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Part One: E-learning at EGGS 2011 Part Two: 1 to 1 Netbooks – Looking forward to 2012 Presentation to PTA 8 th June 2011 Claire Amos

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Presentation on theme: "Part One: E-learning at EGGS 2011 Part Two: 1 to 1 Netbooks – Looking forward to 2012 Presentation to PTA 8 th June 2011 Claire Amos"— Presentation transcript:

1 Part One: E-learning at EGGS 2011 Part Two: 1 to 1 Netbooks – Looking forward to 2012 Presentation to PTA 8 th June 2011 Claire Amos

2 E-learning at EGGS 2011 2011 ICT PD and E-learning Overview

3 Netbooks Remember students are being encouraged to bring in netbooks, so we need to be giving them opportunities to use them Support sessions for students bringing netbooks will be taking place next week Netbook student self-help available on the intranet A class set of netbooks will be available for period by period booking for Year 9 and 10 classes

4 ICT PD 2011

5 Transitioning from 2010 to 2011 Overarching Programme Goals stay the same! To improve student engagement through the integration of ICT strategies to enhance: (a) student centred learning (b) strong learning relationships between teachers, students and caregivers

6 1. Students to become successful digital citizens Staff and student to define and promote practices that demonstrate behaviours of a successful digital citizen*

7 *Digital citizenship Drawing on the values and key competencies of the NZC we can begin to define a digital citizen as someone who:- is a confident and capable user of ICT uses ICT to participate in educational, cultural, and economic activities develops and demonstrates critical thinking skills through ICT is literate in the language, symbols, and texts of ICT is aware of challenges presented by ICT and can manage them effectively relates to others in positive, meaningful ways through ICT demonstrates honesty and integrity in their use of ICT respects the concepts of privacy and freedom of speech in a digital world contributes and actively promotes the values of digital citizenship as defined here

8 2. Principals to lead the integration of e-learning in their schools (strategic and operational) The Principal to lead the integration of e- learning in all areas of the school.

9 3. Teachers to integrate e-learning effectively into their practice creating an innovative and exciting learning environment for all students Learning Areas to establish and/or further develop online learning environments in all subject areas, and to further develop effective teaching and learning strategies that are supported by the use of ICTs. Staff to encourage use of student owned Internet capable devices.

10 4. Family and whānau to actively participate in their child’s learning SMT, curricular and co-curricular groups will actively encourage students to add relevant evidence of learning to their eportfolio which will enable active participation of their family, whānau and communities.

11 5. Sharing online professional reflections to inform colleagues of the challenges and opportunities afforded by e-learning Learning Areas to share online professional reflections and learning stories to inform colleagues and the wider community about the challenges and opportunities afforded by e-learning.

12 ICT tools and strategies that we will focus on

13 Using Teaching as Inquiry to produce an ‘E-learning Action Plan’

14 E-learning Action Plan Inquiry Cycle StageE-learning Action Plan Stage Focusing InquiryDesired Student Learning Outcome(s) (PLG Focus) Teaching InquiryICT/e-learning strategies that will support DSLO Teaching and LearningWho/When (Timeline) Learning InquiryEvidence that you will collect to measure shift in regards to DSLO:

15 1) What is the desired student learning outcome?

16 2) What ICT Tools and Strategies will we focus on to achieve the desired student learning outcome?

17 3) Timeline – what are we going to do, when are we going to do it?

18 4) What are we hoping to be the results, and how will we measure them?

19 So how will this work? E-mentors will be Learning Area based PLGs will be formed within Learning Areas to suit specific needs of Learning Area Learning Areas will produce an ‘E-learning Action Plan’ led by LADs and e-mentors PLGs will develop specific ‘E-learning Action Plans based on desired student learning outcomes’

20 and… Several sessions a term will be allocated to PLG sessions to work on their ‘E-learning Action Plan’ and workshops will be offered (based on needs highlighted in the action plans).

21 Term One Learning Area goals/foci are established Using the teaching as Inquiry process an e- learning Action Plan is developed (this may happen before or after creating PLGs) All Learning e-learning Action Plans are collated and workshops are planned in response to needs

22 Term Two/Three/Four PLG time is given to work on Action Plan, e- mentors and LAD oversee these sessions A range of workshops are offered, led by e- mentors, based on needs highlighted in E- learning Action plans

23 Term Four Reporting back to staff, formal feedback and evaluation in preparation for 2012

24 1:1 Netbooks Looking ahead to 2012

25 Drawing a line in the sand

26 What we expect in our workplace

27 What if we were given this?

28 Why is this okay for our students?

29 What do we want for our students? vs.

30 or even better… and

31 Then we could avoid this…

32 and this…

33 But what about cost? $

34 What about distractions?

35 What about security?

36 Are we ready?

37 Will we ever be ready?

38 The sooner we start…

39 The sooner we start learning

40 The BIG ICT and eLearning Survey Later in the term staff will be given the opportunity to feedback /comment on: ICT infrastructure (Moodle, Google and Mahara) – What are you using, what works well, what are the issues, how can we improve it? 1:1 netbooks – What are the concerns? What support will you need? eLearning Professional Development and Support – Are there particular needs? How can we improve it?

41 Where to from here…. Presentations to PTA and BOT A final decision is made about how we will introduce it next year – standard netbooks?, equity issues, cost, security etc Gather feedback from staff about ICT and eLearning PD needs Develop a strategic plan to address ICT infrastructure issues, eLearning PD needs etc. Aiming for incoming Year 9s having netbooks (or equivalent) as standard equipment ICT PD 2012 will focus on supporting introduction of 1:1 netbooks at Year 9 level (building on previous years PD) We continue to encourage all other students to bring in internet capable devices

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