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Regulation of Cardiovascular Activities 夏强, PhD 浙江大学基础医学系.

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Presentation on theme: "Regulation of Cardiovascular Activities 夏强, PhD 浙江大学基础医学系."— Presentation transcript:

1 Regulation of Cardiovascular Activities 夏强, PhD 浙江大学基础医学系

2 Control of Cardiovascular Activities Nervous Regulation Humoral Regulation Autoregulation


4 Innervation of the heart Cardiac sympathetic nerve Cardiac vagus nerve 1. 起源 origin 2. 节前纤维 preganglionic fiber 3. 外周神经节 ganglion 4. 节后纤维 postganglionic fiber 5. 支配 distribution 6. 递质 neurotransmitter

5 Cardiac autonomic actions Cardiac sympathetic actions – Positive chronotropic effect 正性变时作用 – Positive dromotropic effect 正性变传导作用 – Positive inotropic effect 正性变力作用 Cardiac parasympathetic actions – Negative chronotropic effect 负性变时作用 – Negative dromotropic effect 负性变传导作用 – Negative inotropic effect 负性变力作用


7 Predominance of autonomic nerves

8 Innervation of the blood vessels Vasoconstrictor nerve 缩血管神经 – Sympathetic vasoconstrictor nerve 交感缩血管神经 Vasodilator nerve 舒血管神经 – Sympathetic vasodilator nerve 交感舒血管神经 – Parasympathetic vasodilator nerve 副交感舒血管神 经 – Dorsal root vasodilator nerve 脊髓背根舒血管神经

9 Vasomotor center Located bilaterally mainly in the reticular substance of the medulla and of the lower third of the pons –Vasoconstrictor area –Vasodilator area –Cardioinhibitor area – dorsal nuclei of the vagus nerves and ambiguous nucleus –Sensory area – tractus solitarius

10 Baroreceptor Reflexes Arterial baroreceptors –Carotid sinus receptor –Aortic arch receptor Afferent nerves (Buffer nerves) Cardiovascular center: medulla Efferent nerves: cardiac sympathetic nerve, sympathetic constrictor nerve, vagus nerve Effector: heart & blood vessels

11 Reflex pathway

12 Baroreceptor neurons deliver MAP information to the medulla oblongata’s cardiovascular control center (CVCC); the CVCC determines autonomic output to the heart. i.e., MAP is above homeostatic set point i.e., reduce cardiac output

13 The End.

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