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Observation Integration across Disciplines in the GEOSS Architecture Implementation Pilot George Percivall and Bart de Lathouwer The Open Geospatial Consortium.

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Presentation on theme: "Observation Integration across Disciplines in the GEOSS Architecture Implementation Pilot George Percivall and Bart de Lathouwer The Open Geospatial Consortium."— Presentation transcript:

1 Observation Integration across Disciplines in the GEOSS Architecture Implementation Pilot George Percivall and Bart de Lathouwer The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) IGARSS 2013

2 GEOSS connects Observations to Decisions

3 Developing GEOSS Information System GEOSS is a distributed, voluntary, Earth observation spatial data infrastructure. Defining an agile development process for GEOSS Co-evolution of implementations and architecture Observation integration across disciplines in the GEOSS Architecture Implementation Pilot (AIP)

4 Agile development benefits from prototyping Manifesto for Agile Software Development –Individuals and interactions over processes and tools –Working software over comprehensive documentation –Customer collaboration over contract negotiation –Responding to change over following a plan Innovation and creativity in development occurs most reliably with multiple prototypes

5 Prototyping vs. Specifying Multi-project experiments concluded each has merits 1.Prototyping yielded 40% less code; 45% less effort 2.Prototyped products rated lower on functionality and robustness, but higher on ease of use and ease of learning 3.Specifying produced more coherent designs and software that was easier to integrate. In general –Prototypes provide optimal solutions for local conditions and current needs, whereas –Specifying provides completeness for a broader community and easier evolution over time

6 Development approach for GEOSS AIP GEOSS characteristics –Development must meet variety of SBA needs –System of systems requires a vision be shared by GEO members and participating organizations GEOSS Architecture Implementation Pilot (AIP) development process –Co-evolution of architecture, delivered systems, and stakeholders needs –Architecture framework for development, basis to evaluate deliveries –Development in collaboration with users

7 AIP Development Phases AIP-1 Kickoff: Jun 2007; Alpha operations Nov 2007; Arch Workshop Feb 2008AIP-1 –"Core" Architecture defined initial version of GCI AIP-2 Kickoff Sep 2008; demo ISRSE May 2009; Beta operations Sep 2009AIP-2 –SBA implementations of common cross-cutting architecture; Refined GCI concept supporting transition to operations AIP-3 Kickoff Mar 2010; results to Beijing Plenary; Complete Feb 2011AIP-3 –Network building in GEOSS SBA communities; Piloted Broker and Processing capabilities AIP-4 Kickoff May 2011; results to Istanbul Plenary; Complete Dec 2011AIP-4 –Increase access to priority earth observation data; via server software, tutorials and application clients AIP-5 Kickoff May 2012; results to Brazil Plenary; Complete Dec 2012AIP-5 –SBA application scenarios; Research prototypes AIP-6 Kickoff March 2013; results planned for EO Ministerial, Jan 204 More than 120 organizations have contributed to AIP over 5 phases

8 Information Viewpoint Computational Viewpoint Engineering Viewpoint Optimized Design/Development Technology Viewpoint Enterprise Viewpoint Community Objectives GEOSS Vision and Targets Societal Benefit Areas System of Systems/ Interoperability Abstract/Best Practices GEOSS AIP Architecture RM-ODP Viewpoints Earth Observations Geographic Features Spatial Referencing Metadata and Quality GEOSS Data-CORE Catalog/Registry Access and Order Processing Services Sensor Web User Identity Component Types Information Framework Use Cases Services Tutorials

9 GEOSS Clearinghouse GEO Web Portal GEOSS Common Infrastructure Components & Services Standards and Interoperability Best Practices Wiki User Requirements Registries Main GEO Web Site Registered Community Resources Community Portals Client Applications Client Tier Mediation Tier Community Catalogues User Managemen t Portrayal Servers Processing Servers Access Brokers Workflow Managemen t Discovery Brokers Access Tier GEONETCast Data Servers Sensor Web Servers Model Web Servers CSWWMS CSW WMS SOSSASSPS CSW WPS FTP Order OPeNDAP WCS WFS WMS CSWWMSWPS Access EO Vocabulary Test Facility Access WCSWFSWCSWFS Engineering Components: Host data, Interact thru Services

10 Use Cases Publish Resources Discover Resources Visualize and Access Process and Automate Maintain and Support GEOSS Users GEOSS Resource Providers

11 Integration of disciplines thru architecture Geo-informatics results… –Fusing EO data with other geospatial information, e.g., maps, SDI, alerts – based on standards –Moving from “order” to “access” for rapid delivery to speed analysis and response –Brokering to span communities –Reducing loss of information between formats –Sensor Web to hide complexity of diverse sensing systems and associated control structures. –Model Web vision promising with initial steps …apply across SBAs: Disaster Management, Biodiversity Models, Energy, Water, Health

12 User Interface Satellite Programing Telemetry(Data) Receiving station Satellite Scheduling Satellite Scheduling AIP: Disaster Management


14 GEOSS and CEOS coordination on DM GEO and CEOS are advancing the use of Earth Observations (EO) in Disaster Management (DM) Systems in GEOSS informing risk management and disaster reduction with EO-derived information. –Architecture Implementation Pilot (AIP) to describe, interconnect, capitalize, share CEOS developing GEOSS Architecture for the Use of Satellites for DM and Risk Assessment –GA.4.Disasters Coordinated GEOSS and CEOS activities AIP: Disaster Management

15 AIP: Biodiversity models on Web Observations plus modeling systems to predict pika distributions change with climate Interoperability to determine predictors for the impact of climate change on biodiversity

16 AIP Energy – Solar Atlas High-Resolution Solar Atlas MINES ParisTech – ENDORSE Bio-energy assessment for Pakistan DLR – RSA – Suparco – EnerGEO GEOSS Data Core Help Application for dataset

17 AIP-6: Hydrology on the web Observations Models Global to Local Watersheds Maps World Water Online – Univ Texas Austin. Leadership in AIP-6 along with many participants

18 Health Case Studies for GEOSS Environmental effects on allergies and cardiovascular diseases in Dresden and the Free State of Saxony, Germany Environmental challenges to health in South Durban, South Africa, due due to human exposure on atmospheric pollution Investigating the impact of environmental and climatic variables on the cholera outbreaks in Uganda

19 Summary: Integration across disciplines in GEOSS AIP development combines the best of prototyping and specifying Architecture developed in AIP provides a basis to scale to multi-disciplinary needs in GEOSS. Standards and interoperability arrangements support fusion of EO observations across disciplines AIP and other GEO Tasks show the value of GEOSS in application of EO to meet societies needs

20 References GEO and GEOSS – GEO Architecture Implementation Pilot (AIP) – GEOSS Web Portal – The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) –

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