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CyberEthics LARK - Keeping It Legal, Appropriate, Responsible, Kind Grade 4 - 8 Piracy, Copyright and Plagiarism LARK - Keeping It Legal, Appropriate,

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Presentation on theme: "CyberEthics LARK - Keeping It Legal, Appropriate, Responsible, Kind Grade 4 - 8 Piracy, Copyright and Plagiarism LARK - Keeping It Legal, Appropriate,"— Presentation transcript:

1 CyberEthics LARK - Keeping It Legal, Appropriate, Responsible, Kind Grade 4 - 8 Piracy, Copyright and Plagiarism LARK - Keeping It Legal, Appropriate, Responsible, Kind Grade 4 - 8 Piracy, Copyright and Plagiarism

2 What you need to know when using a computer

3 What are the rules?

4 1. Protecting Your Privacy Rules to follow…  Don’t fill out online forms or surveys or enter contests without parent permission.  Don’t share personal information online such as name, address, phone number, age, gender, photo or Social Security number.  Remember that everything you post to the Internet can be seen by anyone and everyone.  NOTHING online is private! Think before you write.  Don’t fill out online forms or surveys or enter contests without parent permission.  Don’t share personal information online such as name, address, phone number, age, gender, photo or Social Security number.  Remember that everything you post to the Internet can be seen by anyone and everyone.  NOTHING online is private! Think before you write.

5 A convicted felon posted this picture and said he was a 14 year old boy

6 This is who the police REALLY arrested  A 60 yr. old man convicted numerous times

7 Keep yourself safe…  Never, EVER, meet anyone in person who contacts you online.  Never respond to online chat or email messages that make you feel confused or uncomfortable – instead, tell an adult.  Never, EVER, meet anyone in person who contacts you online.  Never respond to online chat or email messages that make you feel confused or uncomfortable – instead, tell an adult.

8  If after telling an adult you continue to be bothered, have a trusted adult call the CyberTipline ( or 800- 843-5678)  If after telling an adult you continue to be bothered, have a trusted adult call the CyberTipline ( or 800- 843-5678)

9 What is.. People who write screenplays for movies, television shows, and books, computer games, web pages, music, and photography deserve to make a living from the hard work.

10 Their work is called their “Intellectual Property”  May not use someone else’s intellectual property unless you give credit to the person who owns it.  This includes written information, music, photos, art, etc.  May not use someone else’s intellectual property unless you give credit to the person who owns it.  This includes written information, music, photos, art, etc.

11 Piracy

12  Copyright infringement is serious, but copying and then reselling copyrighted works like CD ’ s, computer games, and DVD ’ s is even worse. It ’ s called “ piracy ” and when people are caught doing this, they can go to jail.

13 CyberCitizenship  Respect intellectual property and copyright law.  Only download with artist permission or from “copyright-free” (or “Royalty-free”) Internet sites.  LARK - the L is for Legal. Ask yourself: Am I doing something that is legal?  Respect intellectual property and copyright law.  Only download with artist permission or from “copyright-free” (or “Royalty-free”) Internet sites.  LARK - the L is for Legal. Ask yourself: Am I doing something that is legal?

14 What photos may I use?  You may use those photos and music listed as “Royalty Free” (which means the author/artist does not expect to receive payment for you using their photo/music)  You may use those photos and music listed as “Royalty Free” (which means the author/artist does not expect to receive payment for you using their photo/music)

15 Where are Royalty Free sites?  For photos > Google > Royalty free photos  A favorite site is:  For photos > Google > Royalty free photos  A favorite site is:

16 Photos of historical figures  Google> “royalty-free photos of presidents” Many free sites will appear.

17 What music may I use in a presentation?  Google> Royalty-free music  A favorite is: This site is sorted by type of music.  You will NOT find popular tunes!  Google> Royalty-free music  A favorite is: This site is sorted by type of music.  You will NOT find popular tunes!

18 But I really want to use a certain song with my work You cannot use music purchased through iTunes or have on a CD as background music for your presentation. This is not allowed without the written permission of the artist.

19 Plagiarism  What is it?  It is when you copy someone else’s writing and pretend you are the original author.  Take someone else’s work and call it your own.  Copy and paste text and put it in your report without giving credit to the person who really wrote it.  What is it?  It is when you copy someone else’s writing and pretend you are the original author.  Take someone else’s work and call it your own.  Copy and paste text and put it in your report without giving credit to the person who really wrote it.

20 What if I like the way another person says something?  This happens even with teachers, but….it is plagiarism to use it as your own.

21 What you can do…  Read what someone wrote.  Write down what you remember.  Put it in your own words.  When you put it in your own words, it is not plagiarism.  Read what someone wrote.  Write down what you remember.  Put it in your own words.  When you put it in your own words, it is not plagiarism.

22 Be a good CyberCitizen  Respect intellectual property and copyright law.  Only download with artist permission or from copyright- free/royalty-free Internet sites.  Never plagiarize – keep your work original.  Always cite your sources.  Respect intellectual property and copyright law.  Only download with artist permission or from copyright- free/royalty-free Internet sites.  Never plagiarize – keep your work original.  Always cite your sources.

23 Always ask yourself Is it … LARK ??? L - legal? A - appropriate? R - responsible? K - kind?

24 Resources and Activities Grades 4-5 : Whose Is It, Anyway? 5/whose_is_it_anyway/ CyberSmart! © Student activity for grades 4-5 with downloadable PDF worksheet to explain plagiarism and define conditions where copying is permissible. Grades 6-8: Considering Copying 8/considering_copying/ CyberSmart! © Student activity for grades 6-8 with downloadable PDF worksheet to examine copyright, fair use, plagiarism, and hacking. Online Resource: Grades 4-8: CyberEthics for Kids Online Quiz - US. Dept. of Justice A variety of activities and resources including an interactive quiz on a variety of issues including legal and illegal downloading from the Internet. Grades 4-5 : Whose Is It, Anyway? 5/whose_is_it_anyway/ CyberSmart! © Student activity for grades 4-5 with downloadable PDF worksheet to explain plagiarism and define conditions where copying is permissible. Grades 6-8: Considering Copying 8/considering_copying/ CyberSmart! © Student activity for grades 6-8 with downloadable PDF worksheet to examine copyright, fair use, plagiarism, and hacking. Online Resource: Grades 4-8: CyberEthics for Kids Online Quiz - US. Dept. of Justice A variety of activities and resources including an interactive quiz on a variety of issues including legal and illegal downloading from the Internet.

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