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GammaLib based analysis of TeV data A high-level Science Analysis framework for CTA Jürgen Knödlseder (IRAP, Toulouse)

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Presentation on theme: "GammaLib based analysis of TeV data A high-level Science Analysis framework for CTA Jürgen Knödlseder (IRAP, Toulouse)"— Presentation transcript:

1 GammaLib based analysis of TeV data A high-level Science Analysis framework for CTA Jürgen Knödlseder (IRAP, Toulouse)

2 Observing TeV gamma rays few ns ~1° 100 m 1000 – 2000 pixels FOV few degrees

3 Observing gamma rays All measure photons ! - localization - time - energy (- polarization) MeV keV GeV TeV

4 The GammaLib idea Stop re-inventing the wheel! Put all common services into a single library Add plugins for instrument-specific software Make the library open source Make the library a community development

5 The GammaLib implementation Generic, self-contained, open source, multi-platform C++ library that implements all code required for high-level science analysis of gamma-ray data generic: GammaLib core code does not depend on a specific instrument type or architecture self-contained: does not depend on any other library (considerable cost-reduction for maintenance; not fully fulfilled since dependence on cfitsio) open source: GNU GPL v3 licence ( multi-platform: should compile on any POSIX-compliant platform (32 and 64 bit) Requirements open source  community development, quality control multi-platform  continuous multi-platform integration and testing Relation to CTA propose GammaLib as the backbone of the CTA high-level science analysis framework ctools: Analysis executables using GammaLib as C++ API

6 ctools ctools workflow ctools technologies prototype results MAGIC HESS 6 Fermi

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