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Professionalism, Humanism & Medical Ethics Dr. Haitham Bader Ninaveh Medical College.

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Presentation on theme: "Professionalism, Humanism & Medical Ethics Dr. Haitham Bader Ninaveh Medical College."— Presentation transcript:

1 Professionalism, Humanism & Medical Ethics Dr. Haitham Bader Ninaveh Medical College

2 What is the thing that attracted you to this field?

3 What does medical professionalism mean to you? ❶ It is a vocation implies service to others ❷ It has a distinctive knowledge base ❸ It determines its own standards and exams. ❹ It has a special relationship with patients. ❺ It has particular ethical principles

4 4 Hs. Head, H HH Hand & H HH Heart, where is the fourth H HH H?

5 It has a cognitive base which includes definable attributes It is the basis of medicine’s social contract with society Both medicine and society have legitimate expectations- “each of the other” Medicine’s obligations arise from societal expectations There are consequences if these expectations are not met Professional status

6 Professional Status is Not an Inherent Right IT IS GRANTED BY SOCIETY

7 :IT CONFERS  Prestige and Respect  Trust  Autonomy in Practice  Physician-Led Regulation  Financial Rewards Professional status is important to medicine

8 Professionalism is beneficial to society “Neither economic incentives, nor technology, nor administrative control has proved an effective surrogate for the commitment to integrity evoked in the ideal of professionalism ”

9 How we can define medical professionalism? Constituting those attitudes and behaviors That place patient interest above physician Self-interest Setting and maintaining standard of competence, integrity, and provide expert advice on a matter of health

10 ( الامانة ) ❶ Honesty ( ا يثار ) ❷ Altruism ( الخدمة ) ❸ Service ( ا لتزام ) ❹ Commitment ( التواصل ) ❺ Communication ( ا لتزام بالبراعة )❻ Commitment to excellence ( المسؤلية ) ❼ Accountability ( التعلم المستمر ) ❽ Life-long learning Main Characteristics of Professional Conduct (behavior)

11 The behavior of professionalism

12 “Keep it human.”

13 ســــــ الطب مهنة انســــــانية ×

14 Humanism Vs. Professionalism Humanism (Values) Humanism (Values) – denotes an intrinsic set of deep-seated convictions about one ’ s obligations towards others Professionalism (Behaviors) – Behaving in accordance to a set of normative values and expectations

15 Humanism Vs. Professionalism Humanism Humanism – Who you are (when no one is watching) Professionalism – What you do (when every one is watching)

16 Iceberg Humanism Professionalism Experience Knowledge Feeling Expectation Assumption Value Attitude Beliefs Doing

17 How can be taught or learned professionalism ❶ Role modeling ❷ Role Plays ❸ Simulated Patients ❹ Small group discussions

18 How can be taught or learned professionalism

19 How can professionalism be assessed The assessment of clinical skills/competence/performance. Written, Oral or Computer based assessment Performance or hands on assessment Knows Shows how Knows how Does

20 Medical ethics Is based on philosophical ethics It isn’t any special ethics but rather ethics of special cases. Medical ethics does not concern only doctors but also patients and society. The central question of medical ethics is the doctor-patient relationship.

21 The moral duties of doctors The duty to help, cure The duty to promote and protect the patient’s health The duty to confidentiality The duty to protect the patient’s life The duty to respect the patient’s autonomy The duty to protect privacy The duty to respect the patient’s dignity

22 The moral rights of the patients The right to high quality medical service The right to autonomous choice The right to decide The right to be informed The right to privacy The right to health education The right to dignity

23 Always remember 1 st Hippocrates law Primum non nocere First, do no harm Thank you for your nice listening

24 احب ان اقدم لكم في نهاية محاضراتي مجموعة من لوحاتي ارجو ان تنال رضائكم







31 نلتقي ثانية ان شاء الله في المرحلة الخامسة

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