Dictator who let the US control the oil.

17  US & Guatemala ◦ Guatemala’s gov’t was Communist, so the US/CIA persuaded Guatemala’s military to overthrow the Communist gov’t and set up a Dictator.

18  US & Hungary ◦ Hungary successfully overthrew their Communist Gov’t, but when the Soviets invaded, Hungary asked the US for help and support. The US verbally supported the Hungarian Uprising, but did nothing. 10,000 Hungarians die.

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