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1 Office Hour #1 Basics of getting, trusting & using data The H2N team March 23, 2016 This project is supported by grant number R18HS023908 from the Agency.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Office Hour #1 Basics of getting, trusting & using data The H2N team March 23, 2016 This project is supported by grant number R18HS023908 from the Agency."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Office Hour #1 Basics of getting, trusting & using data The H2N team March 23, 2016 This project is supported by grant number R18HS023908 from the Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality

2 2 Speaking Today Jeff Hummel, MD, MPH Medical Director Qualis Health Tara Kline Practice Coach Qualis Health Nicholas Colin HIT Practice Facilitator Oregon Health & Science University Nicole Van Borkulo Director, H2N Practice Coach Learning Community Shelby Martin HIT Practice Facilitator Oregon Health & Science University

3 3 Maximize Your Webinar Experience 1.If you have any trouble connecting or hearing us, see your invitation for troubleshooting WebEx. We are recording all webinars, and you can find them at: 2.Participants are encouraged to ask questions via the WebEx chat function or over audio. We may unmute lines to elicit questions, so please be aware of ambient noise in your location and mute your line when appropriate. 3.We’ll be asking for your feedback in a two question survey once the webinar is finished. That’s also another chance to ask us questions if you would like.

4 4 Click the pen button above, then point to your location…

5 5 What is your Role in the Practice? Physician Practice Administrator Nurse/MA Other Project Manager IT Specialist Click the arrow above, then point to your role

6 6 Our purpose today Answer your general questions about the “ABCS” Clinical Quality Measures and the use of data in your practice.

7 7 What questions do you have about data in H2N (e.g., definitions, CQM reporting)? Type your questions into the chat function to the right!

8 8 The ABCS Clinical Quality Measures (CQMs) eMeasure TitleNQF NumberCMS ID A Ischemic Vascular Disease (IVD): Use of Aspirin or Another Antithrombotic NQF0068CMS164v4 B Controlling High Blood Pressure NQF0018CMS165v4 C Statin Therapy for the Prevention and Treatment of Cardiovascular Disease PendingCMS347v0 S Preventive Care and Screening: Tobacco Use: Screening and Cessation Intervention NQF0028CMS138v4

9 9

10 10

11 11 On a scale of 0-10, 0 being not confident at all, and 10 very confident, where would you describe your practice’s confidence with reviewing CQM data? 10-Very Confident 6-Growing Confidence 0-Not Confident At All 8-Mostly Confident 4-Mixed Confidence Click the arrow above, then rate your confidence

12 12 What questions do you have about data in H2N (e.g., definitions, CQM reporting)? Type your questions into the chat function to the right!

13 13 Finding your EHR’s Clinical Quality Measures Tara Kline, CPHQ, SSBB, CPHIT, CHP This project is supported by grant number R18HS023908 from the Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality

14 14 CHPL Website Same location of “CEHRT” number when attesting for EHR Incentive Program

15 15 Enter Product Name

16 16 Enter “Product Name” then select “Search”

17 17 Select your product / version Having this number from your vendor rep really helps

18 18 Double click on your product name

19 19 Select Clinical Quality Measures Tab

20 20 Can select “all” or just those certified by your product Blue check means they are certified Double click measure it expands to a short description of CQM

21 21 What questions do you have about data in H2N (e.g., definitions, CQM reporting)? Type your questions into the chat function to the right!

22 22 Coming Attractions April 27 th Webinar: Clinical Guidelines for ABCS May 25 th Office Hours: TBD Webinars and office hours are always on the 4 th Wednesday of the month Future Webinars and Office Hour topics will be based on what we hear from you and your coaches. And don’t forget, you can go to to catch up on what you have missed!

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