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2 "Institute of the health of children and adolescents NAMS” V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University "Institute of the health of children and adolescents NAMS” V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University FEATURES OF PROVIDING HEALTH-EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS OF DIFFERENT TYPES ІОЗДП АМНУ

3 Background The objective of this research was to evaluate effectiveness of introduction of the program Health Basics lessons in Kharkov different types general-education institutions (public school and gymnasium). It is based on quantitative (anonymous questionnaire) and qualitative (personal interviews and focus groups) analysis among children 14-16 years. ІОЗДП АМНУ

4 Ukrainian school system I level (elementary school) - 1- 4 classes.; I level (elementary school) - 1- 4 classes.; II level (secendery school) - 5-9 cl. ; II level (secendery school) - 5-9 cl. ; III level (high school) - 10- 11. III level (high school) - 10- 11. There are two types of schools: There are two types of schools: public and gymnasium public and gymnasium To assess students' knowledge in 2000 in secondary education in Ukraine used 12- point scale. To assess students' knowledge in 2000 in secondary education in Ukraine used 12- point scale.

5 Subject “The Health Basics” The program of the subject " The Health Basics " for primary and basic school The program of the subject " The Health Basics " for primary and basic school Text on the basics of health classes 1-9. Text on the basics of health classes 1-9.

6 Physical activity - focus on: Prevention inactivity - Prevention inactivity - the time limit for the TV, computer, recreation Motor activity - Motor activity - daily norm, morning gymnastics, outdoor games, physical labor, Outdoor Activities Sports - Sports - safety of active sports first aid for sports injuries

7 Nutrition - focus on: Vegetables and fruits - Vegetables and fruits - a source of fiber, vitamins and minerals Salt - Salt - daily norm favor iodized salt Fats - Fats - daily norm danger Trans fats, saturated fats Water - Water - intake, the risk of sugary carbonated drinks Culture nutrition - Culture nutrition - diet, eating habits, critical analysis of advertising, consumer

8 Alcohol / smoking - focus on: Knowledge - Knowledge - about the impact of bad habits on health, mechanisms of physical and psychological dependence Ability - Ability - make informed decisions critically analyze advertising abandon dangerous proposals Attitude - Attitude - a positive attitude towards themselves and their life prospects, a negative attitude to the use of surfactants, etc.

9 Реалізація спірального принципу 1 клас Фізичні вправи і загартовування. Активний і пасивний відпочинок. фізкультхвилинки, сезонні розваги на свіжому повітрі, уміння чергувати пасивний і активний відпочинок 2 клас Фізичні вправи і здоров'я. види рухової активності, мотивація до виконання ранкової гімнастики, користь руху для здоров’я 3 клас Активний відпочинок. Безпека при заняттях спорту. рухова активність, як складова здорового способу життя, безпека рухливих ігор і активних видів спорту 4 клас Вплив рухової активності на розвиток організму. профілактика гіподинамії, ігри та вправи для розвитку сили, спритності, витривалості

10 5 клас Рухова активніст ь мотивація до занять спортом, вибір спортивної секції, профілактика спортивних травм, невідкладна допомога при падіннях, відпочинок на природі,безпечний пляж, допомога потерпілим на воді 6 клас харчування при заняттях спортом калорійність харчування та енерговитрати залежно від фізичних навантажень 7 клас Ріст, вага і фізична форма. Шкіра і здоров’я. вплив фізичних вправ на зовнішність, зокрема, на процес росту підлітків і стан шкіри 8 клас Оздоровчі системи. безпечні способи контролю за масою тіла, небезпека стероїдів і модних дієт 9 клас Підтримання фізичного здоров’я. Моніторинг фізичної форми вплив фізичної активності на всі аспекти благополуччя, принципи планування занять спортом, моніторинг фізичної форми

11 Object and Scope of Research The main target groups were secondary (252 students) and high (156 students) school-age pupils of two types - gymnasiums (3 establishments) and public schools (3 institutions). The gymnasium maintains and cultivates a positive image of a healthy lifestyle. The public school has children from families with financial and economic difficulties. ІОЗДП АМНУ

12 During evaluation we used a questionnaire. The questionnaire included both alternative and ranged by level of demonstration questions related to studies, leisure and relations in students’ families and nature of the spread of harmful habits (smoking, alcohol and drug abuse). The interviews were carried out anonymously, however, the questionnaires included information about the date of birth and gender. Before we started the survey we received consent of students and their parents. The qualitative analysis was carried out only by sociologist specialists from the Institute in focus-groups ( 4 – with students and 3 – with parents, individual interviews with pupils(12) and teachers(6). Focus groups and individual interviews were conducted in specially- prepared classrooms during the normal school hours. ІОЗДП АМНУ

13 Results of the survey One of the principally important factors of non-formation of healthy lifestyle skills is the spread of harmful habits. The most intensive involvement in smoking and drinking alcohol was between 13-14 years. The smoking was more spread in the public school. ІОЗДП АМНУ

14 Senior pupils who denied the experience of bad habits. (% Of those who responded)

15 ІОЗДП АМНУ Stay in company where high school students drink alcohol (and often weekly),% of those who answered

16 Why are you smoking? Girls: desire to get a good mark self-evaluation of studies satisfaction with own status in family problems of communication with adults satisfaction with own clothes Boys: problems of communication with mother amount of pocket money self-evaluation of studies satisfaction with conditions of study family situation ІОЗДП АМНУ

17 Students estimation of their health based on their attitudes to school

18 ІОЗДП АМНУ ВПЛИВ НАВЧАЛЬНОГО ЗАКЛАДУ НА ІНТЕНСИВНІСТЬ КУРІННЯ СЕРЕД СТАРШОКЛАСНИКІВ (хлопці) Y оц =-0,3 +0,7X 8 +0,6X 4 +0,3X 7 -0,9X 2 +0,6X 1 R 2 =30,7% Y оц =-0,3 +0,7X 8 +0,6X 4 +0,3X 7 -0,9X 2 +0,6X 1 R 2 =30,7% Y ММ = 4,0 +0,9X 11 -0,8X 2 -0,7X 3 R 2 =21,6% Y ММ = 4,0 +0,9X 11 -0,8X 2 -0,7X 3 R 2 =21,6% Yсмт= 0,6 +0,5X 7 R 2 =9,0% Yсмт= 0,6 +0,5X 7 R 2 =9,0% Yсм= -2,0 +0,5X 7 +0,9X 4 +0,7X 12 -0,5X 11 R 2 =22,4% Yсм= -2,0 +0,5X 7 +0,9X 4 +0,7X 12 -0,5X 11 R 2 =22,4% де Y – інтенсивність куріння серед хлопців; де Y – інтенсивність куріння серед хлопців; X 1 – впевненість у допомозі вчителів; X 1 – впевненість у допомозі вчителів; X 2 – впевненість у допомозі однокласників; X 2 – впевненість у допомозі однокласників; X 3 – задоволеність власним соціальним статутом у класі; X 3 – задоволеність власним соціальним статутом у класі; X 4 – задоволеність умовами навчання; X 4 – задоволеність умовами навчання; X 7 – навчальна успішність; X 7 – навчальна успішність; X 8 – спрямованість на навчальну діяльність; X 8 – спрямованість на навчальну діяльність; X 11 – безпека поза школою; X 11 – безпека поза школою; X 12 – вільний час X 12 – вільний час

19 ІОЗДП АМНУ ВПЛИВ НАВЧАЛЬНОГО ЗАКЛАДУ НА ІНТЕНСИВНІСТЬ КУРІННЯ СЕРЕД СТАРШОКЛАСНИКІВ (дівчата) Y оц = 1,7 +0,4X 7 -0,7X 14 +0,5X 4 R 2 =20,4% Y оц = 1,7 +0,4X 7 -0,7X 14 +0,5X 4 R 2 =20,4% Y ММ = 1,8 +0,4X 13 -0,6X 9 +0,4X 6 R 2 =20,4% Y ММ = 1,8 +0,4X 13 -0,6X 9 +0,4X 6 R 2 =20,4% Yсмт= 0,4 +0,5X 7 R 2 =24,6% Yсмт= 0,4 +0,5X 7 R 2 =24,6% Yсм= -2,4 +0,5X 4 +0,9X 7 +0,7X 9 +0,6X 10 +0,6X 12 - Yсм= -2,4 +0,5X 4 +0,9X 7 +0,7X 9 +0,6X 10 +0,6X 12 - - 0,7X 1 +0,4X 2 - 0,3X 5 R 2 =46,1% - 0,7X 1 +0,4X 2 - 0,3X 5 R 2 =46,1% де Y – інтенсивність куріння серед хлопців; де Y – інтенсивність куріння серед хлопців; X 1 – впевненість у допомозі вчителів; X 1 – впевненість у допомозі вчителів; X 2 – впевненість у допомозі однокласників; X 2 – впевненість у допомозі однокласників; X 4 – задоволеність умовами навчання; X 4 – задоволеність умовами навчання; X 5 – значущість оцінок; X 5 – значущість оцінок; X 6 - задоволеність якістю викладання у школі; X 6 - задоволеність якістю викладання у школі; X 7 – навчальна успішність; X 7 – навчальна успішність; X 9 – конфлікти з вчителями; X 9 – конфлікти з вчителями; X 10 – безпека в школі; X 10 – безпека в школі; X 12 – вільний час; X 12 – вільний час; X 13 - термін виконання домашнього завдання; X 13 - термін виконання домашнього завдання; X 14 - конфлікти з однокласниками X 14 - конфлікти з однокласниками

20 ІОЗДП АМНУ Family Family relations, according to questionnaires are equally important both for gymnasium and public school students with some gender specifics. Among girls the family factor was primarily conditioned upon authority of the mother, for boys, especially from the public school, the relations between mother and father were very important. For gymnasium students it was very important to be confident in the help from parents backed by high educational level of father and active communication with mother.

21 On conditions of normal relation in the family, the gymnasium students were more ready to keep with socially-acceptable behavior. Dissatisfaction with own status in family and relationships with parents is demonstrated through high conflict potential with them and outwardly brutal behavior; they are emotionally sensitive to punishments. Problems of communication with father are often connected with the lack of pocket money and are compensated by relations with brother/sister. At the same time limited communication with parents is worsened by problems in relations with brother/sister. ІОЗДП АМНУ

22 For` gymnasium students the relationships are first of all associated with the high level of conflict potential with parents and developed system of punishments. In unfavorable material conditions the emotional state of teenagers is worse due to insufficient communication with mother. The father more often becomes a factor of outward stability of the family. Lack of understanding with mother in family is compensated by pocket money, but demonstrated through outwardly brutal behavior of teenagers. ІОЗДП АМНУ

23 Therefore, the stereotype of socially-acceptable behavior and relations with parents (in family) is forming faster among gymnasium students, but they are more egoistic. If one of the leading factors of public school students’ adaptation in family is conflict potential and dissatisfaction with own status, among gymnasium students it is assurance in the help from family members. Irrespective of the type of educational institution, girls had more problems in family. ІОЗДП АМНУ

24 The level of school adaptation of public school and gymnasium students did not differ too much but the type of adaptation processes had certain specifics in each educational institution. On the basis of acquired data we can assume that the mechanisms of adaptation of students to studies is identical, irrespective of the type of educational establishment, however, the public school environment was less favorable. Public school students are also more passive in the processes of social adaptation to school environment; ІОЗДП АМНУ

25 Conclusion Consequently, during introduction of the Bathes of Health lessons in schools we must keep in mind that the public school students are more focused on the studying process, while gymnasium students strive for getting certain result from their studies. Whereas parents have the most significant effect on children in the early school years is expected to investigate the effect of the relationship on the formation of healthy lifestyle primary school pupils with regard to quality of life and subjective evaluation make available health. ІОЗДП АМНУ

26 Hygienic assessment of conditions for the formation the preservation of health in schoolchildren’s families Aim: to improve the system of primary prevention of non infectious diseases of school children and family influence by their health. Object: The influence of family on children's health. Subject: The risk factors and health factors of everyday life of students

27 Tasks: 1. Determine the hygienic characteristics of housing conditions of school children 2. Determine the socio-sanitary risk factors deteriorating health and quality of students life in secondary schools all ages. 3. Investigate the gender impact of family characteristics on the skills of a healthy way of life children of school age in the conditions with intensifying their training activities. 4. Give the hygienic characteristics of eating behavior and physical activity of students. 5. Substantiate and develop a system of conservation measures and health promotion school-age children in terms of family. ІОЗДП АМНУ

28 Thank you! ІОЗДП АМНУ


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