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Gary GELLER NASA Ecological Forecasting Program Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology GEOSS Products Workshop Silver Spring MD 26-28.

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Presentation on theme: "Gary GELLER NASA Ecological Forecasting Program Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology GEOSS Products Workshop Silver Spring MD 26-28."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gary GELLER NASA Ecological Forecasting Program Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology GEOSS Products Workshop Silver Spring MD 26-28 March 2013 National Aeronautics and Space Administration (c) 2013 California Institute of Technology. Government sponsorship acknowledged. Sakurai Midori, Wikimedia Commons GEO Biodiversity Observation Network Coordination and interoperability of biodiversity systems

2 2 Overview  Background  Implementation  Challenges and considerations African wild dog/Martin Wegmann

3 3  Many biodiversity observations Dispersed among many systems Connections are missing Integrated products are difficult  Data gathering Limited coordination Current Situation Wikimedia Commons

4 4 GEO BON  Coordinate Data collection, management, distribution  Facilitate New products and services  Increase interoperability Develop global “network of networks”

5 5 GEO BON Key Roles  Facilitate collaborations  Build Community of Practice  Convene  Foster regional/topical BONs  Engage national governments Wikimedia Commons

6 6 Users Include…  UN Convention on Biological Diversity  UN Convention on Wetlands  Assessment bodies (e.g. IPBES)  Decision makers at all levels  Researchers  General public Wikimedia commons

7 7 Basic Questions 1.How is biodiversity changing? 2.Why is it changing? 3.What are the impacts?

8 8 Deliverable Types  Tangible, dynamic, & “operational” Calculated data product, or a service Need algorithm, inputs, production system  Tangible & non-operational Produced offline Periodic maps, Biodiversity Observation Handbook  Less tangible / intangible Capacity building Observation system coordination

9 9 Overall Implementation Approach  Voluntary  Collaborative  Opportunistic  9 Topical working groups  Regional and topical BONs Wikimedia commons

10 10 Implementation Approach, V1  Obtain “umbrella” funding  Develop a “coherent” system of related parts 2015 and beyond  Submit EU FP7 proposal  Rejoice  Implement  Temporary despair  Regroup and replan  Renewed energy Wikimedia commons

11 11 Implementation Approach, V2  Focus on 2015 delivery  Working group-driven  Not a single, integrated system Collection of useful products and services Organized around WG themes End result (2015) depends on what gets funded  Post-2015

12 12 (Nominal) Process for (re-)Planning Identify users Identify needs Identify inputs EBVs GEO BON items Non-GEO BON items Identify products & services Also: Identify supportive infrastructure(s)

13 13 Notional Structure for Dynamic Data Products

14 14 Also need…  Appropriate infrastructure(s) eg, to support interoperability of the different observation systems Wikimedia Commons

15 15 Example Product  Goal: Provide simple access to dispersed DBs  Desired approach Start with a few key databases Connect to GCI Provide a web page entry point for search Add more databases Marine WG + Data WG work together Marine Environmental Layers

16 16  Actual approach—similar but… Led by Data WG Start with local DB Part of AIP-6  Why? Leverage existing related activities Example of resource-driven development path Can’t do exactly what we want, have to do what is possible Example Product

17 17 A Major Challenge  Defining and implementing is an iterative process  Loosely coupled set of deliverables How can we plan for 2015 before the availability of resources is known?

18 18 Complications  Other groups doing similar work eg, Eye on Earth Not just complementary—some overlap Resources needed for coordination not always available  Volunteers are often constrained by their institution’s mission So—not just user-driven

19 19 GEOSS Common Infrastructure  Most GEO BON people don’t understand it  Vague sense of awareness  Intent to use is unclear Wikimedia commons

20 20 What Is Needed to Make GEO BON Successful?  Resources  Cool and useful deliverables  Engage with national governments  Outreach and visibility Martin Wegmann

21 21 Wrap-Up Main Challenges  Resources  Schedule  Maintaining focus  Coordination WG-WG Other GEO Tasks Other organizations  Ensuring partners receive net benefits  Making progress but much to do Martin Wegmann

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