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Important skills for Computer Based Researching Peter Szluka, Attila Skulteti 2012. 09.17.

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Presentation on theme: "Important skills for Computer Based Researching Peter Szluka, Attila Skulteti 2012. 09.17."— Presentation transcript:

1 Important skills for Computer Based Researching Peter Szluka, Attila Skulteti 2012. 09.17

2 Network Communication Network: A group of computers connected through a communication channel. (Internet)  Two types of computers: server and client Client-Server connection  Dedicated computer,answers the requests: server For example: Web servers, database servers etc..  The one that makes the requests: client Typically home, or end-user computers 2

3 Network Communication How computers find each other? IP address: ID of the computers connected to the internet. Format: x.x.x.x, x={0-255} Domain name: Like IP address, but easy to memorize. Translation: DNS servers eg.: 3

4 Network Communication Limitations of IP address: (IPv4)  around 4 000 000 000 unique address (2 32 )  IP exhaustion soon  Solution: Network Address Translation Real Solution : IPv6 (Internet Protocol version 6) 128 bit adresses – much much more possible address and better structure 4

5 Network Communication Server IP: Domain: Client No. 1 Computer (DSL, Dialup) Proxy server 1 (eg. DSL Router) Client Computer 1 Client Computer 2 NAT Computer 1: Local (inner) IP: Real (outer) IP: (Authentication) NAT: Network address translation 5

6 Network Communication Database ‘login’ types, authentication IP identification  Automatic method, no Username or Password needed.  Only for fixed IP-s Password authentication  From any IP (You can use it at home)  Not automated (Number of problems increased by number of databases, forgotten, stolen password) Combined (IP and Password)  Rarely used. Data acquisition, login statistics (eg. EISZ) 6

7 URL format Format: protocol:// HTTP:// Hyper Text Transfer Protocol  For HTML pages, Default value of the browsers FTP:// File Trasfer Protocol  Downloading files Server name: In most cases WWW (World Wide Web) Can be different: WWW is NOT need in every URL! Domain: Usually shows the structure of the institute Eg.: (.hu: Hungary,.sote:Semmelweis University,.lib:Library) 7

8 Word processors Microsoft Word (2003, 2007, 2010 etc..)  Part of MS Office, widespread Open Office  Free, similar to MS Office, compatibility problems. WordPad  You can use it in the library. „Word lite” Notepad (Plain text) 8

9 Document formats DOC and DOCX (MS Word)  Compatibility problems Rich Text (.rtf)  Recommended to use with Wordpad Plain Text (.txt)  Just characters, formatting is not available (Bold fonts, font type, etc.) 9

10 E-journals, Article formats PDF Full-text PDF (Portable Document Format, Adobe)  Reprint format (Like photocopies)  File size can be large (depending format and page number)  Easy to save (if it is not copy protected)  Not easy to „reuse” the article (small Pictures)  Adobe Reader must be installed to view articles  Reading on small displays is problematic. 10

11 E-journals, Article formats HTML Full-text HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language)  Showed by your Internet Browser  Easy to read  Problems with printing  Problems with saving  Good for „Reusing” pictures, tables, etc. 11

12 Link Resolver systems Automated searches with the bibliographic data of the results, when you search in a database (like Medline) Full text link appears in every record in the result list. (If there is a full text available) Fault possibility: Dynamic full-text databases. (If you really need the article and full-text link does not appears, in some cases you can find it in the e-journals database at 12

13 Base Logic operators – Set theory SetBoole Algebra UnionOR SectionAND ComplementNOT 13

14 Using the clipboard A storage tool, wich allows to save, and reuse data temporarily (text, images, etc.) Always stores the last saved data. (some programs, like Office can store more data at once) 14

15 Using the clipboard Copy-Paste:  Ctrl-C: puts the selected data into the clipboard  Ctrl-V: copy the data from the clipboard Printscreen  PrtScr: the picture of the whole desktop appears on the clipboard as an image  Alt+PrtScr: Only the selected window’s image 15

16 Thank you for your attention! 16

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