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2014 Integrating Gaming and Fitness Amber Bachlani Miko Charbonneau Ellen Yi-Luen Do Katherine Sagona-Stophel October 9 th, 2014 #GHC14 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "2014 Integrating Gaming and Fitness Amber Bachlani Miko Charbonneau Ellen Yi-Luen Do Katherine Sagona-Stophel October 9 th, 2014 #GHC14 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 2014 Integrating Gaming and Fitness Amber Bachlani Miko Charbonneau Ellen Yi-Luen Do Katherine Sagona-Stophel October 9 th, 2014 #GHC14 2014

2 Amber Bachlani  Client Solutions Coordinator at Pardot, a Company  First Game: Dr. Mario  Favorite Fitness Game: Dance Central

3 2014 Miko Charbonneau  Game Designer at Good Science (Microsoft Studios)  PhD studying dance games and fitness  First Game: Dream Zone on Amiga  Favorite Fitness Game: Dance Central 3

4 2014 Ellen Yi-Luen Do  Georgia Tech Professor ID IC HSI  CUTE Center @ NUS Singapore  First Game: Tetris  Favorite Fitness Game: Bop It

5 2014 Katherine Sagona-Stophel  Former: Thomson Reuters Special Services  Editor for, gaming blog  First Game: Pokemon Red, 1998  Favorite Fitness Game: DDR MAX 2

6 2014 Why Gaming & Fitness?  From Super Mario World to Disneyland  Storytelling through Gaming  What’s next?

7 2014 Exergaming has a Long History  Even Atari and NES  Dance Dance Revolution  Nintendo Wii, Sony Move, Microsoft Kinect

8 2014 Everyone Plays Games  48% of gamers are female  In 2008, 50% of women reported playing video games  In 2008, the average gamer age was 35

9 2014 Academia and Gaming  Experimental  Satire  Research  Prototype  Constraints

10 2014 Moderator Question #1 Who are fitness games for?

11 2014 Moderator Question #2 What do you see as the most successful fitness video games?

12 2014 Moderator Question #3 What is lacking in fitness gaming?

13 2014 Moderator Question #4 Which is more important: the technologies or the games behind them?

14 2014 Moderator Question #5 What do you want to see in the future of fitness and gaming?

15 2014 Audience: it’s your turn! Questions?

16 2014 Panelists & Audience Members Anecdotes & War Stories

17 2014 Tweet, Tweet!  Miko: @evaliation  Katherine: @kathesagona  Amber: @amberbachlani

18 2014 Got Feedback? Rate and Review the session using the GHC Mobile App To download visit

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