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Media Watch Organisation/GEMSA Presented by Denisha Seedoyal.

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Presentation on theme: "Media Watch Organisation/GEMSA Presented by Denisha Seedoyal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Media Watch Organisation/GEMSA Presented by Denisha Seedoyal

2 Officially launched on 24 th March 2003 The Mauritian Chapter of Southern Africa Gender and Media (GEM) Network, which works in partnership with Gender Links of South Africa. Works to achieve a media that truly honours its commitment to free speech by giving equal voice to women and men, and to all interest groups in society. Acts as a bridge between media practitioners and NGOs Promote gender equality and diversity in and through the media by raising awareness, advocacy, research and training to redress the existing imbalances.

3 “The media often accuses women of refusing to talk or not getting women to talk on hard beats.” (Virahsawmy 2010)

4 According to the Gender and Media Progress Study which is being launched at this GEM Summit, women’s voices accounted for 19% only.

5 In addition, while doing the Global Media Monitoring Project 2010 in Mauritius, we realized that 59% of female reporters were in social and legal topics. Male reporters were present in topics like economy, celebrity, arts and media, sports by 100%.

6 There were less female reporters in Politics and Government whereas in crime and violence it was the reverse.

7 The data has been illustrated in the chart. It shows a comparison of male sources [green boxes] to female ones [red boxes] in some topics in the media.

8 1.Initially, MWO-GEMSA developed a directory of women sources as an example of how networks can be proactive in providing the media with women sources. 2.Consequently, it was developed in all chapters of GEMSA.

9 Create online women sources accessible through the GEMSA website and the Gender and Media Diversity Centre. Had to gather around 200 women in some 40 categories. Empower women by showing that their voices do count in the media and news.

10 Primary target audience: Women in almost the 40 categories Media Practitioners who believed that women were not present in most of the categories Secondary target audience: People having stereotypes beliefs, whereby women are only home makers and cannot be professionals. Research Analysts on gender issues Government bodies

11 Collected 5 women per category [among 40] as part of our contribution to this regional project. Explanation during workshops After discussion forums, duly filled Directory of Women Sources forms were collected.

12 Forms sent via email to GEMSA South Africa/ Signatures and photos were scanned as attached MWO-GEMSA collected approximately 90 forms in 2009 and targets were being reached.

13 Forms were printed on a regular basis before discussion was done to targeted audience. Some members of MWO-GEMSA, voluntarily, looked for women sources. Other organizations like WIN, Executive Women of Labour Party, Women Police Force gave their support to have women sources in various fields.

14 Challenged the belief that women are homemakers and showed their presence in various categories. The list of women profiles varied from sexuality to lecturers, from business directors to poverty.

15 Women showed that they were present but media were overlooking them and not considering their views in news. Some of the women who generously accepted to give their profile data, agreed that it is a good way of networking and a wise move towards gender equality in our society.

16 Confidentiality purposes for some categories Unfortunately, Mauritius could not meet targets for some categories like Mining, Disaster and a few others as they are not available in the country. Women’s fear of family and husband

17 As a source of inspiration or reference for the empowerment of women in the region. It shows that women are definitely in various categories among the 40 ones.

18 The Directory of Women Sources data can be gathered and launched as a book in regions. This could be distributed in various non- governmental organizations, government bodies and other institutions. Will empower women in various categories and can also help as a guide for networking.

19 Had been replicated by other chapters of GEMSA and they have also collected profiles for the database. This project can be done on a bi- yearly basis to show the increasing numbers of professional women in 40 categories.

20 However, the Directory of Women Sources project has to be adapted to individual countries as there are often categories which are not applicable to all of them.

21 Directory of Women Sources in Mauritius has been a successful project in meeting its key objectives Can serve as a source of inspiration for the new generation and to challenge orthodox stereotypes. The time that women are able to voice out news in various categories is now. They should no more be overlooked in our local and international media.

22 “Women are the real architects of society.” (Harriet Beecher Stowe )


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