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CNBC Research Update 24 October 2006. 2 CNBC Global.

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1 CNBC Research Update 24 October 2006

2 2 CNBC Global

3 3 Global reach, local relevance – 380 million households* worldwide * Includes Total Asia, Total Europe & Total US ** Includes Singapore, HK, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, Vietnam, Korea, Australia, China and Taiwan ~ CBN and Dragon are day part programming ; ^ Local language; # Number of screens; + Number of buildings Hotel distribution is with 4 and 5 star hotels ***Households that receive CNBC World also receive CNBC US Updated: August 2006 MSNBC:86.2 M homes

4 4 Global weekly viewing – measured audience 40.6 million viewers per week Source: EMS 2006 Weekly Viewers, PAX 2006 Q2 Weekly Viewers, NMR India Q1 2006, CSM China Q1 2006, NMR Korea Q106, OZTam Australia Q106, Spring 2006 MRI US study 35.4m per week 2.8m per week 2.4m per week

5 5 CNBC Asia Pacific In General

6 6 In Asia Pacific, CNBC is the leading source of business news Base : Total PAX, 12 Markets (BKK/HK/JKY/KL/MAN/SIN/TAI/IND/SEO/SYD/TOK/MEL) Source: PAX 2005 Q3 – 2006 Q2; Sample Size: 20,518; Universe Size: 14,209,000

7 7 CNBC Asia Pacific viewer profile at a glance Male (67%) Aged 25-44 years (54%) Affluent (25% earn US$5K+ per month) Business decision makers (40%) Influential opinion leaders* (38%) C-suite, top management (director/GM/VP) (15%) Frequent travelers (21%: 3+ trips annually; 34%: 6+ hotel nights annually) *Been interviewed on TV,radio or by the press or Had an article or paper published or Addressed a conference or public meeting or Formulated a strategic business plan or Worked on international business strategies or Taken executive decisions which affect own organisation's operations in other countries or Lobbied or advised members of national or local government or Sat on an industrial/professional committee Base : CNBC Past 7 days viewers, Total PAX, 12 Markets (BKK/HK/JKY/KL/MAN/SIN/TAI/IND/SEO/SYD/TOK/MEL) Source : PAX 2005 Q3 – 2006 Q2, Sample Size:: 1,767, Universe Size: 856,955

8 8 CNBC recorded highest growth amongst High Net Worth Individuals compared to other regional news and business news channels Base : MPI US$12500+, 10 Markets (BKK/HK/JKY/KL/MAN/SIN/TAI/IND/SYD/TOK) Source : PAX 2005 Q3 – 2006 Q2, Sample Size:: 315, Universe Size: 259,445 + 44%

9 9 CNBC also recorded a 11% increase in weekly viewing time over the past year Base : Total PAX, 10 Markets (BKK/HK/JKY/KL/MAN/SIN/TAI/IND/SYD/TOK) Source : PAX 2005 Q3 – 2006 Q2, Sample Size:: 17,731 Universe Size: 12,268,000 + 11%

10 10 CNBC has a strong affinity with the business community 5.9%9.2%36.3%36.1%8.1% % Within Audience Base : CNBC Past 30 Days Viewers, 12 Markets (BKK/HK/JKY/KL/MAN/SIN/TAI/IND/SEO/SYD/TOK/MEL) Source : PAX 2005 Q3 – 2006 Q2, Sample Size:: 3,507, Universe Size: 1,655,565

11 11 CNBC viewers are more affluent than an average PAX respondent 5.5%12.9% % Within Audience PAX covers top 20% of population in terms of affluence Base : CNBC Past 30 Days Viewers, 12 Markets (BKK/HK/JKY/KL/MAN/SIN/TAI/IND/SEO/SYD/TOK/MEL) Source : PAX 2005 Q3 – 2006 Q2, Sample Size:: 3,507, Universe Size: 1,655,565

12 12 CNBC viewers are finance professionals & investors Base : CNBC Past 30 Days Viewers, 11 Markets (BKK/HK/JKY/KL/MAN/SIN/TAI/IND/SEO/SYD/MEL) Source : PAX 2005 Q3 – 2006 Q2, Sample Size:: 3,349, Universe Size: 1,251,426 33.8%24.5%52.3% % Within Audience

13 13 CNBC viewers are early adopters & trendsetters 55.6% % Within Audience 57.7% 15.5% 53.9% 53.0% Base : CNBC Past 30 Days Viewers, 11 Markets (BKK/HK/JKY/KL/MAN/SIN/TAI/IND/SEO/SYD/MEL) Source : PAX 2005 Q3 – 2006 Q2, Sample Size:: 3,349, Universe Size: 1,251,426

14 14 CNBC viewers are more likely to indulge % Within Audience 24.4%21.5%33.0% Base : CNBC Past 30 Days Viewers, 11 Markets (BKK/HK/JKY/KL/MAN/SIN/TAI/IND/SEO/SYD/MEL) Source : PAX 2005 Q3 – 2006 Q2, Sample Size:: 3,349, Universe Size: 1,251,426

15 15 CNBC viewers are more likely to be influential & affluent Base : Total PAX, 12 Markets (BKK/HK/JKY/KL/MAN/SIN/TAI/IND/SEO/SYD/TOK/MEL) Source: PAX 2005 Q3 – 2006 Q2; Sample Size: 20,518; Universe Size: 14,209,000

16 16 CNBC viewers are more likely to be opinion leaders Base : Total PAX, 12 Markets (BKK/HK/JKY/KL/MAN/SIN/TAI/IND/SEO/SYD/TOK/MEL) Source: PAX 2005 Q3 – 2006 Q2; Sample Size: 20,518; Universe Size: 14,209,000

17 17 CNBC viewers watch longer (Past 7 Days) Base : Total PAX, 12 Markets (BKK/HK/JKY/KL/MAN/SIN/TAI/IND/SEO/SYD/TOK/MEL) Source: PAX 2005 Q3 – 2006 Q2; Sample Size: 20,518; Universe Size: 14,209,000

18 18 CNBC viewers are more likely to lead and be well-informed Base : Total PAX, 11 Markets (BKK/HK/JKY/KL/MAN/SIN/TAI/IND/SEO/SYD/MEL) Source: PAX 2005 Q3 – 2006 Q2; Sample Size: 19,029; Universe Size: 9,407,000

19 19 CNBC viewers are more likely to be tech- savvy and first to buy new product/ gadget Base : Total PAX, 11 Markets (BKK/HK/JKY/KL/MAN/SIN/TAI/IND/SEO/SYD/MEL) Source: PAX 2005 Q3 – 2006 Q2; Sample Size: 19,029; Universe Size: 9,407,000

20 20 CNBC viewers are more likely to buy branded goods Base : Total PAX, 11 Markets (BKK/HK/JKY/KL/MAN/SIN/TAI/IND/SEO/SYD/MEL) Source: PAX 2005 Q3 – 2006 Q2; Sample Size: 19,029; Universe Size: 9,407,000

21 21 TV Ratings Data

22 22 People meter aggregated report Asia Pacific (including China) average weekly reach Source: CNBC ViewerTrack - Online Survey Conducted By Asia Insight Period: Jun-Jul’05; Sample: News Channels Affluent Viewers, N=427 HK – includes Cable TV & now TV China – BBC & CNN not available in China Korea – CNBC reach includes CNBC Asia & eTomato Australia – BBC & CNN not available on OZ Tam Source: HK, China: CSM; Singapore: TNS; Korea (6Mkts), Philippines (Mega Manila), Malaysia: NMR; India (6 Metros): Tam India; Australia: OZ Tam; May’06

23 23 People meter aggregated report Affluent target definition Source: CNBC ViewerTrack - Online Survey Conducted By Asia Insight Period: Jun-Jul’05; Sample: News Channels Affluent Viewers, N=427

24 24 India average weekly reach Target Audience: Cable & Satellite Socio Economic Groups A Aged 25+ (6 Metros) Source: Nielsen; Sample Size: 794; Universe Size: 4,746,000

25 25 Japan - Nikkei CNBC leads by a huge margin No.1 cable channel in Osaka & No.2 cable channel in Tokyo Viewership data from Cable operator PeopleMeter panels in Tokyo (Its Communication) & Osaka (Kintetsu cable) Jly’05 Source: B-maga

26 26 Nikkei CNBC is the top news channel Television Asia December 2005

27 27 Nikkei CNBC dominates viewing Peoplemeter Ratings CATV, July’04 Japan

28 28 Average Ratings for Nikkei CNBC have improved over time Source: Peoplemeter Ratings CATV, February’05 & April’06 Japan Weekdays (Apr’06) Weekends (Feb’05) Weekdays (Feb’05) Weekends (Apr’06)

29 29 Singapore - CNBC reach more viewers than competitors in most timebands on weekdays 4 June – 1 July’06 Source: TNS Singapore, Universe 496,000 Sample 373

30 30 CNBC Programs On CBN & Dragon TV

31 31 In the top 3 cities, CBN viewers are earning an above average income - more than the average affluent income 20% (Index 117) of CBN viewers have monthly PERSONAL income of US$800+ (RMB6,500+) 21% (Index 194) of CBN viewers have monthly HOUSEHOLD income of US$1,800+ (RMB15,000+) Average monthly personal income CBN viewers: US$970 (RMB8,038) Affluent universe: US$770 (RMB6,339) Average monthly household income CBN viewers: US$2,000 (RMB16,608) Affluent universe: US$1,600 (RMB13,097) Base : CBN Past 7 Days Viewers, Beijing+Shanghai+Guangzhou, Source: PAX Pilot Jan-Mar 2005 ; Sample Size: 108; Universe Size: 392,655

32 32 CBN viewers are also influential 53% (Index 139) of CBN viewers are Business Decision Makers 7% (Index 164) of CBN viewers are Top Management Base : CBN Past 7 Days Viewers, Beijing+Shanghai+Guangzhou, Source: PAX Pilot Jan-Mar 2005 ; Sample Size: 108; Universe Size: 392,655

33 33 Total China average weekly reach Source: CNBC ViewerTrack - Online Survey Conducted By Asia Insight Period: Jun-Jul’05; Sample: News Channels Affluent Viewers, N=427 Target Audience: PI RMB 1401+ Source: CSM Sofres, Universe 45,867,000 Sample 3,157

34 34 Top 3 Cities average weekly reach Source: CNBC ViewerTrack - Online Survey Conducted By Asia Insight Period: Jun-Jul’05; Sample: News Channels Affluent Viewers, N=427 Target Audience: PI RMB 1401+ Source: CSM Sofres, Universe 6,784,000 Sample 744

35 35 Shanghai average weekly reach Source: CNBC ViewerTrack - Online Survey Conducted By Asia Insight Period: Jun-Jul’05; Sample: News Channels Affluent Viewers, N=427 Target Audience: PI RMB 1401+ Source: CSM, Universe 3,104,000 Sample 254

36 36 CNBC programs are ahead of most competitive programs Personal Income RMB 1401+ Source: CSM, Universe 2,875,000 Sample 236

37 37 CNBC C-Suites Talking Heads

38 38 Background Qualitative in-depth 25 interviews with CNBC viewers across Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Hong Kong & Australia Target respondents –All C levels or equivalent titles/ very senior executives –30 years old and above –Past 2 weeks CNBC viewers Research was conducted in June-July 2006 by Saffron Hill Research Source: CNBC Asia Talking Heads July2006 - Saffron Hill

39 39 “Honestly, money plays a large part in the equation.” (CEO, Trading, Hong Kong) “The financial aspect. As I have grown with the company, I also have managed to increase my compensation and benefits.” (Snr Vice President, Communication, Singapore) “Reach my goals and make a lot of money, have a better life.” (CEO, Consulting, Thailand) “In the last 4 -5 years it has probably been to provide security and good upbringing for my children.” (Head of Biz Ops, Superannuation, Australia) CNBC C-levels: Drivers for achieving success Money, desire to achieve excellence, passion for the job.... Source: CNBC Asia Talking Heads July2006 - Saffron Hill “It’s ambition. I’m quite a competitive person. I don’t like to be a loser.” (CEO, Trading, Hong Kong) “I like the numbers game and achieving the targets.” (Director of Int’l Sales, Hotels, Australia) “It’ s the entrepreneurial streak in me. I have never worked for anybody. I started my own business when I was 19.” (CEO, F&B, Singapore) “I really enjoy what I’m doing.” (Snr Vice President, Communication, Singapore) “I like the industry itself.” (Director of Biz Development, IT Services, Thailand) “I believe in what I do.” (Managing Director, Construction, Malaysia)

40 40 Source: CNBC Asia Talking Heads July2006 - Saffron Hill CNBC provides the best content on business and finance

41 41 “In 2005 we picked up a few things from CNBC which helped us forecast our pricing models.” (Director of Int’l Sales, Hotels, Australia) “I watch it for my job as I follow pharmaceutical developments. For my personal investments, I follow Power Lunch if I want to make short term trading decisions next morning.” (Medical Director, Pharmaceutical, Singapore) “It gives me a feel and trend of the US markets and helps me to prepare for the next morning work.” (CEO, Information Technology, Hong Kong) “I have used some of the information that I’ve seen on CNBC to make decisions that will hopefully turn out to be correct.” (Manager Business Development, Insurance, Australia) CNBC is a vital source of information Source: CNBC Asia Talking Heads July2006 - Saffron Hill CNBC provides data on market movement, alerts one to trends, gives information on companies which helps in forecasting and making investment decisions

42 42 “I like the colourful nature of the programs. It is attractive to watch and not boring. It makes financial news pleasing to watch.” (Senior Vice President, Communication, Singapore) “I find it interesting. It is business focused yet at the same time entertaining.” (MD & CEO, Technology, Hong Kong) “They do not spend too long on one subject. The interviews don’t go for too long. It is quite snappy.” (Senior Vice President, Communication, Singapore) “It doesn’t spend time looking at irrelevant things, they try to get to the point right away.” (Managing Director, Security, Australia) “CNBC is fast, dynamic and is more exciting. A lot of people may think financial channels are quite boring but CNBC makes me feel lively.” (CFO, Properties, Hong Kong) CNBC is upbeat & entertaining Source: CNBC Asia Talking Heads July2006 - Saffron Hill

43 43 “She (Christine) is very well presented and she presents a good case. Her interviewing is very good. She really asks the right questions. She really gets to the crux of the matter and she doesn’t let the guys waffle along.” (Managing Director, Security, Australia) “(Martin) Very professional.” (CEO, Trading, Hong Kong) “He (Martin) seems to understand the market. He jumps in at the right time, he comes in with anecdotes that are rather interesting.” (Senior Manager, Insurance, Australia) “When she (Maria Bartiromo) stands on the trading floor, she can give me the feeling of the current market trend and she reports thoroughly.” (CEO, Information Technology, Hong Kong) CNBC presenters are professional and credible Source: CNBC Asia Talking Heads July2006 - Saffron Hill

44 44 Viewertrack

45 45 CNBC Viewertrack Measuring return on investment Viewertrack is a quarterly survey of CNBC viewers. A detailed questionnaire that covers programming, advertising effectiveness and ad hoc issues concerning the channel and its sponsors. We track advertising response for our clients, monitoring awareness and/or perception shifts around each campaign.

46 46 Background ViewerTrack survey is conducted every quarter using online research methodology across South East Asia and Australia The survey is conducted among CNBC viewers registered with CNBC Asia website. At the same time, it is also promoted using the following methods: –Banner advertising on Yahoo! Singapore / Yahoo! Hong Kong Target respondents for the survey are past month CNBC viewers who earn above average annual household income: –Singapore (SGD50K+) / Malaysia (RM40K+) / Hong Kong (HKD250K+) / Thailand (Baht350K+) / Philippines (P400K+) / Indonesia (RP30 million+) / Australia (A$70K+) –They must also have access to news channels either via cable TV / satellite TV at home or at workplace

47 47 Viewertrack Case Study : Nokia - Mobile Office Campaign Type: Customized Segment + Special programs + News minutes+ TV Commercials + Product Vignettes

48 48 Whilst general ad awareness maintained, visibility of Nokia on TV news coverage and programs increases in post-campaign Pre-campaign Jun-Jul’05 Post-campaign Sep-Oct’05 Fieldwork period Source: CNBC Asia ViewerTrack Period: CNBC past month viewers, (Dec’04, N=161); (Mar-Apr’05, N=298); (Jun-Jul’05, N=283); (Sep-Oct’05, N=235), Dec’05 (N=434) Pre-campaign Jun-Jul’05 Post-campaign Sep-Oct’05 Pre-campaign Jun-Jul’05 Post-campaign Sep-Oct’05 Significantly lower / higher than pre campaign at 95% confidence level These can be clearly attributed to the Mobile Office

49 49 Mobile Office viewership is higher than other customized segments on CNBC CNBC customized segments by clients watched in past month (%) ThuWed / ThuMon-FriThu 0750-08001940-1950 0840-08501920-1930 1930-1940 (old)1150-1200 Jun-Jul’05 Sep-Oct’05 Mobile Office Viewership (%) Source: CNBC Asia ViewerTrack Period: CNBC past month viewers, Pre campaign (Jun-Jul’05, N=283); Post campaign (Sep-Oct’05, N=235), Dec’05 (N=434) Significantly lower / higher than pre campaign at 90% confidence level Aware of Mobile Office: 53%

50 50 Sponsor recall increases in post- campaign Source: CNBC Asia ViewerTrack Period: CNBC past month viewers who aware of Mobile Office, Pre campaign (Jun-Jul’05, N=133); Post campaign (Sep-Oct’05, N=124) Significantly lower / higher than pre campaign at 90% confidence level 11 19 Pre-campaignPost-campaign Jun-Jul’05Sep-Oct’05 % Correct recall of Mobile Office sponsor - Nokia

51 51 Customized Program Case Study : HSBC – Live Long & Prosper

52 52 Background 266 individuals participated in the online study which went live on October 11, 2004. Fieldwork ended on November 29, 2004. Target respondents: have watched CNBC for at least two minutes in the past 30 days Markets: Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia, India and Korea Methodology: Online survey Database sources: PAX Panel and GMI Panel Research agency: Synovate

53 53 Live Long & Prosper viewership & awareness Source: Synovate Online Study on Customized Program Total (N=266) % Have watched all/ most/ some of the program Heard of it but did not watch Never heard of the program Awareness through branded vignettes created, running across dayparts

54 54 Positive attitudes towards Live Long & Prosper program Source: Synovate Online Study on Customized Program Total (N=46) Agree/ agree strongly % Mean 4.00 3.91 3.87 3.70 3.63 2.80 Informative Enjoyable International focus I'd recommend it to others Great insight into the issues of the aging population Didn't tell me anything new

55 55 Main takeaways from the program Source: Synovate Online Study on Customized Program

56 56 Relevant elements identified Source: Synovate Online Study on Customized Program Total (N=46) % Health Life planning/pensions Lifestyle Family and housing Will to work Image/marketing


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