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Pulmonary Embolism Dr. Gerrard Uy.

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Presentation on theme: "Pulmonary Embolism Dr. Gerrard Uy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pulmonary Embolism Dr. Gerrard Uy

2 Venous Thromboembolism (VTE)
Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) Pulmonary Embolism (PE)

3 VTE Predispositions Long-haul air travel Obesity Cigarette smoking
Oral contraceptives Pregnancy Postmenopausal hormone replacement Surgery Trauma Antiphospholipid syndrome Cancer Systemic arterial hypertension

4 Pulmonary Embolism (PE)
Pathophysiology Embolization Venous thrombi dislodge Enters the pulmonary circulation Or paradoxically, to arterial circulation Isolated calf vein thrombi are the most common cause of paradoxical embolism

5 Pathophysiology Physiology
most common gas exchange abnormalities are hypoxemia (decreased arterial PO2) inefficiency of O2 transfer across the lungs Increased pulmonary vascular resistance Impaired gas exchange Alveolar hyperventilation Increased airway resistance Decreased pulmonary compliance

6 Pathophysiology Right Ventricular Dysfunction
Progressive right heart failure is the usual cause of death from PE RV contraction continues even after the left ventricle (LV) starts relaxing the interventricular septum bulges into and compresses an intrinsically normal left ventricle

7 Diagnosis Clinical Evaluation Nonspecific signs and symptoms
Known as “the Great Masquerader” most frequent history is unexplained breathlessness Dyspnea: most frequent symptom Tachypnea: most frequent sign dyspnea, syncope, hypotension, or cyanosis pleuritic pain, cough, or hemoptysis

8 Diagnosis Laboratory Blood tests: D dimer assay
Elevated cardiac markers: Troponin ECG: S1Q3T3 sign: an S wave in lead I, Q wave in lead III, and inverted T wave in lead III T-wave inversion in leads V1 to V4


10 Diagnosis Imaging Venous Ultrasound Chest XRay:
Westermark's sign - focal oligemia Hampton's hump - a peripheral wedged-shaped density above the diaphragm Palla’s sign - an enlarged right descending pulmonary artery Chest CT Scan with contrast Lung Scan

11 Treatment Anticoagulation foundation for successful treatment
parenteral drug: unfractionated heparin (UFH), low molecular weight heparin (LMWH), or fondaparinux "bridge" to stable, long-term anticoagulation with a vitamin K antagonist : WARFARIN

12 Treatment IVC filter Maintain adequate circulation Fibrinolysis
Pulmonary Embolectomy Pulmonary Thromboendarterectomy Emotional Support

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