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Published byNorah Johns Modified over 8 years ago
Esperimento OPERA Commissione II INFN Roma 28 Settembre 2010 CNGS beam Detector operation Run 2008, 2009, 2010 Richieste finanziarie S. Simone Università di Bari e INFN
OPERA: first direct detection of neutrino oscillations in appearance mode through the channel following the Super- Kamiokande discovery of oscillations with atmospheric neutrinos and the confirmation obtained with solar neutrinos and accelerator beams. Important, missing tile in the oscillation picture. Requirements: 1) long baseline, 2) high neutrino energy, 3) high beam intensity, 4) large mass, 5) detect short lived ’s L = 730 km CERN LNGS T flight = 2.44 ms Expected neutrino interactions for 22.5x10 19 pot: ~ 23600 CC + NC ~ 160 e + e CC ~ 115 CC ( m 2 = 2.5 x 10 -3 eV 2 )
Italy Bari Bologna LNF Frascati L’Aquila, LNGS Naples Padova Rome Salerno Japan Aichi Toho Kobe Nagoya Utsunomiya Belgium IIHE-ULB Brussels Croatia IRB Zagreb France LAPP Annecy IPNL Lyon IPHC Strasbourg Germany Hamburg Münster Rostock Israel Technion Haifa Korea Jinju Russia INR RAS Moscow NPI RAS Moscow ITEP Moscow SINP MSU Moscow JINR Dubna Switzerland Bern ETH Zurich Turkey METU Ankara The OPERA Collaboration 180 physicists, 33 institutions in 12 countries Tunisia CNSTN Tunis
CNGS YearBeam days Protons on target SPS Eff. Events in the bricks 20081231.78x10 19 61%1698 20091553.52x10 19 70%3693 20101873.01x10 19 (20 Sept.) 80%3167 (20 Sept.) 8558 events collected until 20/9/2010 High specific CNGS efficiency ~ 97% 2010: hoping to get as close as possible to nominal year (4.5x10 19 pot) Extrapolating average performance get around 4.2 E 19 by the end of the run 2010 2009 2008 Days pot
Efficiency 79.5% Note: 80% efficiency is among the best records for the SPS
Unix time 2 E 13 pot/extraction Extraction 1 Extraction 2 MD MTE Stop Plateau depending on SPS RF performance 20/9/2010 7:00 2 E 13 pot/extraction
WHAT ABOUT RUN 2011 and RUN 2012 ??
~ 0.6 mm - + X (17 %) h - n( (50 %) e - e (18 %) n (14 %) “kink” “kink”topologies detector requirements: large mass, high resolution (for signal selection and background rejection) OPERA: looking for signature @ 4.5·10 19 p.o.t./year, 200 days/year for OPERA (~1.25 Kton) detector: ~ 4700 CC+NC / year ~ 30 e + e CC / year ~ 25 CC / year ( m 2 = 2.5 x 10 -3 eV 2 ) expected neutrino interactions _ e e h h 3htotal signal ( m 2 =2.5 10 -3 eV 2 ) bkgd0.17 @22.5 10 19 pot
OPERA: nuclear emulsions + electronic detectors OPERA: the hybrid solution ~ 150000 bricks in the OPERA target (~ 1.25 kton) 1 mm Pb Emulsion layers 8.3 Kg (10.2*12.5)cm 2 1 emulsion film: 2 emulsion layers (44 m thick) poured on a 200 m plastic base when electronic detectors enter the game: trigger for a neutrino interaction muon identification and momentum/charge measurement 1 Changeable Sheet doublet (CS)/brick: two refreshed emulsion films,vacuum packed and glued onto the downstream brick face brick: 57 emulsion films sandwiched between 1mm Pb plates physics in a brick: interactions and decay topology reconstruction measurement momenta by MCS e separation electromagnetic calorimetry CS
A. Ereditato - CERN - 4 June 2010 10 Pb emulsion layers 1 mm interface films (CS) ECC brick electronics trackers Massive active target with micrometric space resolution Detect tau-lepton production and decay Use electronic detectors to provide “time resolution” to the emulsions and preselect the interaction region Intense, high-energy muon-neutrino beam THE PRINCIPLE OF THE EXPERIMENT: ECC + ELECTRONIC DETECTORS
2010 2009 2008 Cosmics CNGS events Electronic Detectors data taking Continuous operation and cosmics data taking during all the year ~100% live time (apart few hours of power cuts and small accidents) Electronic Detectors analysis (paper in preparation): Events selection and external events background Muon identification NC/CC Muon momentum/charge measurement Hadronic showers measurement Cosmic ray studies
Interface emulsion films: high signal/noise ratio for event trigger and scanning time reduction ECC 10cm 2.6 cm 12.5cm Changeable Sheet (CS) T TT T Angular accuracy of the electronic predictions Position accuracy of the electronic predictions CS interface sheet
OPERA: steps to reach the goal on-line analysis of electronic data brick finding algorithm for events ‘on time’ with the beam remove brick and scan CS: the interface between brick and TT ( pos ≈ 10 mm, ≈ 20 mrad) confirmation of the extracted brick development of the brick to be sent in a scanning Lab for ‘CS to brick connection’ ( pos ≈ 70 m, ≈ 8 mrad), event location, decay search studies, etc.. [2009 JINST 4 P04018]
15 200820092010 Brick candidate handling status September 22 nd 2010 : BMS extraction: 25 bricks/8 hour shift ~90’000 bricks handled until 2009 to extract ~7000 event bricks Operation time ~80% of the year Extraction of few tens blocked bricks
A. Ereditato - CERN - 4 June 2010 16 FILM DEVELOPMENT FACILITY 6 semi-automatic lines running in parallel, in dark maximum rate: 150 bricks/week additional facility underground for CS: max 300 CS/week
Development statistics (April 2010 – September 2010) ECC developed : 1153 ( 230 / month) Lack of requests 13-16 August stop Mean Value
RUN 2008-2009 : ECC development Christmas ‘08 Earthquake Christmas ‘09 Mean value : 40 ECC treated : 3537
Nagoya LNGS European Scanning System Super-UltraTrack Selector (Japan) CHANGEABLE SHEET SCANNING STATIONS CS scanning: 2 facilities ~ 200 cm 2 emulsion film surface /hour/facility s: precision mechanics, stepping motors, CCD readout, pattern recognition, image analysis,… A. Ereditato - CERN - 4 June 2010 19
Bricks Scanning Distributed on 12 Labs Concurrent activities: Vertex location Decay Search (D.S.), since Dec. 2009 Scan-forth (Bck. measurements, min. bias kinematics) 9m done. Goal 100m scanned track length in 1.5 years Special measurements on decay candidates: large volumes, showers, kinematics, tracks follow-down, re-measurements
Shift activity for the Opera Run Electronic detector shifts : 3+1 (on call) people Scanning Station Shifts (Changeable Sheet measurements): 6 people = 3 shifts / day, 2 people /shift Brick handling Shift: 5 people + firm Development laboratories : 8 people, single shift Brick Measurements in the group laboratories
Event location summary for 2008 run 0mu1muAll Events predicted by the electronic detector40612921698 Found in CS27510531328 Located in ECC165818983 Located in dead material2588113 Interactions in the upstream brick63945 Decay search performed144745889 Decay search completed for 90.4% of the sample
Overall efficiency using 2008 run (completed) EventsAll0µ1µ Triggers16984061292 Interactions in the bricks 0.925 Reject bad quality CS films 0.94 Brick identification by electronic detectors0.780.650.815 Location fraction0.880.720.93 Located interactions1017166851 47% and 76% for 0µ and 1µ events
Status of event location for 2009 run (events location in progress ) 0mu1muAll Events predicted by the electronic detector109724603557 Extracted CS106624113477 CS Scanned96922913260 Found in CS63518282463 Located in ECC25310711324 Located in dead material137285 Interactions in the upstream brick1693109 Decay search performed152660812 Decay search completed for 61.3% of the located events
Status of event location for 2010 run 0mu1muAll Events predicted by the electronic detector58410831667 Extracted CS4807191199 CS Scanned237381618 Found in CS106217323 Located in ECC193958
Sharing of results 2367 located interactions 1268 in Europe, 1099 in Japan Japan 46.6%, Italy 35.7 % Switzerland 17.7%
OPERA: analysis performances (I) IP distribution for events (MC) IP distribution for: events (MC) NC+CC events (MC), NC+CC events (Data) expanded scale mm Ip measurement: particles momenta measurements by MCS 987654321987654321 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 P rec (GeV) P beam (GeV) = (22±4)%
detection and 0 mass reconstruction E = 0.5 GeV E = 8.1 GeV 2 em showers give a reconstructed mass 160±30 MeV/c2 EM shower energy measured by shower shape analysis and Multiple Coulomb Scattering method e-pair e+ e- 70% of 1-prong hadronic decays include one or more 0 importance of gamma detection Gamma detection: how to… detection of shower detection e-pair at start point 1 mass resolution: ~ 45% OPERA: analysis performances (II)
charm decays inside the OPERA target Decay search procedure defined (ip evaluation, small angle kink search, extra-tracks search) Decay Search extensively applied to located interactions data sample Charm topology analogous to : reference sample for the decay finding efficiency 4 mm kin k x-view 1ry vertex 1.3 mm 1ry daughter flight length: 1330 microns kink angle: 209 mrad IP of daughter: 262 microns daughter muon: 2.2 GeV/c decay Pt: 0.46 GeV/c charm candidate (dimuon) 18 charm candidate (by kinematical cuts) 3 of them with 1-prong kink topology. Expected: 15.5 ± 2.8 out of which 0.79 ± 0.22 with kink topology Expected BG: 1.7 events (loose cuts: work in progress to reduce BG) D 0 hypothesis: F.L.: 313.1 m, : 173.2 0, invariant mass: 1.7 GeV D0 hypothesis
e candidate event From a subsample of ~ 800 located events we detected e candidates Additional physics subject: study - e oscillations
OPERA: the first candidate event (I) Physics Letters B 691 (2010) 138-145 Muonless event 9234119599 ED display zoom to the selected brick CS confirmation of the brick Scan-back in the brick for stopping point definition CS predictions Large area scanning Full reconstruction of vertices and gammas
Distance from 2ry vertex (mm) Energy (GeV) IP to 1ry vertex ( m) IP to 2ry vertex ( m) Prob. of attach. to 1ry vtx* Prob. of attach. to 2ry vtx* Attachment hypothesis 1 st 2.2 5.6 ± 1.0 ± 1.7 45.0 7.5 <10 -3 0.322ry vertex 2 nd 12.6 1.2 ± 0.4 ± 0.4 85.6 22 0.100.822ry vertex (favoured) OPERA: the first candidate event (II) The primary neutrino interaction consists of 7 tracks of which one exhibits a visible kink Two electromagnetic showers caused by -rays, associated with the event, have been located (total radiation length downstream the vertices: 6.5 X 0 ) * probability to find an IP larger than the observed one none of the tracks is compatible with being an electron track for tracks 1, 5 and 6 P( ) < 10 -3 (p-range consistency check) remaining tracks are hadrons (interaction seen) residual probability of CC event (possibly undetected large angle muon) is ≈ 1%.
OPERA nominal analysis flow applied to the hadronic kink candidates: (more refined selection criteria being developed were not considered here not to bias our analysis) kink occurring within 2 lead plates downstream of the primary vertex kink angle larger than 20 mrad daughter momentum higher than 2 GeV/c decay Pt higher than 600 MeV/c, 300 MeV/c if ≥ 1 gamma pointing to the decay vertex missing Pt at primary vertex lower than 1 GeV/c azimuth angle between the resulting hadron momentum direction and the parent track direction larger than /2 rad ANALYSIS Kinematical analysis
OPERA: the first candidate event (III) Kinematical variables are satisfying all selection criteria for hadronic kink first candidate ! defined in the proposal candidate to the 1-prong hadron decay mode invariant mass of -rays 1 and 2: 120 ± 20 (stat)± 35(syst) MeV/c 2 supporting the hypothesis 0 assuming the charged decay product as -, the invariant mass of - and 2 gammas: 640 +125 -80 +100 -90 MeV/c 2 compatible with the (770) mass VARIABL E AVERA GE* kink (mrad)41 ± 2 decay length ( m) 1335 ± 35 P daughter (GeV/c) 12 +6 -3 Pt decay (MeV/c) 470 +230 -120 missing Pt (MeV/c) 570 +320 -170 ϕ (deg)173 ± 2 *assuming both 1 and 2 attached to 2ry vertex (uncertainty on Pt due to the alternative 2 attachment is < 50 MeV/c ) 2ry vtx compatible with h n
OPERA: the first candidate event (IV) Evaluation of background sources: prompt ~ 10 -7 /CC decay of charmed particles produced in e interactions ~ 10 -6 /CC double charm production ~ 10 -6 /CC decay of charmed particles produced in interactions ~ 10 -5 /CC hadronic reinteractions (UPDATE wrt Proposal) ~ 10 -5 /CC for the 1-prong hadronic channel 0.007±0.004 (syst) background events are expected for the analyzed statistics - Background evaluation by using state-of-the-art FLUKA code (upgrade wrt Proposal) - Kink probabilities integrated over the μ NC hadronic spectrum yield (same cuts as for the tau analysis) a BG probability of (1.9 ± 0.1) x 10 -4 kinks/NC (2 mm Pb) - First cross-checks of the simulation were performed on a scan-forth tracks sample and on dedicated test-beam data, showing a good agreement with the simulation, although still statistically limited
OPERA: the first candidate event (V) Background expectations 1-prong hadron decay channel: (~ 50% syst. error for each component) 0.011 events (reinteractions) 0.007 events (charm, assuming standard mu ID) --------------------------------- 0.018 ± 0.007 (syst.) events 1-prong hadron BCK for all decay modes: 1-prong hadron, 3-prongs + 1-prong μ + 1-prong e : 0.045 ± 0.020 (syst.) events total BG Background fluctuation probabilities to 1 event: 1-prong hadron channel only: P=1.8% 2.36 significance All tau decay modes included in search: P=4.5% 2.01 significance
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