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 Superintendent’s Report July 14, 2014. Calendar Changes  Parent Teacher Conferences  Change from October 20 and 22 (5 to 9 pm both evenings) to October.

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Presentation on theme: " Superintendent’s Report July 14, 2014. Calendar Changes  Parent Teacher Conferences  Change from October 20 and 22 (5 to 9 pm both evenings) to October."— Presentation transcript:

1  Superintendent’s Report July 14, 2014

2 Calendar Changes  Parent Teacher Conferences  Change from October 20 and 22 (5 to 9 pm both evenings) to October 22 only (3 to 9 pm)  Change from February 18 to February 10  Make up day is February 11  1:00 pm Dismissal  Change from October 3 to October 10  Homecoming Week  September 29 to October 3

3 Project Update  The hallway modification being made on the 3 rd floor required a $1,400 change order to relocate two fire suppression sprinklers  The hallway modification being made on the 3 rd floor MAY require a fire door modification  The playground project required a $1,300 change order to include the concrete south of the fence

4 Staff Handbooks  Certified Staff Handbook  Classified Staff Handbook  Both will be updated and modified by the August Board of Education meeting so they can be formally approved by the Board at that time  These handbooks are not printed, so waiting until the August Board of Education meeting will not create a problem

5 Nebraska State Accountability (NeSA)  NeSA-W scores for all students in grade 8 and 11 are permanently embargoed due to the testing software problems throughout Nebraska  Districts will receive NeSA-W scores for 4 th grade students  Districts will have access to preliminary NeSA-R (reading), NeSA-M (math), and NeSA-S (science) results on July 18  The 2013-2014 State of the School Report will be released on October 22  As information becomes available, it will be shared

6 East Husker Conference President  It is Pender’s turn to fulfill the role of Conference President  Host annual kickoff meetings (mid August)  Lead quarterly meetings  Work with EHC Secretary to create quarterly agenda  Make key decisions when necessary  Pender’s AD will serve as the East Husker Conference AD liaison  Attend all EHC AD meetings  Attend all EHC Superintendent meeting  Pender will host the following EHC events in 2014-2015  Girls’ Golf Tournament  One-Act Play Competition (in Lyons)  Wrestling Tournament

7 Educator’s Health Alliance (EHA)  Current debate regarding eligibility of domestic partners and same-sex spouses  I was asked by and EHA Board member to fill out a survey regarding my thoughts on the topic  I was also asked to inform the BOE of my thoughts in case the thoughts of the group differed from mine  See next slide…

8 EHA Survey  Please rank the following as to what level would you be most comfortable with providing EHA coverage. Please rank them 1-3, with 1 meaning “most comfortable” and 3 meaning “least comfortable”.  The traditional opposite-sex marriage.  Domestic partners (including married couples and non- married same-sex or opposite-sex couples) in which a set of guidelines must be met to qualify.  A requirement that the couple (including same-sex or opposite-sex) is legally married. This is with the understanding that a same-sex couple who is legally married in another state will be recognized as being legally married for insurance coverage purposes by EHA.

9 2014-2015 Budget  Key Dates  August 20 – Valuation is available to schools  September 20 – Filing deadline for budget and LC-2  October 10 – Resolution setting all tax requests  PPS Timeline  August 21 – Prepare budget  Late August – Special board meeting for year end expenditures/transfers and budget planning  September 8 – Hold budget and tax request hearings AND finalize budget and tax requests  September 9 – Submit budget, LC-2, and tax requests

10 2014-2015 Budget (cont.)  Items to consider  Levy…it is fairly certain valuation will increase substantially  State dictated $0.95 minimum general fund levy  A levy below $0.95 would cost the district up to approximately $65,000  Current state aid received is $414,000  Budgeted cash reserve  End of 2013-2014 fiscal year cash balance  Transfers  Employee Benefit Fund to General Fund (TERELIP)  General Fund to Depreciation Fund  No transfer from the General Fund to the Hot Lunch Fund will be necessary this year  Building projects (Track and Field)

11 Additional Paraprofessional  We plan to hire 1 paraprofessional to replace Sara Munderloh  We need to hire 1 additional paraprofessional  This will increase our para FTE from 9.0 to 10.0 and cost approximately $20,000  Special employee…expenses are partially reimbursed (50%)  WHY?  4 PK students that require additional staff  Any extra time this staff member may have will be utilized to provide math interventions and reading support to elementary students

12 Software Licensing  Microsoft  Windows 7 on any machines that need it (Accounting software, special education software, etc.)  Microsoft Office for all student and staff computers  $2,170.80/year  CDW-G  Adobe  Acrobat Pro, Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Flash, etc.  Cost is yet to be determined  These expenses were present prior to the upcoming school year. Wayne Community Schools negotiated the cost for Wayne, Pender, and Emerson-Hubbard and each district paid its share of the contract.

13 Alumni Weekend Omelet Feed  Gross Revenue - $384.03  Expenses - $122.24  Net Revenue - $261.79  As was discussed previously, the proceeds will be donated to Wisner-Pilger Public Schools to assist them as they rebound from the tornadoes that tore through the area in mid-June.

14 Land to Trust  PPS received letter from the United States Department of the Interior on June 26 and June 30  The letters informed PPS that the Assistant Secretary – Indian Affairs of the United States Department of the Interior is assuming jurisdiction over the PPS’s appeals and Thurston County’s appeals  In all, the Assistant Secretary is assuming jurisdiction over 12 appeals including the 5 submitted by PPS

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