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Temporary re-boxing for preservation and digitization projects.

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Presentation on theme: "Temporary re-boxing for preservation and digitization projects."— Presentation transcript:

1 Temporary re-boxing for preservation and digitization projects.

2 In preparation for large digitization projects like Colonial North America, an entire collection may need to go to preservation.

3 We often use this type of clamshell box for re-housing. It can serve as both a temporary and permanent container if we use label holders rather than writing directly onto the box lid.


5 An unfortunate design flaw of this box is that the lid is too narrow for our label holders.

6 Which means that the label holder has to go on the bottom of the box. The manuscript end-processing unit will gladly put the label holders on for you with some advance notice, or help you do it, as placement is tricky.

7 Besides very particular placement requirements, the label-holders need to be rubbed down hard with a folding implement to make them secure.

8 ****IMPORTANT**** Label holders on these clamshell boxes must be flush with--but not overhanging, even a tiny bit —the bottom of the box so that lid doesn’t obscure text. It is very discouraging to adhere the label-holders too high up and have to re-do them later on. Labels are produced with a template that serves all collections, so re-designing the label is not an efficient option. End-processing unit will adhere labels for you.

9 Writing directly on the new box begins the unintentional process of “graffiti” that contributes to a defaced and wasted box. And it creates extra work.

10 We also have a large supply of slightly smaller boxes with removable lids, (on the right below) that can be used. These don’t present as much of a problem affixing label holders as the clamshell boxes (left below).

11 Older collections are often in deteriorating old black boxes.

12 Flattening a document can result in its transfer to a new, larger box.

13 This is an excellent way to alert end-processing of oversized items that have been removed from a box. There is a list of items moved, the old box label, and some additional notes protruding from the folders.

14 This is the large pf box into which flattened items have been filed. The end-processor, who is familiar with cataloging conventions will provide final housing and labeling for these items and will work with the cataloger to update the finding aid.

15 Thank you.

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