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All tests are 4 hours Monday, May 4: Algebra I Tuesday, May 5: Biology Wednesday, May 6: US History.

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Presentation on theme: "All tests are 4 hours Monday, May 4: Algebra I Tuesday, May 5: Biology Wednesday, May 6: US History."— Presentation transcript:

1 All tests are 4 hours Monday, May 4: Algebra I Tuesday, May 5: Biology Wednesday, May 6: US History

2 “We”morial

3 For starters  Review the Test Assignment Schedule (available online & via email)  Review it again the day before in case of changes  Communicate with your “before & after” colleagues  Notify Jean of conflicts by Wednesday @ 3pm

4 Ensure Proper Testing Procedures  No leaving the testing room without another trained person taking your place  No viewing or discussing test contents before, during or after the test  You may not provide assistance, directly or indirectly, to students during the test (check walls and halls)  Do not change or ask a student to change an answer  No person may duplicate, print, record, take notes about, or capture by any electronic means any portion of a secure test without TEA approval

5 Ensure Proper Testing Procedures  Students must stay seated and may not talk while others are testing.  Remind students to record answers on answer documents.  Only students may erase stray marks.  Check all answer docs to ensure all answers are bubbled when students turn in tests. Do not accept incomplete answer docs without completing the “Blank Answer Document Report.”  There were 9 blank answer documents from 9 different rooms submitted without documentation for Eng I & II STAAR.

6 Ensure Proper Testing Procedures  Fire Alarms  Exit building as usual  Take care of testing materials  No electronic devices for the entire session  No cell phones  No iPods/MP3 players, etc  No eBooks (Nooks, Kindles, iPads etc.)  After testing students may read or rest, but no electronic devices allowed and no textbooks or school assignments allowed.  If a student leaves campus, testing cannot be resumed.  If a student needs to call home, send him/her to the grade-level office.  Include student IDs when documenting issues.

7 Before Testing  Be sure to cover or remove anything that could be considered a testing aid in the room.  Take attendance & mark milk choice (white or chocolate) next to student names who order cafeteria lunch on Lunch Roster.  Follow all directions from the test administrator manual. As you walk around, check to be sure the student name is on the test booklet and the test booklet number & form # have been recorded in the correct place on the student answer document.  Answer documents are pre-coded; students do not bubble.  Read test directions verbatim**, and START testing by 8:20 AM

8 During testing  Complete a seating chart with student first and last names. Proctors record time in/out on reverse side of seating chart.  MARK the time you start/stop the test on the Time Sheet.  Use Time Sheet to record time reminders.  Manage time for students by posting time updates on the board. A timing script will be provided in the bin.  Mark attendance on both rosters. Clip one attendance roster AND the lunch roster outside your door. The other roster is for your reference.  Actively MONITOR your students. At lunch time, conversation is allowed as long as you monitor. No talking about the test is permitted.  As students finish, please check to see that all questions have been answered on the answer document.

9 After testing  Separate answer docs from test booklets.  Check answer documents to be sure STUDENT has: recorded test booklet number in appropriate place recorded and bubbled test form number erased all stray marks (only students can erase) bubbled all multiple choice responses

10 After testing - continued  Check answer documents to be sure TEACHER has: Bubbled “S” in the Score Code for present students only. Bubble Test Date for present students only. Return completed answer docs in ALPHA order, with blanks at bottom of stack. Return test booklets in NUMERICAL order. Return completed Blank Answer Document report if applicable.

11 STAAR/EOC Algebra I: Monday, May 4  Testing in GYM 3  4 hour time limit (except for special groups)  Late start testing – will be handled in GYM 3  Lunch and early release details  First release: 9 th grade lunch (10:41)  Second release: A lunch (11:38)  Third release: At the 4-hour ending time

12 GYM 3 Layout You are responsible for only 1 group. Keep all of your group materials in the group bin and group calculator bag. Sign off on student name card once you have checked to be sure test is completely finished. This will be the exit ticket to leave at lunch time.

13 STAAR/EOC Biology: Tuesday, May 5 US History: Wednesday, May 6  Testing done by advisory groups  4 hour time limit (except for special groups)  Late start testing – after test has started, send late students to attendance office  Post and announce time remaining at intervals during testing (script)

14 Testing violations If there is a suspected testing violation, report it immediately.  It is your responsibility to report test violations, better safe than sorry.  No one can give you permission to break testing rules. Ask Command Central for clarification. If you are having difficulty with a student, report it immediately. Report issues to Command Central at ext. 2542

15 Testing Pick Up in A209 for Biology & US History 1st period Testing Teachers pick up bins (know test room #)  Except on Monday when testing Alg I in gym 3; bins will be in gym.  Your bin will contain:  STAAR/EOC Test Manual & Testing Guide (purple sheet)  Attendance rosters (2), Lunch roster (1)  Test booklets, answer documents, seating chart, pencils, highlighters, restroom passes, Time Countdown Reminder script, Time Sheet, Do Not Disturb sign, Blank Answer Document report

16 Test Materials Pick Up & Return A209  Teachers (mainly Blue & Aqua) prepare rooms for testing  We are administering US History in social studies rooms. Start your summer cleaning early!  1 st period test administrators pick up test materials each testing day  Bins labeled by room # so know your testing room #  Test materials may be returned by any certified teacher

17  8:00 am: Take lunch/milk order for those eating school lunch on lunch roster; take attendance.  8:20 am: Start time “deadline”  10:45 am: Administrators will deliver lunches to classrooms  11:00 am (You must start lunch at this time): Tell students to close test booklets with answer docs inside  Collect all test booklets and pass out lunches  Monitor restroom usage – one at a time  Student lunch break -11:00-11:30  11:25 am: Return test booklets  11:30 am: Restart testing. This is a firm start time.  This may involve 2 different teachers due to teacher lunch relief. Manage high volume restroom usage during lunch time.  Teacher lunches…see Duty/Assignment Schedule  @11:08, 12:00, or ½ of your conference period Time Table

18  Study the testing Duty/Assignment documents now; email conflicts to Jean Landry by 3pm Wednesday  Study the Room Relocation sheet  Notify your classes of room changes prior to testing days  Notify your ‘orphans’ to report to auditorium and sign in  ALL are impacted in some way  Know your role and responsibilities- talk to your “before & after” colleagues and the teachers you may host due to relocation.  Be prompt to your assigned duties; keep in mind passing period times may delay relief proctors by a few minutes. “ We”morial

19 3 Days, 3 Different Tests Please remember to:  check each of the 3 schedules and know your responsibilities  inform your students of how the 3 days will work and where they should report (relocation & orphans)  email Jean Landry about schedule conflicts by 3:00 pm on Wednesday

20 And finally…  IF a student finishes testing and you have collected the test materials, the student can then rest or read, no electronic devices allowed.  At 1:05pm, release Biology and US History testers to go to 6 th period unless instructed otherwise.

21 In closing  Ask questions  Command Central ext. 2542  Start right away (by 8:20 am); no announcement will be made.  No bells, no announcements  Documents currently on Jean Landry’s webpage:  Training PowerPoint  STAAR/EOC Directions  Duty/Assignments for all days  Room Relocation Info for all days

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