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Conversation in the office Yadira I Gracia Reyes and Belinda Candelaria.

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Presentation on theme: "Conversation in the office Yadira I Gracia Reyes and Belinda Candelaria."— Presentation transcript:

1 Conversation in the office Yadira I Gracia Reyes and Belinda Candelaria

2 Yadira  Well, Belinda when you finish, I will look forward the paper and read all your work. Because is important to be perfect to us. Let met catch at the number of the last sale and look up in the computer. So hold on to give you the back up information.

3 Belinda  I don't want to be bring up the rear. I don’t want to get down on our boss. So that why I take my mind off drinking a cup of coffee. Then, I continue bring off the information you are give me later. You cant look up my work and tell me you opinion. Take care, I’ll get will be doing.

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