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Due February 18 Trimester 2 Week 10 Instructor: Mrs. Darci Syfert-Busk Independent Study Assignments.

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1 Due February 18 Trimester 2 Week 10 Instructor: Mrs. Darci Syfert-Busk Independent Study Assignments

2 Objectives Understand what probability terms such as event, trial, outcome, and experiment mean. Be able to estimate probability of events

3 6 th Grade Independent Study T2 Week 10 Due: February 18 Total Work Completed=_______% Name_______________ P.E. Math *5 P.E. Credits Due March1 *Holiday 2/15 Grade_________ Total Work_________ ____Ch. 8 Lesson 1 Pg. ____Ch. 8 Lesson 2 Pg. ____Math Vocabulary Matrix Lessons 8.1 and 8.2. MUST BE SIGNED by parent!!!!! Parent Signature_______________ Grade__________ Total Work____________

4 Science Main Objectives This Week: -Know how our earth is changed by shifting plate boundaries -Know the difference between convergent, divergent, and fault boundaries -Know what the Pangaea Theory is and what evidence supports and/or refutes it

5 Plate Boundaries Venn Diagram Divergent Convergent Transform Divergent TransformConvergent

6 Pangae Video www.

7 Science

8 Housekeeping 5 PE Credits due March 1 Holidays next 2 Mondays! Grade Work Assignment Sheet PE Stamped work Math Science Social Studies Languages Arts

9 Language Arts Main Objectives This Week: Analyze how a characters traits create drama in a story Analyze how 2 characters traits can cause conflict AND resolution in a story Know how to use the spelling –ough in words Know what an interjection is and how to use it

10 Superbowl HYPE! The ultimate propaganda! Analyze for: Use of humor etc. to sell Propaganda

11 Reading,,,”Overdoing It” Standards:Page 458 Characterization Compound Sentences Identify Persuasive Techniques Word Origins Vocabulary Prolonged Emaciated Wry Foresee Emerged meditated

12 New Story…”Greyling” Standards Characterization

13 Subordinate Clauses Pg. 470 Has a subject and a verb….but cannot stand alone Selection Support Pg. 138 Before Tim lived here, he lived in San Diego. She did well on the test because of her study skills.

14 Grammar Selection Support Principal Parts of Verbs Pg. 136 Present/Past/Past Participle Jump-is jumping/jumped/ has jumped

15 Language Arts T2W10 Grade_________ Work Completed: ______________ Assignments: ______Read” Greyling” Pg. 288. Do Questions Pg. 294. ______Review and Assess pg. 295 ______Integrated Language Pg. 296 ______Overdoing It Character/Plot assignment

16 Objectives for this week… -Know how Confucianism and Taoism effected the culture of China -Know how the silk road brought culture and money to China -Know what advances in agriculture, trade and technology happened during the Han Dynasty

17 Religions Research Paper Outline and cards with 3 details on each due next week. Tao Buddha Confucius Laotzu

18 History Assignments:  _____Read Ch. 8 Lesson 4. Take Notes using Cornell Notes.  _____Review Question Ch. 8 Lesson 4 Pg. 280  _____Silk Sequencing Guide (See Pg. 280 Activity)  _____Eastern Religions Report Outline and Notecards  Use Yellow Notecards to gather at least 6 facts total per card  List all sources on Bibliography card  Grade_____  TW______

19 Testing/Conferencing Time TestsConferencing Language Arts Benchmark Math Ch. 6 Test Weekly Work Turn In My Access results

20 Extra Credit Options Language ArtsSocial Studies See a movie Create a Plot Map from Write a movie Review (See for book reviews as an example Volunteer over break Martha’s Kitchen Elderly Home Church Dog Shelter

21 Extra Credit Math-Bake Christmas CookiesScience Adapt the recipe like we did in class Write up old and new recipe Create a model of how the sun revolves around the sun. Show equinoxes. Seasons, etc. AND/OR Research Winter Solstice Write an essay telling what the Winter Solstice is.

22 Daily Language Practice 1 sentence and 1 paragraph per week Fix sentences…. Fix Paragraph COPS 1.Capitalize Proper Nouns 2. Beginning of Sentences

23 Spelling Ex- -Means out or away from -We excluded him from our club. -I exhaled after holding my breathe.

24 11:30-12 Testing/Conference Time TestsConference Zlateh Math Part A Notes Packet

25 Persuasive Essay Username Password

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