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Kemp Elementary Ms. Greene and Mrs. Gagnon 2015-2016 Open House.

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Presentation on theme: "Kemp Elementary Ms. Greene and Mrs. Gagnon 2015-2016 Open House."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kemp Elementary Ms. Greene and Mrs. Gagnon 2015-2016 Open House

2 Background- Ms. Greene 1 st year of teaching Bachelors in Elementary Education 2 nd year at Kemp (supplied in 4 th and 5 th ) Fiance- getting married to Ray Lake in December.

3 Background- Mrs. Gagnon This is my 21 st year teaching I am married with two girls, Addison is in 6 th grade at Lovingood and Anna is in 4 th grade at Kemp I am a Georgia native but only moved to Powder Springs a year and a half ago. We love it here!

4 Schedule See Packet Specials Rotation – sent home at Sneak a Peek

5 Curriculum Year long curriculum – see attached See student agenda for the following: Reading Strategies Technology Passwords School Policies and Procedures

6 Grading Daily work grades Tests/Quizzes Work checked by the students is not taken for a grade. Grades with percentages are put into the grade book.

7 Late/Missing Work and Redos If a student has 9 or more late or missing assignments (classwork or homework) in a quarter this will result in an “Unsatisfactory” in work/study habits on the report card which will keep your child off of the Honor Roll at the end of the year. Six through nine missing or late assignments will result in a “Needs Improvement” in work/study habits on the report card. This will not keep your child off of the Honor Roll. Redoes only on grade of 73 or below and the highest grade on redo will be a 74. No redoes the last nine weeks.

8 Dress Code Shoulder straps on dresses, blouses, or shirts must be at least two inches in width Dresses, shorts, skirts, and skorts must be below fingertips when arms and hands are extended Tights or leggings can be worn if tops (shirts) are at least mid-thigh

9 Homework Nightly homework written in agenda and posted on blog Reading – 30 minutes daily Practice math facts Homework is not graded for accuracy, only for completion

10 Discipline Plan Merits for rewards Citations for issues Phone calls or emails if necessary Anyone can reach for the stars with a positive attitude.

11 BYOD (Bring you own device) Students may bring his/her electronic device to school (such as a Kindle to read on) if I have a BYOD form on file. If students earn an “electronics time” as a reward, then they may be brought for that purpose only if I have a BYOD form on file.

12 Snacks Please send a snack with your child daily Please provide treat if your child has a peanut allergy for when the other students receive treats such as cupcakes for birthdays

13 G.O. Notebooks Check agenda nightly for homework and important dates. Kemp Weekly folder is sent home each Wednesday.

14 Fifth Grade Testing Iowa Assessment – October 5 - 9 Target testing for fifth graders to be determined by the results of Iowa Milestones Assessment (formerly know as the CRCT) April 13 – 22 (including make up days)

15 Attendance and Dismissal Procedures Please be here on time-any tardy or absence will result in not getting a perfect attendance award. If you check a child out before 11:15, it will be counted as an absence. Make sure you check out your child through the office (latest time for checkout is 1:45) See student agenda for school attendance policies and procedures

16 Field Trips Rock Eagle 4-H Center – April 27 - 29 Performing Arts – Atlanta Symphony – Nov. 6 Bowling – 5 th grade celebration paid for by the PTA - Date - TBA

17 5 th Grade T-Shirts Order forms are on your child’s desk tonight

18 Rock Eagle – April 27 - 29 - Rock Eagle Survey – will be emailed and completed online - Permission slips will be sent home soon and payments may be made throughout the year - County permission form - Student medication form - No electronics of any kind, including cell phones for students - Closer to the date you will get a list of what your child should bring or you can look at my blog - Chaperones – the more, the better, but it is a working trip for the adults

19 Helen Ruffin Reading Bowl Kemp is planning to participate in the Helen Ruffin Reading Bowl again this year. The competition is all about recognizing readers and sharing the love of reading. In the competition, students answer questions about the 18 books that are nominated for the Georgia Book Award. Our in-school team will read and discuss books in a book club format. As the county competition in January, gets closer, we will spend part of our time practicing for the competition and choosing a team of five students, plus alternates, Any interested fourth or fifth grade students are welcome to join the club, which will meet after school starting Friday, August 14. An informational flyer was sent home yesterday, and you can contact Mrs. Sieland with any additional questions.

20 National Geographic Geography Bee If interested: Paige Harbuck is coordinating the Bee, but most info can be found in the FYI section of the website Students can practice and prepare using the website bee/ bee/


22 Suggestions for Support Go through the G.O. notebook with your child on a regular basis, but don’t remove anything without talking to your child. Read with your child. Review homework w/ your child. Ask questions about what they are learning. Practice math facts If you have questions or concerns, please email me.

23 Let’s Have a Successful Year by: *On-going communication *Check our blog – you can access my blog through the school web site. * If in doubt, please ask.

24 Questions You Might Have! T-shirt order forms are on your child’s desk tonight. Forms and money due by August 28 th. LAD Quizzes and either computation or problem solving quizzes each Friday. Spelling Tests will be on Tuesdays. If interested in being Room Parent, grab a yellow form from the desk up front.

25 Thank you all for coming tonight!

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