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Yesterday -Today - Tomorrow. Economic system first introduced in the USSR. Introduced in Poland in 1947-1989.

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Presentation on theme: "Yesterday -Today - Tomorrow. Economic system first introduced in the USSR. Introduced in Poland in 1947-1989."— Presentation transcript:

1 Yesterday -Today - Tomorrow


3 Economic system first introduced in the USSR. Introduced in Poland in 1947-1989

4  The authorities determined from the outset what, for whom and at what price should be produced.  The economy followed the command – and – distribution pattern  Due to lack of competition, the product quality was poor  The plannists realized political directives and did not concentrate on the economic calculation

5 The authorities set employment and wages thresholds in workplaces. This resulted in over- employment and very low wages (hidden unemployment).

6  In centrally planned economy, it was the completion of plans and not merchandise that was the subject of advertisements.

7  The planning system promoted passivity instead of entrepreneurship

8  Only in Poland of all the Western bloc countries, some remains of private ownership were maintained (agriculture, craftsmanship, trade), although potential profits were curbed by high taxes  Shops were empty, and scarce goods were obtained either by barter trade or OTC

9  Goods rationing in PRL – the PRL government has introduced the talon system for most sought after goods. See below: talons for sugar and meat

10  August 1980 marked the climax of social unrest. Following an announced rise in prices, strikes erupted throughout the country

11  „Solidarność” was created on 17th September 1980, as a result of August agreements, which marked the end of August 1980 strikes. Lech Wałęsa was chosen as the leader of the movement.

12  Round table stands for the agreement reached between the authorities and the opposition Following its conclusion, major political and economic changes took place.


14  Economy system where the division of manufactured goods is performed mostly via market, with slight influence from the government  Characteristics of market economy Market freedom Unbundled price system Private ownership competition

15  What, in what quantities, for whom and in what way should be produced – decision is made by independent economic entities, propelled by personal interests

16  Private ownership of production elements is based on market economy  Private ownership – encourages owners to efficient wealth usage

17  Due to limited number of goods and resources, people compete for them  In market economy it takes the form of market transactions

18  Traders participating in transactions set prices of goods, services and merchandise


20  Achievement of sustainable growth  Improvement of enterprise access to capital  Strengthening of entrepreneurial attitudes  Strengthening of entrepreneurial surroundings



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