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January 20141 Stag Lane Infant & Nursery School FOREVER LEARNERS: ACHIEVING OUR DREAMS Welcome to our meeting to discuss the end of Key Stage Assessments,

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Presentation on theme: "January 20141 Stag Lane Infant & Nursery School FOREVER LEARNERS: ACHIEVING OUR DREAMS Welcome to our meeting to discuss the end of Key Stage Assessments,"— Presentation transcript:

1 January 20141 Stag Lane Infant & Nursery School FOREVER LEARNERS: ACHIEVING OUR DREAMS Welcome to our meeting to discuss the end of Key Stage Assessments, Tests and Tasks

2 2 January 2014 What is Teacher Assessment at the end of Year 2 / Key Stage 1?  Teacher assessment is the way all good schools assess pupils. It is carried out as part of everyday teaching and learning.  However, at the end of Year 2 teachers have to summarise every eligible childs’ attainment and reach a final judgement, taking into account the child’s progress and performance throughout the Key Stage

3 3 January 2014 What do teachers have to assess? In English teachers need to determine:  a level for Speaking & Listening  a level for Reading  a level for Writing (which includes spelling)

4 PHONICS TEST Any Year 2 child- - who did not meet the “required standard” will need to retake the check. - who was not assessed in 2013 will be tested in 2014 January 20144

5 5 What do teachers have to assess? In Maths teachers need to determine:  an overall subject level The children will be assessed in:  Number, including Data Handling(60%)  Using and applying Maths (20%)  Shape, space and measure (20%)

6 6 January 2014 What do teachers have to assess? In Science teachers need to determine a level for each Attainment target:  Scientific Enquiry – 3 – greater weighting  Life processes and living things - 1  Materials and their properties - 1  Physical Processes – 1 An overall subject level will be automatically calculated when these levels are entered into the school’s information Management System

7 7 January 2014 What are “ levels”? What do the levels mean?  The levels tell you how your child is doing in comparison with other children nationally There are 3 levels: 1, 2 & 3  L1 means that the child has started to make progress but not as much as is expected of an average child  L2 is the level children are expected to reach by the end of Y2  L3 is above the expected level for a 7 year old

8 8 January 2014 P Scales  For children working below level 1 or working towards L1, the P scales should be used, where SEN is identified.  P Scales = W  Working Towards Level 1

9 9 January 2014 Level 2 – 2A, 2B or 2C?  Where a child has been judged to be a level 2 teachers should consider whether they are  2A, - at the TOP of level 2  2B - SECURELY at Level 2  2C – just into Level 2

10 10 January 2014 How do teachers arrive at these judgements? All teachers:  build up a picture of what a child can do through everyday teaching and learning, and by half termly tracking assessments. The children’s marked work is the evidence. At the end of Year 2 teachers  use tasks and tests (SATs) in reading, writing and mathematics to help inform their final teacher assessment judgement.

11 11 January 2014 What are these tests & tasks?  These tests and tasks, are set by the Government for children in Year 2, working at Level 1 or above, to assess their progress  They must be administered to all Year 2 children who are working at Level 1 or above  They are likely to take place during the month of May. NO family holiday will be authorised!  There is no longer any requirement to report separately the levels obtained from the tasks and tests. Their role is to help inform the final teacher assessment judgement reported for each child.

12 12 January 2014 What subjects are tested?  There are tasks and tests for these subjects Reading Writing, which includes handwriting and spelling Maths

13 13 January 2014 What are the tests and tasks like? Reading Levels P & 1 The children have to read a book to the teacher who notes which strategies they use and how many basic words they can read. Levels 2 & 3 Level 2 children must read a passage from a selected text and the teacher makes a record of any errors The children have booklets to read and comprehension questions to answer

14 14 January 2014 Writing All the children have to complete two pieces of writing – one longer one shorter. They could be either fiction or non fiction The work is marked to a given scheme – vocabulary and style are important Handwriting is judged too and the marks added to the writing score (0-3) The teachers mark the work and then a sample is taken to the LA to ensure our judgements are fair

15 15 January 2014 Spelling There is a spelling test. The children have to write 20 words in context and get 1 mark for each correct spelling. These marks are added to the writing score All children have to sit the spelling test

16 16 January 2014 Maths There are three different Maths tests P/Level 1 is a practical test and the children work in a small group with the teacher Level 2 and 3 each have a test booklet and the children work through these independently. The teacher may help with the reading but not the maths!*

17 17 January 2014 How do the teacher’s know which test to give each child? o The teacher’s assess children’s progress all the time and know which test is most appropriate o If the child does unexpectedly well on a test they are given the opportunity to try the test the next level up

18 Example –Level 2 Emma’s Lamb by Kim Lewis  One rainy spring morning at lambing time, Emma’s father put a little lost lamb in a box by the stove. Then he went back to the field to look for Lamb’s mother.  Lamb and Emma looked at each other.“Baaa,” said Lamb, sitting up in his box. 18 January 2014

19 What are the answers? A. Where did Emma’s father put the lamb? in the field by the stove in the stable on the mat B. Why did Emma’s father bring the lamb indoors? .................................................................... 19 January 2011

20 Making honey Honey is made by bees from the nectar they collect from flowers. They store the honey in honeycombs inside their nests, and use the honey as food. There are different sorts of bees. Honeybees make more honey than other bees. They make twice as much honey as they need 20 January 2011

21 What are the answers? 15. What does the bee use the nectar for? keeping warm making honey going to a flower doing a dance 16. Which bees make more honey than other bees?.......................................... 21 January 2014

22 Example –Level 3 1. Which section of the information sheet tells you about blizzards? Write the heading........................................................................ 2. What can people do to keep safe if they go out in a blizzard?............................................ 3. Look at the section called Storms at Sea.What are breakers?..................................... 22 January 2014

23 Maths Examples 23 January 2011






29 29 January 2014 What can you do to help/1 o Read with (and to) your child o Talk to them about what they have read, ask questions about it – use how? and why? to make them think more o Ask them to find information in books, on cereal packets, timetables etc o Encourage them to use a dictionary o Encourage them to do their homework- spelling, tables, Mathletics etc

30 30 January 2014 How to help/2 o Ask them to think of interesting WOW! words to use eg instead of… nice or good – fantastic, amazing, or scrumptious o Be positive when you are working with your child – nothing succeeds like success o Use the target sheets the class teachers gave you during Parent Consultation Evening for ideas on how to help o Don’t use SAT’s as a threat – we keep them as low key as we can. o Come to Consultation Evenings and find out how well your child is doing and what they need to do to reach the next level

31 Websites to support your child’s learning   31 January 2014

32 32 Thank you for coming ! Stag Lane Infant & Nursery School January 2014

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