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God’s Mighty Strength! Old Testament Class Series designed for the Chicago Teen Ministry - 2001.

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1 God’s Mighty Strength! Old Testament Class Series designed for the Chicago Teen Ministry - 2001

2 Reasons for the Class Understand the Old Testament Learn our History (Ps 78:1-8)

3 Psalm 78:1-8 O my people, hear my teaching; listen to the words of my mouth. 2 I will open my mouth in parables, I will utter hidden things, things from of old– 3 what we have heard and known, what our fathers have told us. 4 We will not hide them from their children; we will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the LORD, his power, and the wonders he has done. 5 He decreed statutes for Jacob and established the law in Israel, which he commanded our forefathers to teach their children, 6 so the next generation would know them, even the children yet to be born, and they in turn would tell their children. 7 Then they would put their trust in God and would not forget his deeds but would keep his commands. 8 They would not be like their forefathers-- a stubborn and rebellious generation, whose hearts were not loyal to God, whose spirits were not faithful to him.

4 Reasons for the Class Understand the Old Testament Learn our History (Ps 78:1-8) See God’s Mighty Strength  (Started with nothing and built a nation!) Understand God’s fierce love for us Find out how the OT relates to teens lives

5 Group Learning Each Bible Talk = project team Each project team will have an assignment each month (only one of these three) 1.Prominent People 2.Customs and Culture 3.Interesting Facts Must be prepared to present 3 to 5 minutes on topic Each Bible Talk will be part of one of three groups: 1.North + Northside + South 2.West (Richert) + Metro + North Central 3.West (Cleghorn) + Southland + ABC

6 Other Suggestions Watch historical movies to get understanding: –Ben Hur –The Ten Commandments –Prince of Egypt –Joseph the Dreamer –Abraham –Etc. Discuss what you are learning with others –Teen workers –Parents –Other Teens

7 Class Structure 7:00 PMArrive and turn in questions for Q & A 7:30 PMSinging & Prayer 7:40 PM“Test Your Knowledge” game 7:55 PMLesson 8:25 PMGroup Presentations 8:40 PMQ & A session 9:00 PMDismissal

8 God’s Mighty Strength! The Introduction

9 God Creates Man He wants a personal relationship with us Created us to be individuals Made us in His own image Gave some of his best strengths to men Gave some of his best strengths to women Sin spoiled the plan for the intimate relationship He needed a plan to get to know us / reconcile us to himself

10 God Plans to Develop Rel’n with Us Starts from scratch with Abraham Has plan to build a nation he can call “His Own” Gives Abraham a promise: – Gen 12:1-3 1The LORD had said to Abram, "Leave your country, your people and your father's household and go to the land I will show you. 2"I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. 3I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you."

11 Old Testament Time Line Period Covers: God’s People Form Class #2 Abraham The Twelve Patriarchs Egyptian Slavery Moses

12 Abraham, Twelve Patriarchs

13 God’s New Nation Exod 3:7-8 –God wants to bring his people out of Egypt –He plans on taking them to Fertile Lands! Exod 3:21-22 –He equips them with money to meet their needs –Reason the famine brought wealth TO Egypt in Joseph’s time

14 Old Testament Time Line The Exodus ~ 1446 B.C. B i b l e B o o k s C o v e r i n g T h i s T i m e P e r i o d THE LAW: (PENTATEUCH) Genesis Exodus 1—11 POETRY & WISDOM: Job Period Covers: God’s People Form Class #2 God’s People Develop Class #3 Abraham The Twelve Patriarchs Egyptian Slavery Moses 40 Years in the Desert


16 Old Testament Time Line The Exodus ~ 1446 B.C. Entering The Promised Land ~ 1406 B.C. B i b l e B o o k s C o v e r i n g T h i s T i m e P e r i o d THE LAW: (PENTATEUCH) Exodus 11—ff Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy THE LAW: (PENTATEUCH) Genesis Exodus 1—11 POETRY & WISDOM: Job Period Covers: God’s People Form Class #2 God’s People Develop Class #3 God’s People Are Established Class #4 Abraham The Twelve Patriarchs Egyptian Slavery Moses 40 Years in the Desert Conquering the Land The Judges

17 Conquering the Promised Land Joshua leads people across the Jordan They conquer Canaan; one city at a time Judges = “leaders” Government = “theocracy”

18 Old Testament Time Line The Exodus ~ 1446 B.C. Entering The Promised Land ~ 1406 B.C. Anoint Saul as King ~ 1020 B.C. B i b l e B o o k s C o v e r i n g T h i s T i m e P e r i o d HISTORY Joshua Judges Ruth 1 Samuel 1—7 THE LAW: (PENTATEUCH) Exodus 11—ff Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy THE LAW: (PENTATEUCH) Genesis Exodus 1—11 POETRY & WISDOM: Job Period Covers: God’s People Form Class #2 God’s People Develop Class #3 God’s People Are Established Class #4 God’s People Are Blessed Class #5 Abraham The Twelve Patriarchs Egyptian Slavery Moses 40 Years in the Desert Conquering the Land The Judges The United Kingdom Saul David Solomon

19 The United Kingdom Height of their glory Ps 89:20-29 –God had a special relationship with David –Protected Israel for a long time –Ultimately Jesus came through his family line

20 Old Testament Time Line The Exodus ~ 1446 B.C. Entering The Promised Land ~ 1406 B.C. Anoint Saul as King ~ 1020 B.C. Solomon Dies ~ 922 B.C. B i b l e B o o k s C o v e r i n g T h i s T i m e P e r i o d HISTORY 1 Samuel 8—ff 2 Samuel 1 Kings 1—11 1 Chronicles 2 Chronicles 1—9 POETRY & WISDOM: Psalms (Some) Proverbs Ecclesiastes Song of Songs HISTORY Joshua Judges Ruth 1 Samuel 1—7 THE LAW: (PENTATEUCH) Exodus 11—ff Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy THE LAW: (PENTATEUCH) Genesis Exodus 1—11 POETRY & WISDOM: Job Period Covers: God’s People Form Class #2 God’s People Develop Class #3 God’s People Are Established Class #4 God’s People Are Blessed Class #5 God’s People Disobey Class #6 Abraham The Twelve Patriarchs Egyptian Slavery Moses 40 Years in the Desert Conquering the Land The Judges The United Kingdom Saul David Solomon The Divided Kingdom The Beginning of the Exile

21 The Divided Kingdom Solomon Dies The Kingdom Divides Israel in the North –Jeroboam is King –Tribe of Ephraim –Capital: Samaria Judah in the South –Rehoboam is King –Son of Solomon –Capital: Jerusalem

22 Old Testament Time Line HISTORY 1 Kings 12—ff 2 Kings 2 Chronicles 10—ff The Exodus ~ 1446 B.C. Entering The Promised Land ~ 1406 B.C. Anoint Saul as King ~ 1020 B.C. Solomon Dies ~ 922 B.C. Jerusalem Falls ~ 586 B.C. B i b l e B o o k s C o v e r i n g T h i s T i m e P e r i o d ISRAEL’S PROPHETS: Amos (770 B.C.) Hosea (735 B.C.) JUDAH’S PROPHETS: Isaiah (745 B.C.) Micah (725 B.C.) Jeremiah (629 B.C.) Zephaniah (625 B.C.) Nahum (614 B.C.) Habakkuk (605 B.C.) OTHER PROPHET’S Joel (855 B.C.) Jonah (790 B.C.) HISTORY 1 Samuel 8—ff 2 Samuel 1 Kings 1—11 1 Chronicles 2 Chronicles 1—9 POETRY & WISDOM: Psalms (Some) Proverbs Ecclesiastes Song of Songs HISTORY Joshua Judges Ruth 1 Samuel 1—7 THE LAW: (PENTATEUCH) Exodus 11—ff Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy THE LAW: (PENTATEUCH) Genesis Exodus 1—11 POETRY & WISDOM: Job Period Covers: God’s People Form Class #2 God’s People Develop Class #3 God’s People Are Established Class #4 God’s People Are Blessed Class #5 God’s People Disobey Class #6 God’s People Return Class #7 Abraham The Twelve Patriarchs Egyptian Slavery Moses 40 Years in the Desert Conquering the Land The Judges The United Kingdom Saul David Solomon The Divided Kingdom The Beginning of the Exile The Exile Life in Babylon Rebuilding Jerusalem Return to Jerusalem

23 Babylonian Empire – 586 B.C.

24 Old Testament Time Line HISTORY 1 Kings 12—ff 2 Kings 2 Chronicles 10—ff The Exodus ~ 1446 B.C. Entering The Promised Land ~ 1406 B.C. Anoint Saul as King ~ 1020 B.C. Solomon Dies ~ 922 B.C. Jerusalem Falls ~ 586 B.C. Last Bible Book Written ~ 400 B.C. Jesus Christ is Born ~ 6 B.C. B i b l e B o o k s C o v e r i n g T h i s T i m e P e r i o d ISRAEL’S PROPHETS: Amos (770 B.C.) Hosea (735 B.C.) JUDAH’S PROPHETS: Isaiah (745 B.C.) Micah (725 B.C.) Jeremiah (629 B.C.) Zephaniah (625 B.C.) Nahum (614 B.C.) Habakkuk (605 B.C.) OTHER PROPHET’S Joel (855 B.C.) Jonah (790 B.C.) HISTORY Lamentations (586 B.C.) Esther (460 B.C.) Ezra (458 B.C.) Nehemiah (445 B.C.) JUDAH’S PROPHETS: Obadiah (576 B.C.) Haggai (520 B.C.) Zechariah (520 B.C.) Malachi (444 B.C.) OTHER PROPHET’S: Ezekiel (597-70 B.C.) Daniel (605—562 B.C.) HISTORY (The Apocrypha) HISTORY 1 Samuel 8—ff 2 Samuel 1 Kings 1—11 1 Chronicles 2 Chronicles 1—9 POETRY & WISDOM: Psalms (Some) Proverbs Ecclesiastes Song of Songs HISTORY Joshua Judges Ruth 1 Samuel 1—7 THE LAW: (PENTATEUCH) Exodus 11—ff Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy THE LAW: (PENTATEUCH) Genesis Exodus 1—11 POETRY & WISDOM: Job Period Covers: God’s People Form God’s People Develop God’s People Are Established God’s People Are Blessed God’s People Disobey God’s People Return God’s People Wait Abraham The Twelve Patriarchs Egyptian Slavery Moses 40 Years in the Desert Conquering the Land The Judges The United Kingdom Saul David Solomon The Divided Kingdom The Beginning of the Exile The Exile Life in Babylon Rebuilding Jerusalem Return to Jerusalem The Intertestamental Period

25 Reading Assignments Read the Books for the time period before class DON’T GET BOGGED DOWN! –Not a detailed study –Reading to get the “BIG” picture Only need to read underlined books from outline

26 Conclusion God developed his nation He set the stage for his Son to come We can learn MUCH from how he worked so powerfully in history

27 The End Read Genesis and Exodus 1 thru Exodus 11 for next month’s class on February 2 nd !

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