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Solutions. A solution is a homogenous mixture of two or more substances.

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1 Solutions

2 A solution is a homogenous mixture of two or more substances.

3 Components There are two components to a solution. – The solute is the substance there is less of that gets dissolved – The solvent is the substance there is more of that dissolves the solute

4 Water and Soap Water is a great solvent because it is polar and abundant. Soap has a polar end and a nonpolar end, so it can dissolve oil but be dissolved by water.

5 Solubility Some substances are more soluble, meaning they dissolve easier. For solids, solubility increases when temperature increases. For gases, solubility decreases when temperature increases.

6 Concentration The more solute there is, the more concentrated the solution is.

7 Saturation There are 3 categories of concentration. – Unsaturated – a solution in which you could dissolve more solute Like semi-sweet tea to which you could add more sugar – Saturated – a solution in which you could not dissolve any more solute Like Chicken Express tea to which you could not add more sugar – Supersaturated – a solution in which more solute is dissolved than is normally possible at that temperature (unstable) This is how rock candy is created!

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