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YOUR Ideas YOUR Initiatives in Ukrainian Humanities Lyceum Participants: 230 students of 14-17 years old (12 classes) teachers and parents Period: 14 March.

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Presentation on theme: "YOUR Ideas YOUR Initiatives in Ukrainian Humanities Lyceum Participants: 230 students of 14-17 years old (12 classes) teachers and parents Period: 14 March."— Presentation transcript:

1 YOUR Ideas YOUR Initiatives in Ukrainian Humanities Lyceum Participants: 230 students of 14-17 years old (12 classes) teachers and parents Period: 14 March - 14 April 2016 The Ukrainian Humanities Lyceum is located in the centre of Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine. Our school is one of the top schools in Ukraine, so our students come to school from outskirts of the city and the region. Because of this, most students face the difficulties of daily inter-municipal mobility.

2 1.Students and teachers joined together during extracurricular time to identify road safety problems, discuss main principles of safe behavior, watched road safety advert videos, analyzed accident statistics of Ukraine. Students defined 3 groups of the road accident reasons: 1)irresponsible behavior as a Ukrainian mentality feature, 2)Imperfect road infrastructure (pits on roads, bad transport interchange etc) 3)political (imperfect law in road safety branch, drivers impunity because of corruption of judges etc) Safety first! Ukrainian Humanities Lyceum Road safety advert videos we have used: watch?v=h-8PBx7isoM watch?v=o-Ai5AGLgLM watch?v=DMG-eN1iibY IDEAS Extracurricular time The students came to the conclusion that changes must start from our own behavior and attitude to safety and life value.

3 Ukrainian Humanities Lyceum IDEAS Meeting with the parents 2. Also the students were asked about behavior of their parents and adults. We have understood that they are not examples to follow. That’s why we have decided to meet with the parents. So at the end of March there was a project meeting with the parents (12 people) – representatives from each class, aiming at an announcement of the project, involvement of them in the initiatives development and actualization of the project topic. The project manager pointed out that the quantity of dead people only for 2015 due to road accidents is comparable with the lost during Ukraine-Russia war in the East of Ukraine (2014- 2016 years). And Kiev is the most unsafety city in Ukraine.

4 Ukrainian Humanities Lyceum 3. An exhibition of road safety posters (from Internet) was arranged aiming at: Actualization of road safety problems; Prevention of unsafety behavior of the students. During exhibition preparation we researched Internet and discovered lack of posters in Ukrainian. Most of them in English and Russian. That’s why we decided to announce a competition of road safety posters in Ukrainian between our students.

5 In frame of the competition the students designed their own posters in Ukrainian and voted for the best one. Each class prepared 1-2 posters. After this the posters were handed over to the Kyiv police office. Ukrainian Humanities Lyceum INITIATIVES

6 Posters designed by our students Ukrainian Humanities Lyceum INITIATIVES

7 5. Our Lyceum is located in the centre of Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine. It is one of the top schools in Ukraine, so our students come to school from outskirts of the city and the region. Because of this, most students face the difficulties of daily inter-municipal mobility. To reach the school there are several alternative ways and we decided to identify places of our students residence concentration and determine the most safe ways from homes to the lyceum and also to work out initiatives for road safety improvement of them. An idea from students was to use a big city map and mark the students and teachers residence areas with colored pins and unsafe places with red flags. Ukrainian Humanities Lyceum INITIATIVES

8 Ukrainian Humanities Lyceum 4. In April there was a meeting with the deputy chief of the Kyiv police, Mr Dmitry Yevdokimov on the following issues: Cooperation of the youth with the police; Discussion of the main challenges for the management of road traffic and reforms of the Ukrainian police. The students were interested in possibility to improve road safety at the places they identified and agreed to hand over the best posters to the Kiev police office and the best initiatives for their implementation. IDEAS

9 Initiatives for road safety improvement from our students were handed over to the Kiev police for further implementation. Ukrainian Humanities Lyceum INITIATIVES

10 Each class prepared at least one initiatives but only 4 were voted as winners: 1. First initiative is to create an additional bus station near the metro station “Chernigivska”. The problem is that minibuses stop by passengers' request at places not equipped as a bus station. It creates emergency situation on the road. Getting off the bus passengers are at risk. Ukrainian Humanities Lyceum INITIATIVES

11 2. Second initiative is to create a crosswalk on the Avenue “Goloseevsky”. There is a lack of a crosswalk and a traffic light, but the place is needed to be crossed by people because of metro station on the opposite side of the street. Pedestrians run cross the road in spite of high traffic being at high risk and creating emergency situation on the road. Ukrainian Humanities Lyceum INITIATIVES

12 2. Second initiative is to create a crosswalk on the Avenue “Goloseevsky”. There is a lack of a crosswalk and a traffic light, but the place is needed to be crossed by people because of metro station on the opposite side of the street. Pedestrians run cross the road in spite of high traffic being at high risk and creating emergency situation on the road. Ukrainian Humanities Lyceum INITIATIVES

13 3. Third initiative is to place a traffic light at a cross of the Stadionnaya st. and Avenue “Povitroflotsky”. There is a road sign but there are no any traffic light and crossing. Ukrainian Humanities Lyceum INITIATIVES

14 4. Forth initiative is to place a traffic sign near our lyceum at a very unsafety turning of Kruglouniversitetskaya st. Ukrainian Humanities Lyceum INITIATIVES

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