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Economics of Telecom TC 310 May 15, 2008. Discussion Point Which serves telecom customers better?  Free Market?  Regulated Market? Does this apply to.

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Presentation on theme: "Economics of Telecom TC 310 May 15, 2008. Discussion Point Which serves telecom customers better?  Free Market?  Regulated Market? Does this apply to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Economics of Telecom TC 310 May 15, 2008

2 Discussion Point Which serves telecom customers better?  Free Market?  Regulated Market? Does this apply to Horizontal, Vertical, or both markets?

3 Network Effects Value based on Number of Users Tipping Point  AKA Critical Mass  Creates cut-throat competition Types of Network Effects  Direct  Indirect Evil Monopoly or Creative Destruction

4 Economies of Scale Similar to Network Effects  Why different? Where is the value added? Costs to firms  Fixed; up-front  Sunk; one purpose  Marginal; doing business For telecom industries, which are high, which are low?

5 Economies of Density Economies of scale based on geography Negative relationship between density and cost Role of Fixed and Sunk Costs Marginal costs similar

6 Natural Monopolies NE + EoS=Monopolies?  Exponential economies of scale  Monopolies best able to reduce prices  Examples? Kingsbury Commitment-dual monopoly natural monopoly State Regulator Benefits  Local income  Social benefits without “taxes”  Public Choice Theory

7 Last Mile Bottleneck Telecom companies frequently vertically integrated  Economies of scope Last Mile facility is most vital for vertical integration and monopoly leveraging  Discriminate against independent competing products  Access to customers

8 Platform Monopoly Traditionally competition helps platform  One monopoly profit principle  Complementary externality When doesn't this apply?  Competition threatens platform  Price regulated platform (Baxter's Law)‏

9 Cross-Platform Competition Effective Competition Good for consumers?  Equivalence  Feasibility  Access Difficult for Regulators?  Non-neutral regulation

10 Convergence Historically communication regulated by medium  Point-to-point is telephone (Title II)‏  Broadcast is radio/TV (Title III)‏ New technologies blurred  Cable (Title VI)‏  Cell Phones (Title III)‏ Examples of technology convergence

11 Internet Convergence Media available  Digital Subscriber Line (telephone)‏  Cable  Wireless  Electric Lines Function  Telephone, TV, Radio, new applications Regulation Implications?  Wireless replacement, Internet replacement of Phones

12 Economics Revisited Traditional Economies still apply to infrastructure Do they apply to services? Competition more efficient, is it fair to society?

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