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Published byConstance Dawson Modified over 8 years ago
2016-06-131 망원경
2 내용 망원경의 발명과 발전 망원경의 성능 중요 망원경들
망원경의 발명과 발전 YA2009Who__Invented_the_telescope IYA 2009 Secretariat Hubble European Space Agency Information Centre Space Telescope-European Coordinating Facility ESO – Garching – Munich – Germany Contact: Pedro Russo
망원경 발명 Hans Lipperhey(1570?-1619) : Netherland 남서부의 Zeeland 수도 Middelburg 에 거주한 독 일인 안경 제조자 1608 년 Zeeland 에 특허신청 “a certain device by means of which all things at a very great distance can be seen as if they were nearby” A letter of support dated Sept. 25, 1608 (Gregorian calendar),but Oct. 2, 1608 rejected partly because the device was too simple to be kept secret and partly because another Dutchman, Jacob Metius(1571?-1628) of Alkmaar applied for a patent a few weeks after Lipperhey. Another Middelburg 안경 제조자 Zacharias Janssen( 1580- 1638) ; 거의 같은 시기에 망원경 제작.
렌즈 640 BC : 자연 석영으로 만듬 기록 : Aristophanes’ 424 BC play “The Cloud” 에 burning glasses 무덤에서 발견 :Viking graves in Gotland, Sweden. 13 세기 : 오목 렌즈를 확대기로 사용 ~ 1350 : reading spectacles 볼록렌즈를 사용한 안경 이론적 배경 아라비아인 수학자 : Ibn Sahl (940-1000) : 굴절의 법칙 (Snell 의 법칙으로 알려진 ), 렌즈 디자인, burning lens 와 거울 사용 Ibn al-Haitham(965-1039) : explained the formation of images within the eye 따라서 1450 년 경이 되면 망원경 발명의 여건이 충분히 조성
Who were the key players in the early development of the telescope? The astronomer Johannes Hevelius(1611-1687) viewing through an early telescope. Image: Wikipedia The earliest known illustration of a telescope. Giovanbattista della Porta included this sketch in a letter written in August 1609. Image: American Institute of Physics
Hans Lipperhey (1570-1619) The earliest basic telescopes used lenses made of glass. These lenses were pioneered in around 1350. It was Hans Lipperhey who first presented the telescope as we know it today. It is recorded in a letter written on 25 September 1608 that Lipperhey had invented a ‘device’ that could magnify a view so that, according to the letter: “All things at a very great distance can be seen as if they were nearby, by looking through glasses which he claims to be a new invention.” Images: Luxorion ezine 2000
Hans Lipperhey (1570-1619) Lipperhey was a spectacle maker from West Germany. He is credited with inventing the telescope we know today. Lipperhey (also known as Lipperhey) was born in Wesel (now West Germany). He was a gifted spectacle maker based in the Netherlands. On 2 October 1608 he applied for a patent for the telescope which he claimed to have invented. It was denied and the news of the invention soon spread across Europe. After Lipperhey’s patent application several other people claimed to have invented the telescope, however Lipperhey’s application stands today as the first recorded design for a telescope. Images: Wikipedia
Sacharias Janssen (1585 – 1632) Sacharias Janssen was a spectacle maker in Middelburg, and a colleague/competitor of Lipperhey. Janssen is one of the two possible inventors of the telescope. He may already have built a preliminary telescope before the year 1600... There is however no documentation confirming this. Image: American Physical Society
Thomas Harriot (1560 – 1621) Thomas Harriot was an scientist and astronomer living in Oxford. He was at one point a cartographer on an expedition organized by Sir Walter Raleigh. He may have been the first person to use the telescope to do astronomy. The English astronomer Thomas Harriot is not well know throughout the world though some of his observations were somewhat advanced for his time. It is claimed by some (Van Helden, 1995) that Harriot observed and sketched the Moon through a telescope 26 July 1609, months before Galileo is known to have done so. Though hardly as famous as Galileo Hariott’s work in observing and recording sunspots was the first such observation of these phenomena. Image: East Carolina University | Moon observations by Harriot on 26 July 1609 (left) and 17 July 1610 (right). Images: The Galileo Project
Galileo Galilei (1564 - 1642) Despite the notable efforts of his contemporaries, the Italian Galileo Galilei is widely regarded as one of the founders of modern astronomy. His concise observations of a range of astronomical objects laid the foundations for centuries of research. Galileo built his telescope in the Summer of 1609. On 25 August 1609, Galileo demonstrated his first telescope to Venetian lawmakers. This was the first astronomical outreach activity with a telescope, and the first thoroughly documented use of the telescope for astronomy. Images: Wikipedia & The Galileo Project Galilean Telescope.
Galileo Galilei (1564 - 1642) By October of 1609 Galileo had developed a telescope that gave him 20x magnification. With his new 20x telescope he observed the Moon and discovered the four largest moons of Jupiter. He would go on to use his telescopes to study sunspots and the phases of Venus. Galileo’s observations revolutionized astronomy and changed our worldview profoundly. Images: Wikipedia & The Galileo Project Galileo's sketches and observations of the Moon revealed that there were mountains on its surface.
Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) Johannes Kepler was born in southwest Germany in 1571. His work in describing the Universe with mathematics as well as observations were revolutionary. He was assistant to another famous astronomer, the Dane Tycho Brahe. Kepler learnt of Galileo’s use of the telescope in 1610 and soon became a great enthusiast of its use for astronomical purposes. Kepler himself used a telescope to observe Jupiter’s four largest moons and published a work on telescope theory in 1611. book “Dioptrice” a design that used two converging lenses Image: Wikipedia Images: Wikipedia
Timeline of the birth of the telescope c. 13501608 Spectacles invented & glass lenses developed. Hans Lipperhey approaches the government of the Netherlands with patent for the telescope. The first eyeglasses are made by a lay person in Pisa, Italy. c. 1286 Detail of portrait of Hugh de Provence, 1352 Images: Wikipedia
Timeline of the birth of the telescope 1609 Galileo demonstrated his first telescope to Venetian lawmakers. Telescopes could be bought in spectacle shops in Paris. 1610 Galileo turns his telescope to the sky to see Jupiter’s moons. 1611 Johannes Kepler describes the optics of lenses, including a new kind of astronomical telescope with two convex lenses (the 'Keplerian' telescope). The phases of Venus observed by Galileo and others. Thomas Harriot may have observed the Moon through telescope. c. 1609 August July January September Image: Universe Review Image: Galileo Project Image: Il Saggiatore (1613 ) September – October (?) Galileo turns his telescope to the Moon.
망원경의 발전 (2 세대 ) James Gregory (1638-1675) “Optica Promota” 1663 :concave prabolar primary mirror & a concave ellipsoidal secondary mirror placed beyond the primary’s focal point. Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727) 50mm primary mirror with 150mm in focal length & magnified by ~ 25 times & flat seconday mirror angled at 45 deg to the incoming light Cassegrain ( 1625?-1712?) telescope : inventor (very little known) this and its variants Richey-Chretien, Coude, and Nasmyth :used for major and many smaller telescopes
금속거울 반사경 제조의 어려움 : 포물면, 쌍곡면, 타원면 낮은 반사율 : 60% 정규적인 광택 요구 굴절 망원경과 반사 망원경의 경쟁 더 크고, 더 초점이 길고, 더 배율이 높은 망원경으로 …
3 세대, 4 세대, 5 세대 Sir William Herschel (1738-1822) : 1.2m reflector with a primary mirror ~ 1000Kg William Parson (Lord Rosse, 1800-1867) 1.8m, ~4000 Kg discover nebulous objects Chester Moor Hall (1703 -1771) : combining two lenses achromatic First manufactured in 1758 by John Dolland (1706-1761) 1897 : 1m Yerkes Telescope Justus von Liebig(1803-1873) : 1835 silver coated glass mirror Leon Foucault : manufactured telescope mirrors of silver coated glass Today : aluminum coated 단일 반사경 : ESO VLT = 4 개의 8.2 m 남 북 반구 Gemini : 8.1 m Large Binocular telescope (LBT) : 8.4 m 일본 Subaru : 8 m 21 세기 : 다중경 망원경 : 36 * 1.8m ~ 10m : Keck I, II 91 components ~ 11*10m : Hobby-Eberly
2016-06-1320 망원경의 성능 집광력 : 구경 제곱에 비례 분해능 : 구경에 비례 파장에 반비례 파장에 반비례 지구 대기에 의한 분해능의 저하 : 시상효과 광학 우주 망원경이 필요한 이유 배율 : 대물렌즈 부착 ( 확대 ) 검출기 ( 눈, 사진, CCD) : 상 (image) ; 밝기, 위치, 분광기 + 검출기 : 스펙트럼 : 별의 구성물질에 대한 정보, 운동, 물리적 특성
2016-06-1323 굴절식 반사식 망원경의 종류
2016-06-1326 Young 의 실험
2016-06-1327 회절 무니
2016-06-1329 회절 무늬와 상 분해
2016-06-1331 빛 - 분광 고온의 밀집된 기체 덩어리 또는 액체 고체 – 흑체복사 온도가 높을수록 파란색의 빛을 많이 냄. 모든 원자는 고유의 주파수를 가지고 있다. 일종의 지문 같은 것 빛을 주파수 또는 파장별로 분석을 하면 천체에 있는 원소가 무엇인지를 알 수 있 다.
2016-06-1334 먼 곳의 천체의 운동은 어떻게 아나 ? -> 도플러 효과 이용 소리에서의 음, 빛에서의 색 -> 사람이 진동수를 감지하는 방법 -> 사람이 진동수를 감지하는 방법 단위시간당 진동수가 크면 고음, 파란색 진동수를 증가시키는 방법 테이프를 빨리 돌린다. 서로 접근한다.
2016-06-1336 세계의 광학 천문대와 망원경들 - 구름이 적게 끼는 곳, 비가 적은 곳 -> 건조 지역 - 공기에 의한 차광 효과 최소화 -> 높은 곳 - 지구대기의 요동을 피해야 -> 높은 곳, 건조한 곳 - 기반시설이 있어야
UVOIR telescope size: determines ultimate sensitivity Diameter doubling time ~45 years Largest scopes now 8-10m diam Collecting area of 10-m is 4*10 6 that of the dark-adapted eye In planning: 15-m to 40-m For a given technology, cost ~ D 2.6 Cost is roughly proportional to mass. Even using new technologies, next generation of large ground-based telescopes will cross the $1 billion threshold.
차세대 지상 광학 망원경 GMT : 7 * 8 m (24.8 m ;2018) TMT : 492 segments (30m : 2018) E-ELT : 5 mirrors (42 m : 2020) 2016-06-13
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