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Starting your PTA Year as a New Leader By Erin Fernald, VP for Leadership Oregon PTA.

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Presentation on theme: "Starting your PTA Year as a New Leader By Erin Fernald, VP for Leadership Oregon PTA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Starting your PTA Year as a New Leader By Erin Fernald, VP for Leadership Oregon PTA

2 5 Keys to a Successful PTA Year Goal Setting & Planning Budgeting Financial Policies & Processes Unit in Good Standing Requirements Teamwork & FUN!

3 Goal Setting “ WHAT” not “HOW” What are the goals of the School or School District? What does your membership think is important? What are your board members and key volunteers passionate about?

4 Planning The “HOW” Evaluate Events/Fundraisers and Projects/Programs Make Hard Choices Calendar dates for the year

5 Evaluating Events & Fundraisers Do the events you have been doing you meet the goals you set? Are they in line with the overall PTA mission? List out all pros and cons? Include volunteer time required, financial reward vs risk, insurance coverage, how it worked last year, etc? Plan estimated budget (expense & income) of each event/fundraiser Evaluate all events/fundraisers equally....even the ones you do every year.

6 Making Hard Choices Do the events/fundraisers fit the culture of your school? What are your events you feel you must have? What events/fundraisers are optional add ons? What events/fundraisers can be handled without burning out leaders and/or volunteers? Really discuss as a board what you can take on and error on the side of too little instead of too much.

7 Planning Projects & Programs Evaluate suggested programs and projects Prioritize all Projects/Programs according to goals set Develop timelines & Budgets for long term projects Establish budgets for short term projects and programs supported by the unit

8 Calendar Dates Make a list of all the Events & Fundraisers with approximate dates (refer to last year’s dates if applicable) Put dates together with the school dates in a Calendar form to see the big picture Add in deadlines and timelines for projects/programs Are any dates too close together, overlapping, conflicting Prepare the dates to be approved by members to make the official “PTA events/fundraisers”

9 Budgeting Start with your available carryover balance from the end of the last fiscal year. Next, use the previous years budget and end of fiscal year report as a template if you can Add/Edit budget lines for each event/fundraiser you have decided on during planning Add/Edit lines for other projects/contributions Add/Edit lines for Administrative costs

10 Budgeting - continued A format with Income and Expense side to side for each line item on the budget is often easier to understand Use accounting software, if possible Original Budget for the year & any changes need to be voted on by members before money is spent To make small changes with member pre-approval add a statement to the original budget and/or standing rules.

11 Set Financial Policies & Processes All officers (not just treasurers) share fiduciary responsibility Set financial policies and procedure based Oregon PTA guidelines and bylaws - refer to Leaders Guide All leaders, money counters, committee chairs must understand and follow through with financial policies and processes established by the unit Be transparent and clear in regards to the unit finances

12 Financial Policies required & suggested Who are the signers on the account? PTA only safe - who has access? Forms for Check Requests - Where form are kept, where they are submitted, where they are placed after check is written Where is the checkbook kept? Process of check writing? Forms for Deposits - All cash must be counted by two unrelated people. Use sealed bags Record keeping - use the audit checklist and work backwards

13 Financial Record Keeping Use accounting software, if possible, so easy reports can be generated to compare actual to budget numbers - suggest MoneyMinder Keep organized paper records of all income and expense Have forms and processing forms established in standing rules before year starts - edit as needed Treasure should record expenses and deposits at least weekly and reconcile bank statements within 10 days of receiving statement. At least one other officer should have access/passwords to records.

14 Unit in Good Standing Updated Officers List End of Year Financial Report - prior year Audit - prior year 990 - prior year CT-12 - prior year PAID Membership Standing Rules - new year Budget - new year Insurance Training Credits * Incorporation Renewal - not required if not incorporated and is due on anniversary date of original filing. New Units ONLY - EIN & Original Incorporation Filings

15 Timeline BEFORE SUMMER - Officers’ List & Approve Summer Spending BEFORE SCHOOL STARTS End of Year Report & Audit 990, CT-12 —BEFORE NOV 15!!!!! FIRST MEETING - Budget & Standing Rules END OF SEPT & MONTHLY - Membership ASAP - Insurance & Incorporation Renewal BEFORE NOV 30th - Leadership Training

16 Before Summer Update Officers List - as soon as Elections occur - do not delay! Summer Budget - members need to approve summer spending (July1st -1st meeting of new year). Full budget or partial is fine. Plan officer turn overs & trainings

17 Before School Starts End of Year Financial Report Federal Taxes Report to IRS - 990N, 990EZ, or 990 State Tax Report to Oregon Department of Justice - CT-12 Audit

18 At First Meeting Budget - best to even do a preliminary one at the last meeting of the year to approve summer spending but full one prepared for first meeting of the new fiscal year. Standing Rules - make adjustments for new board member roles, new procedures/policies. Last approved standing rules stand until new ones are approved. Review the end of year financials and audit results and make them available for members.

19 Budget Start with Beginning bank balance for new fiscal year (balance at bank on June 30th) Review last year’s budget & actual numbers - what adjustments need to be made. Add new items for new events/fundraisers Remove items as needed Add all income and subtract all expenses planned to the Beginning bank balance to calculate carry over balance projected for following year. Income & Expense do NOT have to balance!!!!

20 Budgeting Tips Be conservative estimating income (round down) & Be generous estimating expense (round up) Budget can be changed at any general meeting! Make adjustments as needed through the year. Budgets MUST be approved by members before money is dispersed. Add a line for misc or a note of how much the executive committee can adjust/add to the budget in between meetings. - Pre-approval by members!

21 Budgeting Tips continued…. All events/fundraisers should have their own item line. If giving teacher funds, it may help to list them in a separate category one by one so it is easy to see their balances. Use Accounting software if at all possible!!!! Highly recommend MoneyMinder ( Look for ways to save on expenses - get donations instead of spending but be sure to budget in case you do not get the donations.

22 Standing Rules Add important data about the unit to top of standing rules. Start by filling in blanks in bylaws: Terms, dues, quorum numbers, etc. All things added MUST stay in line with bylaws Add specific delegation of duties that are unique to your unit including committees and who bank signers will be Add pre-approval statements, financial policies and procedures and other policies/procedures as needed Vote on standing rules each year & update at any meeting

23 Review Last Year Financials Transparency in the group’s financials is the key to a healthy unit. Make end of year financials and audit results available to members as soon as they are completed.

24 MEMBERSHIP!!! End of Sept & ongoing ONE - PAID member is a requirement for insurance coverage. Officers must be PAID members to serve Enter members online at the Oregon PTA website and send payment in monthly or as members are added. Strong membership will help keep the unit active and volunteer base strong.

25 Insurance & Incorporation * ASAP - when received AIM Insurance sends out notices early in the fall. Try and be sure to select the desired coverage and send in payment ASAP. Incorporation is highly encouraged & must be renewed yearly with the Secretary of State at anniversary date of original filing. * Not currently in the Unit in Good Standing as incorporation currently is not required.

26 Training Leaders Before November 30th Make Training Leaders a priority! Minimum of 3 leaders need to complete one Oregon PTA training credit each. Keep accurate records (binders) for each role in the unit Budget for officers to attend an Oregon PTA sponsored training event if possible. Help officers understand their roles as officers and network with others Budget to send at least 2 delegates to yearly Oregon PTA Conference and Convention. Celebrate success, network and gather valuable information for next year planning

27 Team Work Set expectations with STANDING RULES TRAIN leaders to reduce burn out Get to KNOW EACH OTHER - strengths & weaknesses COMMUNICATE in multiple ways Set MEETING DATES for the year

28 FUN??? Do your officers view their roles as work only? Has your group lost the fun of serving in PTA? Think of ways to add fun Smile & Socialize more Reduce work load if overwhelmed Add music, games & ice breakers to meetings Ideas??? Leaders who are having fun will do more and stay longer!

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