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Patients Exit From Care Feb 2011Yves GAKUBA. Introduction Different reasons makes patients to exit from care: Changes their residence, Transferred to.

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Presentation on theme: "Patients Exit From Care Feb 2011Yves GAKUBA. Introduction Different reasons makes patients to exit from care: Changes their residence, Transferred to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Patients Exit From Care Feb 2011Yves GAKUBA

2 Introduction Different reasons makes patients to exit from care: Changes their residence, Transferred to another program, Tested HIV negative, Interrupts treatment for any reason, Cured, Death. v0.1.7

3 What does this imply? Patient should be exited from all programs where he/she is being enrolled in; To stop all drug orders for that patient; Delete the patient from the list of currently followed patients. v0.1.7

4 What are the steps to exit a patient from care? v0.1.7

5 Go to the dashboard of the patient you want to exit from care; Go to Overview tab; Find Patient Actions box; Click on the link Exit Patient from Care; A popup window appears, fill the form and click save; The popup window will close itself and will refresh the patient’s dashboard; you will remark that the patient’s dashboard has changed to red, drug orders and programs in which the patient is enrolled in, stopped. v0.1.7

6 Before the exit of a patient from care, some of the program he/she is enrolled in are not completed. Click on the link

7 v0.1.7 Before the exit of a patient from care, some drugs and regimens are marked current and future.

8 v0.1.7 Fill the form and Click on Save

9 v0.1.7

10 After the exit of a patient from care, all programs where the patient is being enrolled are set to completed.

11 v0.1.7

12 How can I know patients exited from care? v0.1.7 Any Statistics on that?

13 In the navigation bar, click on Activities; Go to module’s tab; Find Exit Patient From Care and click Manage Listing of Patients Exited from Care; The list appears, you can export the list in CSV (Comma-separated values) file or PDF (Portable Document Format). v0.1.7

14 Click on Activities

15 Export the list in different format (Excel or text, PDF) v0.1.7



18 Requirements OpenMRS version 1.5x v0.1.7

19 MOH-TRAC Portal 0.0.4 Dependancy v0.1.7

20 Future perspectives Requiring privileges to access the functionalities of the module. v0.1.7

21 end

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