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Chapter 3.  A word that substitutes for a noun  A pronoun replaces an antecedent.  The students talked in study hall; they received referrals.  The.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 3.  A word that substitutes for a noun  A pronoun replaces an antecedent.  The students talked in study hall; they received referrals.  The."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 3

2  A word that substitutes for a noun  A pronoun replaces an antecedent.  The students talked in study hall; they received referrals.  The English 9 students paid attention, and they did well on their test.

3  Know the chart on p. 48 for pronoun quiz (Wednesday, 11/13/13)!  Most common type of pronoun  Characterized by person, number, gender, and case

4  Subjective case pronouns are used as subjects, PNs, and appositives of subjects and PNs. Lydia and I are talking. She will go away this weekend. The speller of the week is she.

5  Objective case pronouns are used as objects (DO, IO, OP, and appositives of objects). She will visit them over the weekend. She will give them chocolate as a hostess gift.

6  Possessive case pronouns show ownership. They usually act as adjectives. My coat is in the closet.  Possessive adjectives that are not used as adjectives are called independent possessives. Where is yours?

7  The coach gave Bryan and (I, me) a ride home.  The same rules a apply, but sometimes it helps to read the sentence without the rest of the compound construction.

8  Elizabeth and (I, me) talked about Elizabeth’s favorite books.  Between you and(I, me) I think that Lydia truly likes to read.

9  Case determined by the noun the app. is replacing  We, Allie and (I, me), will be exclaiming over the exciting sentences in our grammar book.  Pronouns will not intimidate (we, us), the ninth grade class.

10  Mention yourself last.  Say you before third-person pronouns or nouns.  Mention your hearer before anyone else. Megan and I will Between you and me You and Victoria What is the best order for these words: me, you, Chas?

11  Please bring me ________________.  I need _________________.  I do not need any of _________________.  ________________ is my favorite pencil.

12  This- near  That- far  These- near  Those- far

13  Who  Whom  Whose  Which  What  Ask questions  Don’t have antecedents

14  Who- subjective case  Whom- objective case  (Who/whom) is going to get a 100 on the test?  With (who/whom) are you staying with for Thanksgiving?

15  End in –self or –selves  Reflexive- reflect back to the subject; do, io, op; needed in the sentence  Intensive- intensify a noun or pronoun; appositive; extra and unneeded

16  R or I? Jesus Himself healed the blind man.  R or I? Julia asked herself questions to review for the test.  Chart on p. 63

17  Don’t have antecedents  Always singular- someone, anyone, everyone, no one, somebody, anybody, everybody, nobody, something, anything, everything, nothing, each, one, much, little, less  Always plural- many, several, both, few, fewer

18  Look at the context of the sentence!  The object of the preposition may be the key!  Singular or plural? Most of the students will be at the parade.  Singular or plural? Most of the world is water.

19  My grandfather owns an old pickup truck.  The pickup truck is often used to take his grandchildren for a ride.  Combined: My grandfather owns an old pickup truck, which he uses to take his grandchildren for a ride.

20  Who  Whom  Whose  Which  That  Begin dependent clauses  The antecedent of a relative pronoun will be outside the clause.

21  Emily Dickinson, who dressed only in white, wrote “It Sifts from Leaden Sieves.”  “It Sifts from Leaden Sieves,” which is a puzzle poem, intrigues many who love poetry.

22  2 possible antecedents for a pronoun  When Chas met Carter at the game, he was surprised.  Lydia told Chelsea that she was ready for Christmas break.

23  A pronoun is too far away from its antecedent  Tomorrow’ field trip will be a highlight of the year for 11 th and 12 th grades. There will be a tour of the Holocaust museum. Mr. Forbes is in charge of organizing everything. It should be fun for the students.

24  A pronoun should have a definite antecedent (unless it is an indefinite pronoun).  I went to the doctor’s office yesterday, and my doctor said that I am healthy. This pleased me.

25  They say that exercise improves help.  In the Bible, it says that Christians should seek to do everything for the glory of God.  You need to know how to write in college.

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