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Bandung Giri Gahana Golf Resort Indonesia Provided by Brad Burgess, Distributor Paul Dugmore, Asia Pacific Technical Advisor This information has been.

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Presentation on theme: "Bandung Giri Gahana Golf Resort Indonesia Provided by Brad Burgess, Distributor Paul Dugmore, Asia Pacific Technical Advisor This information has been."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bandung Giri Gahana Golf Resort Indonesia Provided by Brad Burgess, Distributor Paul Dugmore, Asia Pacific Technical Advisor This information has been validated and approved for use by the management of Bandung Giri Gahana Golf Resort

2 Agronomic Summary Creeping Bentgrass greens (cool season) Temperature and humidity very high Low sunlight intensity Pythium primary disease evident

3 Agronomic Summary Over 14 inches of Rainfall in April alone Extreme photosynthetic stress on turf!

4 The avg temps in April in Indonesia: 26 C / 78 F The average humidity: 75%-100% These are cool season Bentgrass greens. Grown in a climate which is terribly hot and humid. Lots of stress ! Agronomic Summary

5 7 Weeks After Before Note: No fungicides were available or used for the 1 st four weeks. Normal practice in Indonesia is to use lots of chemicals due to high temps and humidity

6 Before Floratine team arrived, the turf was thin, weak, with evidence of disease, and large patches with black algae Day 0

7 After: 1 st Floratine foliar application 1 st Floratine soil application Day 11

8 After 2nd Floratine foliar and soil applications Day 25

9 After 3rd Floratine foliar application Day 44

10 After: 3rd soil application 4 th foliar application Separate application of Pervade and Calphlex Day 52

11 Soil Product Justification Maxiplex Increasing release of cations at exchange sites or in other precipitated form DefenseMan For increasing the (MN) and disease resistance Pervade Applied for dealing with the very wet conditions Turgor For buffering the salt increasing cellular tissue strength for disease, wear and ball mark resistance

12 Knife Renaissance Increase Micros Protesyn … Converting all this available nitrogen to proteins PK Fight Help balance the N:K PK Fight For immediately available K PK Fight Here is the reason why you want to foliar feed your (P) P4Max For restoring plant density without turning to too much nitrogen. Reduces overall plant stress Foliar Product Justification

13 Investment: Floratine Program $27,500 / year – During 12 month, very active, stressfull period Return on Investment: Savings: – Fungicide $4,000 / year – Excess Granular Fertilizers $10,000 / year – Greens Rebuild $275,000 Additional Revenue: – Before work, rounds were down 40% – After, club estimated increase in on average $50,000 / month revenue or $600,000/year The Bottom Line

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