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The Big Society Social Action Public Service Reform.

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Presentation on theme: "The Big Society Social Action Public Service Reform."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Big Society Social Action Public Service Reform

2 The coalition marriage *Something old, Something new, Something borrowed, Something blue?* * Concept originated by Urban Forum

3 ‘old' Devolution and Empowerment Localism - more powers at the local level Democratic renewal - strengthening democratic roles Public involvement in services Recognition of deprived neighbourhoods

4 ‘new' Scale of ambition – a radical agenda Relationship between the citizen and a smaller smarter state The individual citizen is of top significance, then communities, then local authorities Accountability to responsible citizens The right to bid for a service The responsive state – not welfare or top down

5 ‘borrowed’ Ideas from other countries eg USA (community organisers) Sweden (free schools model) ……. and from previous governments and programmes

6 ‘blue’ ( with a yellow hue?) Conservative ‘one nation’ politics Liberty – a free and open society

7 5 key pillars Give communities more powers Encourage people to take an active role in their communities Transfer power from central to local government Support co-ops, mutuals, charities and social enterprises Publish government data

8 Coming soon to a community near you…… Community Organisers National Citizen Service Big Society Bank Big Society Day Community First grants programme Big Society De-regulation Task Force

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