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1 Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. *See PowerPoint Lecture Outline for a complete, ready-made.

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1 1 Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. *See PowerPoint Lecture Outline for a complete, ready-made presentation integrating art and lecture notes. Introductory Plant Biology Ninth Edition Kingsley Stern Chapter 5 Image Slides*

2 Chapter 5 Roots

3 3 Root function Anchor plant to soil absorb water and minerals in solution

4 4 How roots develop Embryo- an immature plant Radicle- first root that grows out of an embryo

5 5 2 types of mature roots 1. Taproot- large major root - pine trees, carrots 2. Fibrous roots- many branched roots; Adventitious roots- roots that develop from stem, leaf, etc.

6 6 Fig. 5.1

7 7 Root development in flowering plants 1. Dicotyledon- have 2 “seed leaves” - have taproots from which secondary roots develop - ex. Peas and carrots 2.Monocotyledon-have 1 “seed leaf” - have fibrous roots - ex. Corn and rice

8 8 Root structure; 4 regions 1. Root cap- thimble-shaped mass of parenchyma cells - Protects the root from damage as it pushes through the dirt - Dictysomes produce slimy substance to help root move - Functions in the perception of gravity

9 9 4 root regions cont. 2. Region of cell division- - composed of apical meristem in the center of the root tip - produces surrounding root cap

10 10 3 types of meristem from apical meristem 1. Protoderm- forms epidermis 2. Ground meristem- forms cortex 3. Procambium- forms primary xylem and phloem

11 11 4 root regions cont. 3. Regions of elongation- - 1cm from root tip - cells grow longer and wider - no further increase in cell size takes place above this region

12 12 4 root regions cont. 4. Region of maturation/differentiation or “root hair zone”

13 13 Fig. 5.2

14 14 Cells and Tissues of Region of Maturation Root hairs - absorb water & minerals - hold tightly to soil - increase surface area - not separate cells; extensions of specialized epidermal cells - up to 250,000/in 2

15 15 Fig. 5.4b

16 16 Cells/Tissues cont. Cortex- parenchyma cells that lie between epidermis and inner tissues; stores food

17 17 Cells/Tissues cont. Endodermis- separates cortex from vascular tissue - Consists of a single-layer cylinder of cells -Casparian strips- “mortar” of suberin around endodermis cells

18 18 Cells/Tissues cont. Endodermis cont. Casparian strips- force all water and dissolved substances to pass through the plasma membrane or plasmodesmata of the endodermis - this regulates types of minerals absorbed

19 19 Fig. 5.5

20 20 Cells/Tissues cont. Vascular cylinder- inside area of endodermis - pericycle- parenchyma cells that give rise to lateral vascular cambium and lateral roots - primary xylem- central core; usually 4 arms - branch roots grow opposite of arms

21 21 Cells/Tissues cont. Phloem- forms between xylem arms Vascular cambium- develops between xylem and phloem Cork cambium- woody plants only - arises outside vascular cambium - generally not found in monocots

22 22 Fig. 5.6

23 23 Tissue Development

24 24 Specialized Roots Food storage roots- sweet potatoes, carrots Large number of parenchyma cells form in branch roots Store carbohydrates

25 25 Specialized Roots Water-storage roots- - pumpkin family roots - plants store water in roots when water supply in soil is low

26 26 Specialized Roots Propagative roots- - adventitious buds- buds appearing in places other than the stem - buds develop into aerial stems called suckers, with rootlets at base - found in cherry, apple, pear trees

27 27 Specialized Roots Pneumatophores- special spongy roots which extend above the water’s surface to enhance O 2 supply - not cypress knees

28 28 Specialized Roots Aerial roots- may support plant in high wind; aid in climbing Contractile roots- pull plant deeper into the soil Buttress roots- add stability

29 29 Fig. 5.12

30 30 Fig. 5.13

31 31 Fig. 5.14

32 32 Specialized Roots Parasitic roots- mistletoe - haustoria-(sing. haustorium) projections that develop along stem in contact with host - penetrate outer tissue and connect with host’s vascular tissue

33 33 Mycorrhizae mycorrhizae- fungus roots - fungus grows on roots; can’t grow beyond Casparian strip - absorb phosphorus, water and minerals for the plant - fungus lives on plant’s sugar - ex. of mutualism

34 34 Fig. 5.15

35 35 Fig. 5.16ab

36 36 Root Nodules root nodules- small swelling on roots filled with N 2 -fixing bacteria - found in Legumes

37 37 Fig. 5.17

38 38 Human Relevance of Roots food; carrots, sugar beets, turnips rutabagas, parsnips, horseradishes, sweet potatoes spices- sassafras, sarsaparilla, licorice dyes drugs insecticides

39 39 Soil several types of sand, rocks, pebbles, clay, silt, small animals, bacteria, fungi Humus- decomposed organic matter

40 40 Soil texture and mineral composition sand and silt- small particles clay- colloid-suspension of particles that are larger than molecules, but do not settle out of fluid loam-mixture of sand, clay organic matter - agricultural soil- 40% silt, 40% sand, 20% clay

41 41 Table 5.1

42 42 Minerals in soil include- O 2, H 2, Si, Al, Fe, K, Ca, Mg, Na

43 43 Water in Soil Hygroscopic water- water bound to soil and not available to plants Gravitational water- drains out of pore spaces in soil after a rain Capillary water- held in pores in soil; water for plants Field capacity- water remaining after water in soil drains away

44 44 Water in Soil Permanent wilting point- water in soil is so low that plant permanently wilts Available water - soil water between field capacity and permanent wilting point

45 45 Soil pH Some plants thrive in acidic conditions, others basic liming- adding Ca or Mg to make soil basic basic soil can be made more acidic by adding S or N 2


47 47 Fig. 5.4a

48 48 Fig. 5.4b

49 49 Fig. 5.8

50 50 Fig. 5.11

51 51 Fig. 5.16cd

52 52 Fig. 5.18

53 53 TA BL ES

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