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Objectives Size separation Importance of size separation Sieve

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1 Objectives Size separation Importance of size separation Sieve
Grades of powders Classification of size separation PH

2 Materials usually sieved in houses For separation of
Wheat flour Mirchi powder Turmeric powder Sand used for construction ( By using different sieve sizes ) PH

3 Size separation: Importance:
Separation of the particles according to their sizes Importance: To formulate a uniform dosage form To prepare granules of required size To separate undesirable particles PH

4 Sieve It is used to sifting the powders It is made up of wood or metal fitted with a wirecloth which is made up of copper alloys, stainless steel, hair, silk, nylon or terylene , having a specific diameter of the wire. Each sieve is given a definite number which indicate a number of the meshes present in a length of 2.54 cm or one inch. Sieve numbers: 10, 22, 44, 60, 85, 120 PH

5 Different Sieves Fig : 28.1 PH

6 Different meshes Fig : 28.2 PH

7 Grading of powders Coarse powder : 10/44
Moderately coarse powder : 22/60 Moderately fine powder : 44/85 Fine powder : 85 Very fine powder : PH

8 Classification Sieving method. Sedimentation method.
Cyclone separation method. PH

9 Objectives Size separation by sieving or sifting by different methods.

10 Sieving Sieving Methods:
Separation of coarse particles from fine particles by using set of sieves. Sieving Methods: Agitation Brushing Centrifugation PH

11 Agitation method Oscillation Vibration Gyration PH

12 Oscillation method Moves back and forth
Material roll on the surface of the sieve PH

13 Vibration method Sieve move with High speed
Rapid vibration imparted to the particles on the sieve Particles are less likely to “blind” the mesh PH

14 Gyration method Rotatary movement small amplitude.
Considerable intensity. Spinning motion to the particles. Particles suitably oriented to pass through the sieve. PH

15 Mechanical Sieve Shaker
Fig: 29.1 PH

16 Sieve details Set of 12 sieves Arranged in ascending order
From 6 to 200 No Large size sieve at the top Small size at the bottom Receiver at the bottom of the small size sieve PH

17 Sieving procedure Powder kept in top sieve Shake the sieve
Sieve gyrates and vibrates Weight of powder on each sieve Find the percentage of residue in each sieve Percentage = Residue in each sieve X 100 Total wt of powder PH

18 Advantages Size analysis data under controlled condition Inexpensive
Simple & Rapid process Little variation between operation PH

19 Disadvantages Over loading sieve result error
Insufficient time leads to wrong results Electrostatic attractions leads to aggregation Humidity, Hygroscopic powders leads to aggregation Pale like or long fibrous will not pass PH

20 Brushing method Brush is fitted about midpoint of sieve.
Reorient the particles on the surface of sieve. Prevent blocking of sieve. Spiral brush is used for large scale production. Fitted on to a horizontal cylindrical sieve. Rotates about the longitudinal axis. PH

21 Centrifugal method A vertical cylindrical sieve.
Centrifugal force separates particles. A vertical cylindrical sieve. Rotates with high speed. Current of air created by rotor movement. Particles are thrown outwards. Assist in sieving. PH

22 Objective Size separation by Sedimentation methods PH

23 When you walk or play in water of a pond, it becomes dirt
When you walk or play in water of a pond, it becomes dirt. After some time water become clear, why ? PH

24 Sedimentation methods
Sedimentation means Settle down of the particles to the bottom Fluid is stationary. Separation of particles of various sizes. Depends mainly on particle velocity. Division of particles in to various fractions. Depends on time of sedimentation. PH

25 Sedimentation method is expressed by Stoke’s equation de =
18n x (p – p0)g t Where De =effective or Stoke’s diameter n = viscosity of the dispersion liquid in poises x/t =rate of sedimentation or distance of fall x in time t g = gravitational constant p = density of the particles po = density of the medium PH

26 Andreasen method: Particle size analysis.
The apparatus is called Andreasen apparatus. Consist of 500ml sedimentation vessel. Fitted with ground glass joint. Passed 10ml of pipette with two way stop clock. PH

27 Fig : 30.1 PH

28 Procedure 1% suspension is prepared & placed in sedimentation vessel.
10 ml of sample is withdrawn at speficified interval of time & depth. Sample dried, residue is weighed. Larger particles settles at faster rate than the Smaller particles . From weights of dried samples the % of initial suspension is calculated. Particles having sizes smaller than the size calculated by stoke’s equation for that time. PH

29 Sedimentation Tank The upper layer is removed, giving single separation or. Suspension may be collected as a number of fractions. Arranging for the pump inlet to remain just below the surface. A suspension is placed in a tank allowed to stand for suitable time. Suspension pumped out will then contain successively coarser particles. PH

30 Continuous Sedimentation Tank
A shallow tank with inlet& outlet pipes. The force act on the particles entering in the tank. Divides in to components. Horizontal component due to flow of the liquid Carries the particles forwards. PH

31 Continuous Sedimentation Tank
Vertical component due to gravity. Particles to fall towards the bottom of the tank. This depends on the stoke’s law. Velocity of fall is proportional to the diameter. Coarsest particles nearest to inlet, finest particles nearest to the outlet. PH

32 Fig: 30.2 PH

33 Objectives Elutriation Cyclone separator Methods of size separation

34 Elutriation In elutriation movement of fluid against the direction of
sedimentation of the particle The apparatus consist of a vertical column An inlet near the bottom An outlet at the base for coarse particle An overflow near the top for fluid and fine particles Velocity gradient across the tube results in the separation of particles of different sizes PH

35 Fig : 31.1 Simple Apparatus for Elutriation

36 Cyclone separator Principle: Construction:
Mainly used to separate the solids from fluids Main principle involved in this is separation of solids by centrifugal force Construction: It consist of vertical,cylindrical vessel with conical base Inlet is fitted at the top,solid outlet at the base Fluid outlet is at the center of the top portion PH

37 Working: Suspension is introduced tangentially
Rotary moment of suspension is developed Causes the particles to move by centrifugal force Producing the vertex Troughs solid particles on the walls of cyclone Coarser particles separates and fall through outlet Fine particles are allowed to be carried with fluid Separation of particles depends on the fluid velocity PH

38 Application: Disadvantages Solid-gas and
Solid-fluid mixture can be separated Disadvantages Only coarse powders are separated Fine particles allowed to be carried with fluid PH

39 Fig: 31.2 Cyclone separator

40 Fig: 31.3 Cyclone separator

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