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Hebrews 12:12-17 November 20, 2011 Hebrews Series #31 TRUTH CALLS FOR ACTION.

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1 Hebrews 12:12-17 November 20, 2011 Hebrews Series #31 TRUTH CALLS FOR ACTION

2 THE BIBLE CONTAINS MORE THAN STORIES AND DOCTRINES. It holds many exhortations or calls to action. (preachments) To preach is to exhort or admonish. We are to teach and preach. Teaching and exhorting are inseparable. Teaching without application is worthless. Exhortation without sound doctrine is misleading. We must (1) explain (2) illustrate and (3) apply.

3 MANY HAVE AN INTELLECTUAL GRASP OF DOCTRINE BUT KNOW VERY LITTLE OF PRACTICAL CHRISTIAN LIVING. Do you believe in the inspiration and inerrancy? *Then live under its authority. Do you believe Jesus is Lord? *Then surrender to His Lordship. Do you believe God is omnipotent? *Then lean on Him! The writer of Hebrews spends 11 chapters teaching, defining, explaining, and illustrating a life of faith and walk with Christ. Now He says, “Get out and run the race!”

4 IT IS NOT ENOUGH TO KNOW. WE MUST DO Know – Be – Do It is naturally in this order, AND God is involved and central in each step. On the basis that you should run the race of faith in your life (12:1-3), and that your suffering is a part of God’s loving discipline (12:4-11), then put forth your best effort to DO what you KNOW! Therefore we must NOW ask the question… What should we do because of God’s loving discipline?

5 I. RACE OR CONTEND! (VS. 12-13) Explanation The Technique. Remember? “Lift up the hands which hang down” “and the feeble knees” The Track. Remember? “and make straight paths for your feet” “lest that which is lame” “be turned out of the way” “but let it rather be healed”

6 Illustration Whenever we ran, either in practice or in performance, our track coach would watch our technique and make us practice for improvement. On the day of our home meets, he would get us out of school for the afternoon to prepare the track. We would pull the weeds, rake it, drag it, and line it. It would be thoroughly prepared for any and all runners. Application We are to respond to God’s discipline with self discipline. Lift up our eyes and spirits in perseverance. Activate our spiritual arms and legs with spiritual vitality. Live right-stay on the track. Others are following. Not all runners are in great shape. Some are handicapped. They must persist also. They must continue and finish. You that are able, look to help other runners. (3:13; 4:1; 6:11; Rom. 15:1) Take care of weak, crippled members! That is our job. Not only should we RACE or CONTEND but…

7 II. REACH OR CRAVE. (VS. 14) Explanation “follow”-pursue diligently. Chase after… “peace”-this is loving or drawing near to MEN. “holiness”-this is loving or drawing near to God. “without which no man will see God” (2 views) These two cravings indicate that a person is a believer. As Matthew states, “the pure in heart shall see God.” The opposite of which would then be true-if one does not possess these traits, he is not a true believer. Unless others see God’s holiness and peace in our lives, they (The Lost) will not be saved! Jn.13:35; 17:21.

8 Illustration – The Fruit of the Spirit (evidence) Application What are you reaching for dear believer? Have you neglected peace and holiness? This is your obligation or duty- -action as a result of being in the race and also having experienced God’s discipline. Suffering will bring this about. (Remember vs. 11’s peaceable fruit of righteousness.) Not only should we RACE or contend, and REACH or crave, but…

9 III. REGARD OR CARE. (VS. 15-17) Explanation “Looking diligently”-an unusual verb... The reader is challenged in the face of suffering and discipline to REGARD or CARE for ONE ANOTHER. We are to WATCH… “lest any man fail of the grace of God” “lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you and many be defiled.” “lest there be any fornicator” Literally a sexually immoral person... Defined – a life is characterized by…

10 This is discouraged by: The Holy Spirit-“goodness” The Father’s discipline Our Christian brothers and sisters “or profane person”- means “godless”. This is one who has the worldly or secular viewpoint Esau – the illustration of “profane” “Who sold his birthright”- a double portion to the eldest son who would use it to support his family… He was the family priest…the spiritual leader. Gen. 25:31-34 In selling his birthright for a bowl of bean soup, Esau deliberately rejected the faith of his fathers. He insisted on gratifying his immediate needs. He bartered away and rejected something of greater value. Context - These early professing Christians were tempted to trade their new faith for what seemed to be more satisfying to their senses. (I’ll please my friends, family, and government-go back to Judaism)

11 Illustration- Game show-Keep the $100.00 bill or trade it away for something behind the curtain? Application- Are you one of those listed in these last verses? Are you trading away the life of faith to walk in… Laziness? Unbelief? Gossip? Temper? Financial irresponsibility? Selfish entertainment? Revenge? Pride? Lust? “Love not the world…”

12 Vs. 17 It seems that later when Esau realized his error, he tried to go back but he was unable to recover his birthright. “He was rejected”-he was turned away from receiving it. “For he found no place of repentance, though he sought it carefully with tears”. Views He repented but it did no good; even his tears could not bring the blessing. There could be no change of mind in this matter. In fact, he wept and pleaded, but Isaac could not and would not change his mind. Some decisions are final. There is a finality about your acts-they cannot be undone. Esau was unable to repent -remorse, yes,-even tears, but no repentance. To please God, there must be confession, repentance, and acceptance. Matt. 12- Jewish religious leaders had all the light that Christ could give them. The Holy Ghost had enabled Christ to heal and teach-they rejected it. They would not repent with all that light. There would be no salvation later with less light-they were sealing their doom. At this point in life, you have light-you may not later. Do not turn away! (Rejection is the unpardonable sin)

13 WHAT SHOULD WE DO BECAUSE OF GOD’S LOVING DISCIPLINE? Race or Contend (vs. 12-13) Reach or Crave (vs. 14) Regard or Care (vs. 15-17)

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